August 2021

The servers are the devices that work as the data processing systems in the public and the private sector. Whether you want to work in an IT company or any other firm related to digital technologies, you must have sound knowledge about servers. In this article, I will be discussing servers and their types. So, if you are also seeking the same information, keep reading this post until the end.

What is Network Server?

Servers are the devices used to store and process data of companies, people, and other users. The servers can exist in hardware or virtual form and keep extracting data and storing extracted data in its storage unit. It can be explained as the computer devices that share and keep the data, resources, services, and any program to the other computer. These devices can be of any type; all they need to store the data and share the same when they get the required command. The servers can be small in size and can also grow as an extensive database. Nowadays, there are plenty of cloud-based or virtual servers that offer a significant amount of storage space.

10 Different Types of Servers

Types of Servers

There are many server types you need to know. Some of the crucial types of servers are mentioned below.

1. Web Server

Web server is the open-source server and gives access to WWW or the world wide web. So, to access the required information available in the public domain by the public domain tool. These servers are connected with the computers, even those you are using. Its primary purpose is to serve the ideal user by offering web-based content. This information is re-collect with the help of an HTTP code and sent to the user’s browser. Web server is the standard type of server, and most people already know about it.

2. Application Server

Application servers are also called middleware; these servers connect the client to any tool or software application using the virtual model. With the help of this server, the client can get access to download the application tool on their computer device. These servers also hold a vast database; therefore, they can handle many clients at a time, making them ideal server types for businesses.

Also Read: Difference between Web Server and Application Server

3. Mail Server

Mail server is solely responsible for storing and sharing emails for the clients with the help of an email service providing platform. These servers offer a real-time update about the emails; whenever the client or individual gets an email in the software, it immediately informs them. Therefore, the user isn’t required to use another system to get updates on their device.

4. Database Server

Database servers deal with a large set of data and huge storage space. These servers manage many platforms and organize these data in a significant manner to meet the required need. A database server can also run independently, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle Database, and SQL.

5. File Server

The file server is another server type, and it is also different from the FTP server type. It is considered one of the modern server types, and it can do mapping of networked files or data. Using this server, the user can share and download the necessary file to control all these activities. This server type has a presence in the Linux environment and the windows active directory environment.

6. DNS Server

Most of you may already know about this type of server because it is one of the common types we listen to. The Domain Name Service (DNS) is the server used to translate the domain name into related IP addresses.  This type of server takes the request from the user and finds the searched term, and then delivers it back to the user who searched the term.

7. Proxy Server

A proxy server is a server that fills the gap between host and client-server. And when a user searches for the term, the proxy server delivers the searched query’s result from the site to the computer’s IP address. It is a virtual server that ensures the added security level as the requested answer will be transferred from the proxy server. If it finds any harmful virtual elements which can affect the user’s computer. Then it removes them before it sends the data.

8. FTP Server

File transfer protocol server or FTP server is the type of server that takes place when it needs to relocate or transfer the file from one place to another. The uploaded file can move from the computer to its destination, and the extracted file can download from the server to the user’s computer. This server also enables security by connecting one computer to another and makes the process more stable.

9. Print Server

This server connects locally from a computer to the printer using the network. By using this server, businesses and users can easily print essential documents from their printers. Nowadays, many printers in the market have already developed the prebuilt server, making the other process easier.

10. Collaboration Server

Businesses and people often need to share a platform with others to discuss some topics or collaborate virtually for specific needs. In this case, the collaboration server comes into use, allowing users to share files, tools, and other data types and let the user store the same.


Servers are essential technologies as they let the user enjoy searching, collaborating, file sharing, data storing, and various other types of activities that happen through networking. So, in this post, we discussed what servers and types of servers, where we learn about some of the server types like proxy, web, file DNS, and various other servers.

Nowadays, servers are getting used in our day-to-day life. If you need to build a career in the IT sector or any industry in the digital world, you should know about the servers. I hope that after reading this post, you will have some foundational knowledge about server types. If you assume, one of your known needs to learn about the same, then share this information with them.

The post 10 Different Types of Servers in Networking appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Getting more for less – these four words describe the main reason why companies opt for hiring remote developers. But since you’re here, you don’t need convincing – you’ve already made up your mind.

Now, it’s time for the tricky part: choosing the right people to get the work done. And it is tricky, so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

First of all, in-person meetings are off the table. You’ll have to rely on video conferencing – both for the screening process and day-to-day management later on. Plus, there’s a bunch of other widespread concerns: cultural differences, legal protection, etc.

So, how do you hire dedicated development team you won’t regret working with down the road? Here are seven time-tested tips to help you make the right decision.

7 Effective Tips on Hiring Remote Software Developers

Know What You Need in Perfect Detail

In the absolute majority of cases, not knowing (or misunderstanding) what you need at the recruitment stage is what causes the later-on dissatisfaction with the dedicated development team.

If you aren’t 100% certain about your needs and requirements, you’re guaranteed to overspend or make a bad hire (or both).

The good news is, the solution is relatively simple – assess your needs in detail and put your requirements into writing.

Easier said than done, right? Yes, it’s not as easy as snapping your fingers. But it’s not impossible, either. Here are nine questions that can be your roadmap at this stage:

  1. What is your product vision?
  2. What are the tech specifications, deliverables, and goals?
  3. What’s your timeline? Is it realistic?
  4. What are your budget constraints? Is it realistic?
  5. How many (and what kind of) specialists would it take to get this project done?
  6. What skills, both hard and soft ones, should they possess?
  7. How are you going to communicate with your dedicated developers?
  8. How would you like your project to be managed (in terms of tools, methodology, etc.)?
  9. What are your company’s values and corporate culture?

Prioritize Quality Over the Price Tag

As mentioned in the introduction, cutting costs is the main reason why companies hire remote dedicated developers. And while the financial gain is important, let it take a backseat for a while. Instead, focus on quality and talent – and factor in the costs later on.

Yes, you can opt for the cheapest option available (compared to the local market’s average). But software development is the industry where cheaper almost always means:

  1. Bad code that’s impossible to maintain.
  2. Missed deadlines and overlooked goals.
  3. Poor communication – or lack of it altogether.

Don’t Rush It

Of course, sometimes, you need something to be done now – or even yesterday. Then, you don’t have time to shop around for the best dedicated developers possible. Or so you think.

Even if it’s urgent-urgent-very-urgent, don’t make rash decisions. You know what’s on the table, right? You’ll be paying twice if you choose poorly – someone will have to rewrite the bad code and fix all the bugs eventually. No one will do that for free – leave alone the time you’ll lose in the process.

Plus, most likely, you’re looking for a long-term partnership. In this case, rushing the process means you risk ending up stuck with a signed contract even though you’re not satisfied with the results.

Check Out Their Experience, Portfolio & Reviews

This tip isn’t exactly unheard of, but it’s still worth mentioning. Portfolio and reviews are key to understanding whether the developer:

  1. has had experience working with other businesses in your industry;
  2. specializes in your kind of projects;
  3. has a history of problematic cooperation in the past or any red flags worth considering.

If you’re looking for a development company, go to platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms to read trustworthy reviews. Don’t rely that much on the reviews posted right on the company’s website.

Assess Both Tech Expertise & Soft Skills

Knowing what kind of tech expertise you need is a must. But to assess it right, you’ll need someone who has the relevant background. Find that someone to give you a second opinion.

As for the soft skills, they’re sometimes even more important than the tech expertise. That’s because they determine how well the dedicated developers collaborate between themselves, use their tech skills in a real-world setting, and communicate with clients.

Here’s a list of the five most essential soft skills you should pay attention to:

  • communication and interpersonal skills;
  • collaboration and teamwork;
  • out-of-the-box thinking;
  • problem-solving;
  • research and critical thinking.

Bonus tip. Ask about the most common challenges of remote work your candidates encounter – and how they overcome them.

Consider Your Compatibility in Terms of Culture & Values

This selection criterion is often overlooked, but it shouldn’t be. If you and your development partner have different corporate cultures and values, you’re more likely to run into misunderstandings. And misunderstandings can turn into financial losses.

But how do you check if you’re compatible or not? It’s not like there’s a certification process, after all.

The best way to do it is by asking how they would act in a hypothetical situation during the interview. The reaction, the thinking process behind the answer, and the answer itself will give you an idea of what kind of partner you’d be dealing with.

By the way. If you’ve decided to outsource to another country where English isn’t natively spoken, take note of any signs of the language barrier, too.

Discuss the Contract, NDA, and IP Head-On

Unscrupulous developers stealing their client’s intellectual property isn’t just a hypothetical scenario. Unfortunately, it can happen if you don’t cover your back before your cooperation takes off.

Here are four legal things you should discuss beforehand:

  1. Contract. Make sure the payment details, responsibilities and obligations of each party, and penalties are clear. It’s also a good idea to include grounds for terminating the contract before it runs out.
  2. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Signing an NDA (also known as the confidentiality agreement) is a must. It’ll legally bind your development partner(s) not to share any sensitive data with any third parties.
  3. Non-compete agreement. In essence, it obliges your partner not to compete with you for a fixed period of time. Be careful, though: signing it with individuals will make you liable for employment taxes and benefits.
  4. Intellectual property rights. You should be the sole owner of the final product – and of all the code and designs, too. Make sure that it’s explicitly stated in the contract you sign.

7 Effective Tips on Hiring Remote Software Developers

Final Piece of Advice: Getting the Hire Done Is Just the Beginning

Making the right choice is crucial, but keeping your hand on the pulse is no less important, either. If you just go with the flow and leave the team dedicated to your project on their own, it’s a sure recipe for a disaster.

That’s not to say that you have to micromanage developers’ every step, of course. Yet, there are several things you’ll have to invest your time into to make sure the cooperation goes smoothly:

  • Check in on their progress regularly. Whether you communicate only with the team lead or have decided to keep project management in-house, regular communication is key.
  • Facilitate knowledge transfer. Once the NDA is signed, make sure the developers know everything you do. Provide access to the market research you’ve done, any wireframes if you have them, and so on.
  • Prioritize video calls over messengers. Nothing beats face-to-face interaction, even online. That’s because you’ll be able to read the non-verbal cues, too.

The post 7 Effective Tips on Hiring Remote Software Developers appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

I remember the day Apple’s Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. Steve was a genius of presentation. He was P. T. Barnum incarnate, reimagined for the digital age. He said “I am announcing three products today; a widescreen iPod, a revolutionary phone and a break-through internet device… and we are calling it the iPhone”. It was a superbly ‘Steve’ performance, dripping with the braggadocious drama he was so good at and peppered with pregnant pauses to give the audience time to applaud and to let the import of what he was saying sink in. That event, accompanied by a soundtrack of excited whoops, was a genuine inflection point for the tech industry; a truly capable hand-held computer was being launched. The fact it was a phone seemed almost secondary. Had it been anyone else other than Steve Jobs would it have been the success it became? We will never know, but it’s hard to imagine the same stratospheric launch taking place to the more monotone vocalizations of the financially successful but decidedly less svelte Bill Gates.

The development world turned upside down

This was definitely the future. Here, in my palm, was a device which seemed like what the industry had been searching for. It was compact, comparatively powerful and it had been graced with the design genius of Jony Ive shaped by Job’s legendary ascetic minimalism and impeccable eye for infinitesimal detail.

The years immediately following that very first iPhone launch was a blur of iterative improvements to the mobile phone industry. The app store launched itself on the development community. The premise -and implied promise – was that this was an obviously innovative direction, fulfilling what we had all been led to believe would be the future of computing by the likes of Star Trek, Dr Who and almost every futuristic predictor there was. The iPhone was the beginning of what would surely become Captain Kirk’s hand-held communicator and Dr Spock’s tricorder made real.

Other companies thought so too and quickly tooled-up to emulate the iPhone’s sleek looks and ‘it just works’ interface. Desktop would be gone, quickly too. Google panicked a little and then joined the party with their own Android O/S.

If you don’t go mobile, you’re finished?

As developers, we were given stern advice that we should prepare ourselves for a near future where mobile devices would dominate. Then tablets turned up and the iPad joined in with such eye-watering success that even the mighty Microsoft wobbled fearfully, believed the end of the desktop was nigh and frantically started to redesign their beloved Windows O/S so that it could be shoe-horned into a mobile phone. Except that “Windows Phone” turned out to be a bridge too far. Those that used it loved it but the devices suffered from an apparent lack of conviction from inside Microsoft.

Accompanying that frenetic whirl of activity was a loud chorus that we developers really ought to be designing for mobile first. The perception, in some part led by the hype and seemingly non-stop succession of mobile device product launches, was that mobile was the future and the desktop was a dead end.

The app store gold rush

Apocryphal tales wafted around of indie developers – one or two person startups – who had made shockingly large amounts of cash off the back of a mobile app they had churned out after pulling three straight all-nighters fueled by little more than industrial-strength caffeine drinks and ramen noodles.

Everyone with a budget who wanted to be a ‘serious player’ in the development industry jumped on board.

But the initial buzz of gung-ho excitement faded and a little bit of reality set in. The realization of what even the most expensive mobile devices couldn’t do trumped the heady excitement of being able to sit in a bar and Google whether Die Hard was really considered a Christmas movie.

People wanted to do actual useful things beyond using their expensive phone as a torch in dark parking lots.

The broken break-even point

Coupled with this was the fact that creating mobile apps turned out to be a race to the bottom for profits. The average price for a stand-alone mobile app was between 99c and $4.99 USD. To understand what that means to the viability of a career as a mobile app developer take your monthly household bills, rent or mortgage and taxes. Add them all up and then divide that number by $5.00. Now reduce that number 1/3 to allow for Apple’s cut of the app price. The resulting number is how many apps you will have to sell every single month to meet your outgoings. Even with the vast exposure of the Apple and Google Play stores you have an uphill struggle to fame and riches simply by charging for someone to purchase your hard work for use on their phone.

Very quickly the software as a service business model and carrying in-app advertising became the obvious way to turn a profit. Meanwhile desktop apps sustained – and still do – a price point an order of magnitude more than the average mobile app.

Subscriptions and advertising as a viability proposition

Things started to happen. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook all made sense on mobile devices. Maps became a killer app. Suddenly, we could navigate with unerring accuracy thanks to the invention and inclusion of cost-effective GPS location hardware into your mobile phone or tablet.

This mapping, combined with the ubiquitous internet which had evolved under the pressure of consumer demand for their portable devices to continuously connect them with the outside world, also meant that other new services and applications could spring into life.

All at once Uber zoomed into our phones and in the process almost dealt a death blow to a traditional taxicab industry who had snoozed at the end of their landline telephones.

It really did look like that rectangular plastic desktop computer was being edged out to the sound of mobile alerts, Crazy Frog ringtones and the swish of swipe to unlock gestures.

Except that’s not the reality.

Slick advertising and venture capital

Oh, sure, if you listen to the schmoozing of a cell phone advertisement and allow yourself to be drawn in by the mellifluous honey-dripping voice-over which oozes soft words in an effort to convince you your life is currently ruined by your use of last year’s device which is now so cruelly sub-par then it’s very hard to believe that your mobile phone will not offer a solution to every task that can be put to it. In fact, the sunk cost fallacy means that the more we pay for our expensive mobile devices the more we really feel we ought to do with them.

But don’t believe it for a minute. Desktop still rules the roost when it comes to business – both small and large.

Let’s take, for example, Uber, who we mentioned earlier. They have been phenomenally successful with their mobile app. The design, targeted squarely at a hand-held mobile cell phone, is succinct, has no fat to trim in the flow of the screens and works extremely well. Their entire business model is rooted in the existence of reliable, ubiquitous mobile devices.

Like many strongly-funded companies of its ilk Uber helps attract and retain its office staff – people who work on the business of making Uber work at the company administrative level as opposed to drivers – through a mixture of competitive remuneration and cultural niceties. Helpfully they have public YouTube videos and images of what a great place it is to work there. But take a second to look at the pictures of the smiling Uber worker faces and you’ll notice that beyond the cool tech surroundings there are a whole bunch of screens. Desktop screens. A whole sea of screens. Modern, flat-panel with thin bezels but desktop screens nonetheless. Granted, many laptops too – but the fact is that Uber, the mobile success story that it is, still uses desktop devices to get the work done.

Desktop First UX Summit 2021

Interested in how you can start putting the desktop first? Desktop UX Summit is offering free tickets.

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Your mobile app company thrives on desktop devices

Don’t get me wrong, I am not singling out Uber or in any way being critical of them, quite the opposite. This preponderance of high-end desktop displays is played out again and again at almost every mobile app or blue-chip company you wish to examine. Instagram, trend-setting doyen of photography as a statement, was born and lives on mobile devices of increasing camera resolution. Yet, make a brief web search for “Instagram office culture” and you find many hundreds of pictures of what a gloriously avant-garde place it is to work, where you will be overlooked by beautifully arty neon signage and couch-sized fluffy clouds – and many MANY desktop screens and laptops. TikTok, just the same: desktops and laptops everywhere; just take a look at their careers page.

The business of the mobile app business takes place on desktops and laptops, even if you are a mobile app developer who lives and breathes the nuances of cell phone notification SDKs.

This is why the iPhone is not the only Apple product

Even though Steve Jobs knew that the iPhone was a Really Great Idea he went on to draw out a famous four box matrix: professional, consumer, desktop and portable. From that came the MacBook Pro and the iMac. He knew the two facets of the business had different design paradigms and those two complementary opposites had a suitability for differing uses.

When considering your app design remember this truism; design for desktop does not equal design for mobile. Also, don’t make a mobile app which tries to shoe-horn in every single desktop feature – this is an antipattern which will end in an unsatisfactory experience for the end user and an app which will ultimately flounder. If you don’t believe me, try viewing a spreadsheet of anything more than a simple column of numbers on your mobile phone – not going to happen, trust me.

If mobile devices are going to be the future then why is it there is an undeniable trend for desktops to have multiple screens and for those screens to be flatter and thinner each iteration but also taller, wider and with an exhilarating number of pixel resolutions? Clearly, we want more information packed onto our workhorse computers, not less.

When mobile device screens boast of increased pixel depths it’s usually to emphasize that the tiny text on the screen will be crisper and not that there will be more information shown. Even laptops can commonly support multiple external screens; some even have a slightly incongruous second screen built in as a pull-out flap. For those laptops which are gracing desks rather than laps it’s common for there to be docking stations to make the compromises of a portable design aesthetic less of an inconvenience when function is foremost.

Laptops are not mobile devices

Laptops are becoming more powerful but they are essentially creating a mobile desktop for a road warrior, not a mobile device per se.

Where do we draw the distinction? When does a device become a mobile device and what does that even mean?

A modern mobile phone is getting lighter and less cluttered, with fingerprint sensors and other biometrics built into or under the screen itself. But those are additions which suit the use case of a mobile, not a fixed-place device. Even though it is an economically insignificant cost, most desktops do not include biometric devices such as a fingerprint scanner and it’s also uncommon to find a desktop machine with a hardware GPS sensor built in.

The increase in processor power for the mobile device is spurred on by a few factors: advances in miniaturization and technology, cost economy due to scale and the need to drive those larger screens and must-have always-on internet connection. That extra mobile processor grunt still does not grant you, the app developer, the same kind of freedom to design sprawling memory hungry apps which have a lifespan that extends into days like it does on a desktop. Your typical mobile app does not have an expectation of a runtime which is longer than minutes.

Desktop apps, unfettered by battery and miniaturization concerns, harness gigabytes of free physical memory and can expect to find huge swatches of screen real-estate, increasingly over multiple screens, on which to display their data. Processing can occur on multiple CPU cores, both virtual and actual. Desktop background services can easily be written to provide essential additional functionality such as updates – on your own schedule, not Apple or Google’s – and, if installed directly from your site there’s no commission to pay to an app store owner.

Autocorrect exists because our fingers are too big

If you still think you can design an app for mobile first and then translate that to desktop, consider for a moment the difficulty you have typing long emails into a mobile phone. You may be a master at the touch keyboard but I bet you’re faster and more comfortable on a full size QWERTY keyboard.

Microsoft’s Outlook App is an example of the contrast between mobile versus desktop design. The Outlook desktop app is almost certainly the communications tool of choice for most corporations. Love it or hate it Outlook, or a near clone, is used to send and receive billions of emails a day, schedule meetings and keep track of essential contacts. It has a powerful rule processing engine and can embed or incorporate all sorts of essential data. The Outlook mobile app? It’s a weedy shadow of its desktop brethren and with good reason: it’s doing exactly what it needs to do and is appropriate to do on a mobile device – and no more.

Have you ever wondered why swipe left is still hard to do with a mouse?

You can’t swipe in the Outlook desktop app, unless you are using a touch tablet like the Surface Go and even then it’s a non-obvious thing to do. Instead, you point with your ‘pointing device’ whether that is a mouse, trackball or touchpad.

You tap things on phones, you click things on the desktop.

You can choose the look and feel of your desktop app, have menus that make sense to you and a navigation capability which works for those mice and clicks – not one prescribed by Apple or Google or even Microsoft if you really want to go off into the app design wilderness on your own. Microsoft may not like it and changes to Windows or Linux may make your app unusable but you get to plough your own artistic furrow without fear of reprisals from an app store submission reviewer who places your hard work into a sin bin until you comply with their ever-increasing app store ‘guidelines’.

If we lived in an alternate reality

Would Outlook have been as successful if it had been a topsy turvy world where mobile devices came first? With its quite capable but limited feature set: email (no rules or filters), calendar and just a search tab – would it have been a driving force behind Microsoft’s business sector profit center? I doubt it.

And what of Microsoft Outlook mobile – what does it do? It connects you to your email. The email, which is also on your desktop, where all your documents are, where your accounts program lives unconstrained from mobile CPUs which are still too puny to multitask to good effect.

You cannot phone your customer and read out the contents of an email to them on the same device at the same time.

If you’re smart, then the approach is to design for desktop AND mobile. One is an adjunct to the other and both have very different design goals and user stories.

For us, with Delphi, this means to find the back-end commonality and functionality. Separate and ‘decouple’ your interface from your implementation. In real terms this means that you adopt the sound approach that is almost imposed on you by the RAD Studio IDE: model-view-model and controller. The Delphi language has the tools to make this kind of thing happen and the RAD Studio has multiple capabilities to smooth the process and get your great ideas in front of customers with the fastest possible development times of any tool I know.

This is going to sound like the things you’ve heard before – but this is because it’s good advice.

Do these things to increase code sharing between desktop and mobile apps

To get technical for a moment; code to interfaces (and by that I mean IInterface) instead of concrete classes. The user interface for the desktop should not be the same project as the one for the mobile app. Both can share the interfaces. They can also both share common classes. They might even share some kind of database middleware, with caution.

But the database fetching and updating for a mobile device is a whole different game to that of a desktop. The desktop can often assume the database source is likely to be around. The mobile app should best assume that not only might the source of the data be unavailable but that even if it is the amount it can pull in and cache is limited.

Graphic resources, fonts, connectivity, hardware – all look and work differently between mobile and desktops and even individual implementations such as iOS and Android. Lifespans – when the app’s host device might power off or update – are totally different.

Even the rules of what you can show in terms of advertising links and in-app on-boarding of new users can be constrained on mobile by quite heinously restrictive rules.

So, desktop first means business first

Your desktop might be a laptop or a hybrid device like the Microsoft Surface and it may be running macOS or Linux instead of Microsoft Windows but it’s still not a mobile device like a phone or dedicated mobile tablet. Let me know how you get on with that nine page sales spreadsheet on your smart watch.

Desktop first doesn’t mean immobile. It just doesn’t mean a mobile, first.

Did I pique your interest? Then join me, for free

If this article has raised in you some thoughts on desktop-first as a strategy for business-first and on how to generate and sustain profitability as a software developer then why not join me at the upcoming Desktop First Conference? It’s completely free and I will be presenting there along with some really great authors, speakers and developers who will cover this and other related topics at all levels of experience.

>>Head over and get your free ticket to the Desktop UX Summit!

The post Desktop First UX Summit 2021 – Learn UI & UX from Industry Experts for Free appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer


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