September 2021

What is NoSQL, and what are the best NoSQL databases? These are the common questions that most companies and developers usually ask. Nowadays, the requirements for NoSQL databases are increasing as the traditional relational databases are not enough to handle the current requirements of the management.

It is because now the companies have millions of customers and their details. Handling this colossal data is tough; hence it requires NoSQL. These databases are more agile and provide scalable features; also, they are a better choice to handle the vast data of the customers and find crucial insights.

Thus, in this article, we will find out the best  NoSQL databases with the help of our list.

What is NoSQL Database?

If you belong to the data science field, you may have heard that NoSQL databases are non-relational databases. This may sound unclear, and it can become challenging to understand if you are just a fresher in this field.

The NoSQL is the short representation of the Not Only SQL that may also mean it can handle relational databases. In this database, the data does not split into many other tables. It keeps it related in any way to make a single data structure. Thus, when there is vast data, the user does not have to experience the user lag. They also do not need to hire costly professionals who use critical techniques to present these data in the simplest form. But for this, the company needs to choose the best NoSQL database, and professionals also need to learn the same.

8 Best NoSQL Databases in 2021

1. Apache HBase

Apache HBase

Apache HBase is an open-source database, and it is a kind of Hadoop database. Its feature is that it can easily read and write the vast data that a company has stored. It is designed to handle the billions of rows and columns of the company’s data. This database is based on a big table: a distribution warehouse or data collection system developed to structure the data the company receives.

This is in our list of best NoSQL databases because it has the functionality of scalability, consistent reading of data, and many more.

2. MongoDB


MongoDB is also a great database based on general-purpose distribution and mainly developed for the developers who use the database for the cloud. It stores the data in documents such as JSON. It is a much powerful and efficient database available in the market. MongoDB supports various methods and techniques to analyze and interpret the data. You can search the graphs, text, and any geographical search. If you use it, then you also get an added advantage of high-level security of SSL, encryption, and firewalls. Thus it can also be the best NoSQL database to consider for your business and learning purpose.

3. Apache CouchDB

Apache CouchDB

If you are looking for a database that offers easy access and storage features, you can consider Apache CouchDB. It is a single node database, and you can also get it for free as it is open source. You can also scale it when you think it fits, and it can store your data in the cluster of nodes and multiple the available servers. It has JSON data format support and an HTTP protocol that can integrate with the HTTP proxy of the servers. It is also a secure database that you can choose from because it is designed considering the crash-resistant feature.

4. Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is another beautiful open source and NoSQL database available currently. It was initially developed by Facebook but also got a promotion from Google. This database is available almost everywhere and also can scale as per the requirements of the users. It can smoothly handle the thousands of concurrent data requests every second and also handle the petabyte information or data. Including Facebook, Netflix, Coursera, and Instagram, more than 400 companies use Apache Cassandra NoSQL database.

5. OrientDB


It is also an ideal and open source NoSQL database that supports various models like a graph, document, and value model. This database is written in the programming language Java. It can show the relationship between managed records and the graph. It is a reliable and secure database suitable for large customer base users as well. Moreover, its graph edition is capable of visualizing and interacting with extensive data.

6. RavenDB


RavenDB is a database that is based on the document format and has features of NoSQL. You can also use its ACID feature that ensures data integrity. It is a scalable database, and hence if you think your customer base is getting huge in millions, you can scale it as well. You can install it on permission and also use it in the cloud format with the cloud services offered by Azure and Web Services of Amazon.

7. Neo4j


If you were searching for a NoSQL database that can handle not only the data. But also a real relationship between them, then it is the perfect database for you. With this database, you can store the data safely and re-access those in such a fast and inconvenient manner. Every data stored contains a unique pointer. In this database, you also get the feature of Cypher Queries that gives you a much faster experience.

8. Hypertable


Hypertable is also a NoSQL and open source database that is scalable and can appear in almost all relational DBs. It was mainly developed to solve scalability, and it is based on the Google Big Table. This database was written in the C++ programming language, and you can use it in Mac OS and Linux. It is suitable for managing big data and can use various techniques to short the available data. It can be a great choice if you expect to get maximum efficiency and cost efficiency from the database.


Thus, in this article, we learned about some best NoSQL databases and those that are secure, widely available, widely used, and open source. Here we discussed the database, including MongoDB, OrientDB, Apache HBase, and Apache Cassandra. So, if you like this list of best NoSQL databases, comment down and mention the name of the NoSQL database that you think we have missed and that should be included.

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from The Crazy Programmer

NIC card or network adapter is the crucial component in devices like computers and servers. They help such devices connect with the network. These devices have several types and crucial roles in operating computers and other similar devices that use the network connection.

In this article, you will understand the meaning of network interface card, their working process, and some significant types. Hence if you wanted a brief introduction for the same, then keep reading this article.

What is NIC or Network Interface Card?

Types and Functions of Network Interface Card (NIC)

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The NIC or Network Interface Card can be explained as the card with the port to establish the communication between the devices. It is the hardware components that can exist internally or externally in the devices that need internet access. These devices control the access of the internet or network communication. They can be categorized as the wired and wireless adapters or controllers.

Nowadays, these devices can control the network communication on the OSI model with both interfaces or layers. Generally, the NIC can effectively control the physical and data link between the devices. The NIC also has other names like Network Interface Controller, LAN Adapter, Connection Card, and Ethernet Card. These devices are capable of performing functionalities of DMA, I/O interrupt, partitioning, and data transmission.

Types of Network Interface Cards

NIC has two different types known as the internal and External NIC; both are explained briefly in the below-mentioned sections.

Internal Network Interface Card

Internal NIC or internal network interface card does not need any other cards for the network connection. Because these cards are already associated with the motherboard, there is the port or the slot where the cable of the network can be attached. These days there are mainly two types of internal NIC, such as PCI and ISAs. The PCI refers to the Peripheral Component Interconnect, whereas the ISA means the Industry Standard Architecture.

The ethernet cable can be easily attached to the NIC slot available in the motherboard. The Register jack is the standard form of the ethernet connection, and it is also a preferred establishment available. It is also pronounced as the RJ 45 connector and connects the computer or other device with the network.

External Network Interface Card

The external NIC is the type of network interface card or controller used widely for the network connection. If you use a motherboard that does not have the inbuilt NIC or internal NIC, you can connect your device using the external NICs. These cards are available in both wired and wireless options and get connected via the USB port of the computer you use.

The wired connection is suitable for connecting the device to the internet if you do not need to travel a lot. But it is better to look for the wireless option when you need to travel from one place to another. The wireless NIC allows you to connect the device with a WiFi connection. Hence it does not require any wired solution then.

Functions of Network Interface Card

Generally, the function of NIC is to connect the device with the network and keep providing a stable connection experience. Below is the function that you can expect from these devices.

Wired Network Connection

The NIC already attached to the computer, mainly in the monitor, functions as the network connection. It allows ethernet cable to get connected and passes the internet connectivity. Generally, these devices have the switch and the hub in the center from where the network connectivity can be controlled. And it ensures that the connection cable can help the device communicate with other devices with access to the internet.

Wireless Network Connection

A wireless network connection is another function that a NIC card can provide to its users. These cards do not need any cable to get access, and it can be done with a small antenna that is available with the external NIC. It uses radio waves to pass the communication, and it can be switched off with the central switch.

Work As Middleware

It also works as the middleware between the computer and the network that provides data. As it sends the query to the internet and then with the help of a LAN card, it receives the data, passes the query on the internet, and presents the required result.

Work As Transmitter

The network interface controller also works as the transmitter because it takes the data and translates that into the digital signals that communicate with the network.

How Does NIC Work?

You might also be thinking about how the NIC works; thus, you will learn the same to get complete clarity about the network interface card.

  • First, it establishes the connection and gets data.
  • After that, it utilized and gathered the data available in the motherboard. When it gathers the data, you can enter the destination address of the data. NIC also creates and adds its destination and also calculates the checksum at the buffer of it.
  • Then it transmits the data to the network and conducts a checksum for the given query.
  • And after the given query match with some results and no errors are found it confirms the sent data.

This is how the NIC device works in the computer devices and presents the result to the user.


The Network Interface Controller is the card that ensures that the device is connected with the network. And help it to access the given query on the network and find the best possible solution if the error does not occur. The NIC has two major types as wired and wireless network interface cards. The wired network interface controller is an inbuilt card in the motherboard. Because of it, the user is not required to attach any external card for data connectivity.

However, if the computer does not have the inbuilt network interface controller, in that case, you can use the external network interface card. It has a small antenna, and it is easy to connect with your device and use the internet.

Thus, in this article, you have learned about NIC and its major types, and I hope you have found this post super helpful.

The post Types and Functions of Network Interface Card (NIC) appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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For every application that makes life easier, there is a team of coders who made someone’s vision come to life through months of hard work. Coders are experts who can design, write, and test software, mobile apps, websites, and other projects.

Whether you have an idea for a product you would like to commercialize or need a coder to update your business’s back-end system, you’ll need to hire the right person for the job.

5 Tips to Hire Best Coders for Projects

Create Requirements For Your Project

It will be easier to find the right coder for the job if you have a good idea of what the project will entail and can communicate your expectations clearly and concisely.

Before hiring coders, you should create a set of requirements for your project. An excellent place to start is to focus on what you want the finished product to look like and develop a prototype. You don’t need a working prototype but should have a list of features and a mockup of the design and interface.

Bringing a designer on board can be beneficial at this stage. A designer will be able to look at the challenges users want to solve and come up with features and UX that will guide users through common journeys.

Choosing the Right Programming Language

Once you know more about what you want to accomplish with your project, you should determine the best programming language. Even though most coders are familiar with more than one language, you’ll be able to narrow down your search for coders if you know what the target language is.

For instance, Javascript would make the most sense for an interactive application. You’ll need a MySQL expert to work with databases, a PHP coder for a project with dynamic web pages, or someone who is knowledgeable with the Python language for a back-end project. A coder specializing in C++ can be a versatile addition to your team since they’ll be able to work on network management projects and more.

You’ll have to consider the scope of the project and your budget to determine the best language. You should also look at the existing IT infrastructure and whether it will be easy to roll out additional components in the future.

Keep in mind that there isn’t a single language that is best for any project. Instead, project managers weigh the pros and cons of the different options available and pick the one that makes the most sense for their goals and budget.

Do You Need More Than One Expert?

Depending on the requirements of your project, you might want to consider hiring more than one coder. It might seem counterintuitive from a financial perspective, but you could save money in the long term by working with professionals with different areas of expertise.

For instance, you might want to bring in an IDP coding expert on board if you want to implement advanced authentication features for a project where safety is crucial. If your project involves hardware and software, you might need to work with a coder and with someone who specializes in circuit design.

Working with specialized coders can reduce costs since you’ll be less likely to run into issues that could delay implementation. Plus, you will probably save time and money with a product that works as expected and meets all your requirements.

An entry-level software programmer earns $40 an hour on average, but freelance coders tend to charge more. You should think about hiring other specialists for your project so you can reduce the workload of the coders.

For instance, if you hire someone to code a website in HTML, you might want to hire a different person to do SEO writing and add content to the site instead of paying a coder to do everything.

Explain What You Need

When reaching out to coders, it’s crucial to communicate what you need for the project. If you don’t have a tech background, consider working with a consultant so you can put together some requirements and a helpful job description.

You should also be realistic. You won’t be able to hire a senior coder unless you have a significant budget.

Here are a few things you should include in the job description:

  • Will the coder create a new product from scratch, update an existing solution, or fix bugs?
  • Which language will they work in? How much experience should they have with this coding platform?
  • How long do you expect the project to last? Do you want the coder to provide ongoing tech support after they develop the product?
  • Do you need the coder to design and implement testing strategies? The same question applies to risk management, compliance challenges, and cybersecurity.

Discuss Qualifications, Budget, Timeline, and Expectations

Before you hire a coder for your project, you should ask a few questions and set some expectations:

  • Find out if they have worked on similar projects in the past and ask if you can see the finished product. Look for a coder who has worked on similar projects or in a similar environment. For instance, startup owners can get better results by looking for entrepreneurial coders.
  • Ask for some references. Contact these people and find out more about what working with this coder was like.
  • The coder you hire will be one of the members of a team you’re assembling. Make sure they’ll be a good fit for your company values and know how to communicate with others.
  • Discuss whether you’ll pay the coder an hourly rate or a flat fee for the project. If you decide on an hourly rate, agree on how they will keep track of their time.
  • You should have a timeline for your project with different milestones. It might be easier to find a coder if you’re flexible with your timeline, but you should agree on when the coder will complete the project.
  • Set some expectations for what the finished product will look like. You should agree on how you will measure the finished product’s performance and discuss how the coder will address any bugs or performance issues.
  • Agree on how often you will communicate and give feedback.

Wrap Up

Before you hire a coder, you should take the time to identify some critical requirements for your project. You can then start advertising the position with a job description that is clear and accurate. Don’t forget to ask a few questions and check references before hiring a coder.

The post 5 Tips to Hire Best Coders for Projects appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Computer programming has become a significant industry, and because of the various technological advancements are becoming possible. From smartphones to laptops, computers, robots, automated factories, automated machines, and all the other advanced machinery are becoming successful with the help of programmers.

If you also want to become a programmer, it is essential to learn about the types of programmers first. As it will help you to choose your career path in a specialized field.

Different Types of Programmers

Different Types of Programmers

Below are some significant types of programmers you can find these days, thus check the list and find which specialization suited you the most.

1. Game Developer

Game developers are the programmers who contribute their essential effort to develop a video game for various platforms like Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS. They are well balanced in developing various types of games as per the requirements of the clients. Game development requires hard coding skills and knowledge about the video, animation, and audio elements. Generally, the requirements to be a game developer can be different as per the preferable platform. Because with the coding skill, they also need to know to work with game engines like Unity, Blender, and Godot.

If you become a game developer, you need to work with a lead programmer who manages and guides the entire team working on the game development project. A game programmer who works with the hardcore of the game and the sound programmer to add some sound effects using sound software. Moreover, there can also be a 3d programmer who can manage and render the 3D elements of the game.

Also Read: 5 Different Types of Programming Languages

2. Software Developer

Software developers are the programmers or the developers who are mainly responsible for the app development. They are the programmers who develop applications for various industries like photo editing, communication, travel, news, and finance. They not only develop but also maintain and update the applications as per the technology and requirements.

To become a software developer, the person needs to know a bit about the operating system to work with, such as Linux, Mac, and Windows. And they also learn about C, Java, C#, C++, Swift, and other application development languages and IDEs.

3. Software QC Or Quality Control Specialist

Software QA or QC specialists are the programmers that test and check the codes to ensure they will not crash unnecessarily. Because nowadays, businesses rely entirely on applications. Hence, if the application gets crashed, they can meet significant loss. Thus, software quality assurance or quality control specialist is the essential type of programmer to prevent such code crash issues. They need to learn about programming languages and the testing tools to test the codes given by the other programmers. Software quality is the professional work in a company as the Software QA analysis, SQ engineer, and software testing engineer.

4. Database Developer

Databases are available everywhere in the digital area, and from eCommerce shops to cloud apps are hosted on virtual databases. These databases contain several crucial information about the customer and other information about them. They keep the history of every transaction and activity made with the company to maintain high-level data management. If you become a database developer, then you will be required to design, structure, and develop the databases for the companies and clients. Moreover, the database developers also need to perform the analysis task to simplify the data stored in the databases. To become a database developer, you need to learn about SQL, DML, DDL, and DCL.

5. Web Developer

Earlier the web pages contained just simple text and images, but now the whole scenario has changed. And now, websites are not limited to just the text and images. These are also agile, fast, attractive, and multi-functional. Web developers are one of the most common types of programmers. They develop and design eCommerce websites for blogs, social media, video, and file-sharing websites. They code like ninjas and are also hard coders; now, most web developers are proficient in using PHP, CSS, HTML, Ruby, Python, SQL, and Perl. A web developer can work as a full-stack web developer, front-end, and backend developer.

6. System Hardware Developers

When you are on your computer, the boot screen does not take information from the operating system. However, it gets powered by the lower-level firmware. And this is the role of the system hardware developer who develops the software behind the software. And if you want to be a system hardware developer. You will require to learn about Java and lower-level programming languages. In the team of hardware developers, the system software engineer and embedded system engineer can be there.

7. Network System Administrator

Network system administrators are the programmers who maintain a healthy computing environment and prevent any unwanted disasters. They provide robust security to systems and keep viruses away from the devices and data of the company. These types of programmers are well aware of Python, Java, and Perl.

And with these programming languages, they execute several network system administrative works.

8. Analyst Programmer

If you want to stay busy with your programming working hours, then analyst programming is the career field. They are the programmers who work as a data analyst, business analyst, and programmer in an organization. By hiring such an analyst, the organization gets three programmers’ work in one profession. As they work hard and perform the three programmers’ tasks, they also get higher pay. To become an analyst programmer, you need to learn about required programming languages, databases, and business processes.


Thus, in this article, we learned about the nine different types of programmers you could become as per your suitability. It is your choice as there are several programming-related job vacancies. Also, you can start your freelance programming career. If you have a passion for developing gaming applications, you can become a game developer. Or, if you are interested in designing databases, you can also become a database developer. Thus, comment down to tell us which programming career is made for you and what you expect from it.

The post 8 Different Types of Programmers appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, it is a specific mode of data transmission, such as building a virtual network that can be privately used to send one’s packets. The encryption of the information sent and received through the VPN is the feature that can lock the contents and the connection, making this type of transmission more secure than any other. VPNs are a technical forcing that acts above standard network protocols, allowing specific purposes to be achieved.

A VPN, for example, hides the IP (replacing it with that of the dedicated server), which allows you to cancel any user’s geolocation. This will enable you to browse outside of all the limitations that traditional navigation undergoes. For example, you can access the US Netflix catalogue (undoubtedly different and more prosperous than the European one) without the service itself redirecting to the national version with all the limitations of the case. Anonymity is essential for many utilities, while security is necessary for all that is remote work: accessing company servers via a VPN means keeping information safe and avoiding problems for the company, for projects, for internal communications, and your accounts.

What is VPN and How it Works?

VPN is Used For

VPNs are used above all in the business environment and by public administrations, especially for the possibility of reducing costs in the creation of one’s protected network and created, precisely, by exploiting the infrastructure of the public network. However, many private users prefer to surf the net via VPN to explore and exchange data on the Internet safely and without restrictions or geoblocking.

Among the various services available, some providers also offer the possibility to choose which protocols to use for the connection by opting for a VPN server set up within their network (corporate/private) or by connecting one managed by third parties.  Below we analyze in detail the types, operating principles, and protocols that characterize a VPN.

Classification of VPN

VPN networks are divided into remote access networks and site-to-site networks:

Remote access VPN connection

Dial-up connections allow users (for example, intelligent working) to access a server on a private network via the Internet. This type of connection can be seen as a link between a VPN client PC and the company’s server. As already said, from the logical point of view, it is as if you had a dedicated and private connection;

Site-to-site VPN connection

A site-to-site connection is used to connect in a private network, always with the help of a public network, offices located in multiple locations, or other organizations, allowing routing and secure communication. In this scenario, each office will have a dedicated router, a node of the VPN network that will route data packets to the same recipients according to a client/server model, sharing information with the remote offices in a completely transparent way. Conceptually, two sub-classes of site-to-site VPN can be distinguished:

  • A VPN-Intranet class when joining multiple offices of the same company;
  • A VPN-Extranet class when joining companies and offices outside the organization.

How Does VPN Work?

There is absolutely nothing illegal in using a VPN; on the contrary: it is a moral choice that allows you to operate on the network in greater security. It is, therefore, not an escape from legality. Still, a careful way of working online, especially when there is valuable information at stake and the approach to security, is an essential symptom of professionalism (see, to stay current, the cases of cyber-attacks).

The secret lies in the so-called “tunnelling,” i.e., creating a natural tunnel within which one’s data is transmitted. This dedicated channel isolates the information from the rest of the network, protecting it and making it available only to the two ends of the communication in progress: the client’s node and the server of the VPN service.

Understanding how a VPN works are essential as it relies on the security of its traffic packets to external companies. Therefore, it is necessary to choose safe, referenced, solid references: the traffic is conveyed on servers that become the center of gravity of one’s online activities, so it is necessary to analyze every aspect of the chosen service before opting for an offer.

Performance is also significant since servers with low capacity (or positioned too far away) could extremely slow down one’s online experience with deleterious effects on daily work, study or entertainment activities. Furthermore, the encryption protocols used are fundamental as they represent the strength with which the “tunnel” will protect individual packets in transit.

The price primarily reflects the type of VPN chosen: Trusted VPNs prioritize transmission speed; Secure VPNs prioritize its security, while Hybrid VPNs seek the best compromise between the two solutions.

Protocols for VPN Network

For VPN transmission, there are suitable protocols whose choice of use should depend on the needs and the desired requirements. Each of these protocols, with its specificity, contributes to the protection of data packets in transmission. The most common protocols include:


The Point to Point Tunnelling Protocol is a Layer 2 protocol that is based on the PPP protocol (Point to Point Protocol) and is usually used in combination with the layer three protocol GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation).


The Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol is a Layer 2 protocol that does not provide any form of authentication and encryption but only allows the creation of a virtual tunnel.


Acronym for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), a layer three protocol that allows secure communication over IP networks. The confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data traffic are ensured through encryption and authentication mechanisms.

L2TP / IPsec

Implementing L2TP protocols over IPsec is one way to get the best features of both standards. The result is a protocol with a certain level of security, which allows the encrypted transmission of data packets (IPSEC) over a virtual tunnel (L2TP).


Secure Sockets Layer (TLS – Transport Layer Security is an updated and more secure version of SSL) is a layer four protocol whose technology can also be used to ensure the security of a VPN connection. One of the software solutions for configuring a VPN using SSL is OpenVPN.


HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), an application layer protocol for secure hypertext transfer that relies on the SSL / TLS transport protocol, can be used by installing ad hoc applications and browser extensions.

How to Use VPN?

Activating a VPN is extremely simple, and anyone can access it with the utmost ease. Each service provides a client that makes every single option available. When the service is activated, the “tunnel” that conveys the packets is enabled, and navigation begins to flow by taking advantage of what the VPN can offer.


Once the client is started and the subscription is subscribed, the VPN adds a padlock to every data packet sent over the network: new possibilities open up, and the doors are closed to external malicious people, making their activities much safer.

Useful in some cases, fundamental in others, the VPN is a generally virtuous tool for anyone who operates online, especially in the professional sphere. But you have to know how to choose: not all VPNs are the same, and understanding their characteristics means being able to entrust every single information coming out and coming from your PC, your smartphone, your TV, or any other connected device to the best services.

The post What is VPN and How it Works? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

If you are familiar with the computer network and its other terms. You may know that the data can be represented via the computer and telecom devices using signals. The transmission of these signals is done from one device to another by electromagnetic energy. And the form of electromagnetic energy can be in the air, vacuum, and other types of transmission mediums. Moreover, electromagnetic energy covers radio signals, light, voice, UV rays, and power.

The transmission media means the physical layer of the path that connects the sender and receiver of the data. Thus, to better understand the types of transmission media here, we have covered a detailed article.

What is Transmission Media?

Transmission media in the computer network is the device that is used as the communication channel. And this channel transfers the given data in the bits between sender and receiver with the help of LAN.

Mainly the transmission media uses electromagnetic signals, and these data are transmitted in the physical lane. However, the number of transmission bits can vary from the type of network you are using in the computer network. Generally, the bits are used in the electric signals, and they can be in light signals if you use fiber networks.

Also Read: Different Types of Data Transmission

Nowadays, there are mainly two types of transmission media, and these types are known as wired and unwired transmission media. Both transmission media types have other types too, and here in this post, you will learn about all these. But before that, you should know that these types are based on delay, maintenance, cost, installation effort, and bandwidth.

Types of Transmission Media

Different Types of Transmission Media

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We have discussed above that there are two significant types of transmission media. Those are known as wired or guided and wireless or unguided media.

Guided Or Wired Transmission Media

Wired or guided transmission media is also called the bound transmission media. These are tangible in nature and have physical existence. The data transfer can be quickly done using a narrow path and directly through the physical model with this transmission media. These types of transmission media are highly secure, fast, and can be used for short-distance data transfer. Generally, wired transmission media has around five types which are discussed below.

Twisted Pair Cable

It is the popular guided media type that is used for data transmission through the twisted pair cable. The features of the twisted pair cables are that they are inexpensive, fast, and easy to install. Moreover, they can support 100Mbps easily without any restriction from physical transmission.

So, to make the single media here, the two conductor wires come in use which are insulated separately, but it gets twisted for the result. The purpose is to use these two-wires to transfer the data and attach one wire with the ground. Most manufacturers color coat the cables to understand them easily and their use too. These cables can reduce the noise level and can be used for telephone networks.

Shield Twisted Pair

Shield twisted pair is the type of twisted-pair cable with a specially designed cover to restrict the external interfaces. These cables offer high performance with a high rate and can be used for reducing cross-talk. However, it can be costly and can be heavy for the installation process.

Unshielded Twisted Pair

These are the cable type of twisted pair cable and are commonly used for various places. These cables do not have a metal foil or shield. These cables also provide high speed, low cost, and simple installation but can have less capacity.

Microstrip Line

These are the types of wired media that have the separation of the conducting material. And these can be worked from the plan surface via the dielectric layer of the cable.


It is the media type that transmits the data using electromagnetic mode. It is used to send a high level of frequency signals from one device to another. However, the two ground or surface plane layers can be used in the stripline wiring and can be placed to provide EMI immunity.

Optical Fiber Cable

The optical fiber cable uses the reflection of the light, and its core or the surface is a build-up of either plastic or glass. It can also be covered with cladding that is the less dense version of the glass or plastic. However, the OFC is used for transmitting a large set of data from one device to another ideal device. And these cables are bidirectional or unidirectional that can be WDM or wavelength division multiplexer.

Coaxial Cable

The coaxial cable is also the type of wired media with an outer plastic cover. Every conductor of the cable has a separate cover. Also, these cables can be used in two ways, such as in broadband connection and baseband connection mode. However, these cables are also ideal for use in TV networks and cable TV. These wires are cost-effective and reduce noise; hence it is one of the majorly used wired cables.

Unguided Or Wireless Transmission Media

Unguided or wireless transmission media is also called the unbound transmission media. And with this media, the data transmission happened without using any wired medium. It has no physical barrier to transfer the data and thus can transmit the data for considerable distances.

Wireless transmission has the three types such as microwaves, infrared, and radio waves. Below is detailed information about these three types of unbound transmission media.


Microwaves are considered the type of radio waves with high-level frequencies that can be anywhere from 300 Mhz to 300Ghz. In the microwaves, the subparts are required to be connected to perform the complete transmission process. Nowadays, these wireless media are used in television distribution and also in setting up mobile phone communication.

Radio Waves

Radio Waves are also referred to as EM waves that are easy to manufacture and easy to penetrate. It has a wavelength that can range from 1mm to 10k kilometers. Moreover, its frequencies can be between 300 Ghz to 30hz. Generally, this transmission media is used for cordless phones, AM and FM radios.


It is also one of the wireless transmissions with IR signals. These signals are mainly used for communicating at a short distance. It also prevents any type of interference and also penetrates the obstacles. The infrared waves have around 300 Ghz to 400ThZ frequencies and can be used in mice, keyboards, and printers.


Thus, in this article, we learned about the types of transmission media, where we covered its two types. Moreover, we also discussed types of the wired and wireless transmission media. Thus, I hope now you have understood the types of transmission media.

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With each passing day, a variety of technological advances and fields emerge at a rapid pace. The maintenance and development of software involve many different areas. It is common for people to confuse these two prominent career options – DevOps Engineer and Software Engineer. With today’s article, all confusion will move on, so without wasting a second, let’s start.

Role of Software Engineer

Software engineers are responsible for developing software based on the needs of clients. It is a high-demand job that requires the use of mathematics and computer science skills. Aside from possessing expertise in operating systems, coding languages, software development, and web development, they also have extensive knowledge of several other topics. Software developed by engineers appeals to the company as well as the targeted pool of audience.

A software engineer can produce a wide variety of software, from gaming applications to middleware. Like a fashion designer responsible for designing beautiful clothes, the software engineers are responsible for developing software desired by its client. There are many types of software engineers, such as.

  • Customer relationship manager
  • Security engineer
  • 3D Graphic Designer
  • A mobile application developer

Role of DevOps Engineer

The DevOps Engineer is responsible for everything from coding to updating, developing, to maintaining the software. To ensure the success of software development, DevOps Engineer possesses all the skills required and ensures that both practical and theoretical knowledge is put into action. The DevOps culture provides successful software development, as the DevOps Engineer is responsible for software maintenance and management. Scripting, tools, communication, collaboration, etc., are areas in which they are highly knowledgeable and have significant expertise. Few DevOps engineers are as follows:

  • Build engineer
  • Release manager
  • Product manager
  • Data analyst

DevOps Engineer vs Software Engineer

DevOps Engineer vs Software Engineer

A company’s success in today’s world is directly related to its technological advancements. We can take this software and technological progress to the next level by partnering with these two prominent professionals. In addition to focusing on the development of software, they also take into account its utility. Let’s discuss the major difference between DevOps and Software engineer in detail.

Basis Software Engineer DevOps Engineer
Point of focus  Though they share many similarities in the field of their work, they differ significantly in how they do it. For example, a Software Engineer focuses on the effectiveness of the software for the client. On the other hand, a DevOps Engineer does more than focusing on the needs of the client. It provides operational support and focuses on the installation and working of the software.
The main area of work


Software engineers help clients determine their security needs and coordinate software installations on their computers and laptops. In contrast, DevOps engineers maintain the effectiveness of the automation tool. As an observer, he keeps an eye out for obstructions that may arise during the process.
Influence of      the Organization on their work The work of a software engineer is not associated with the functioning of an organization. A DevOps engineer is closely associated with its functioning.
Software development life cycle (SDLC)


As a software engineer, the software development life cycle (SDLC) is relatively insignificant. A DevOps engineer, SDLC makes a big difference. The SDLC facilitates the development of high-quality software by engineers.
Dependence Software engineers rely on DevOps engineer’s latest and efficient technologies. DevOps engineers develop new and efficient technologies for smooth operations.
Salary The average yearly salary in the US is $87,598. The average yearly salary in the US is $96,624.

Skills to be possessed by Software Engineer

  • They are learning more than one programming language and database
  • Understand data structures and algorithms
  • Ability to analyze and reason healthily
  • Learning Debugging
  • Troubleshooting experience with the software
  • Experience with different software programs
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Communicative skills
  • Consider an object-oriented approach to software development.

Skills to be possessed by DevOps Engineer

  • They have expertise in open-source technologies
  • They can use cloud services and various DevOps tools
  • SQL and NoSQL database configuration and management
  • They are familiar with the Agile and DevOps principles
  • They can troubleshoot production issues expertly
  • They have a working knowledge of Linux systems
  • Python and other scripting languages are among the languages that must excel in them
  • They know about the administration of configurations
  • They can streamline operations

The two professions: Software Engineer and a DevOps Engineer can inspire the following career option.

There is a lot of diversity in these two engineering fields. No matter what areas you choose, whether it is software engineering or DevOps engineering, there is a list of career options that will match your personality and suit your qualifications. We will provide you with a few of the most popular career options.

Software engineer inspires the following list of career options

Cyber Security analyst: Cyber security analysts defend their clients from cyber-attacks. In a nutshell, it protects the IT infrastructure, including hardware and software, against malpractices.

Application developer: Using coding and meeting software requirements, application developers create programs that can use on your devices. As soon as the program is developed, it is tested and presented to the audience.

IT consultant: Having close relationships with clients or the audience is an essential aspect of an IT consultant’s job. Clients are made aware of the basic procedures and rules that must be followed while using technology and helped to understand how it works.

Web developer: Websites are becoming increasingly important as time passes. Websites are essential for communicating with the audience you are targeting in this competitive market. You can outsource this task to a web developer. Using the latest technology, they develop a reliable application.

DevOps engineer inspires the following list of career options

Security engineer: Throughout the product development process, a security engineer is assigned to monitor and provide security. In addition, the process of development is protected using configuration.

DevOps architect: Developers and operations architects combine DevOps principles with tool and resource strategies to create a productive environment.

Software tester: To determine software quality, a software tester conducts a manual test. But, first, they must make sure the developed software is according to the customer’s desires and needs.


Throughout our article, you will find a wealth of information concerning both software engineering and DevOps engineering. We hope you can gain the necessary knowledge through the information provided. These two fields each have their unique characteristics and are highly diverse. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and liked our work. The feedback and recommendations you provide are greatly appreciated.

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Do you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization? Virtualization is the version of the physical thing in the virtual model developed to keep it virtual and accessible to a broad user base. Virtualization has occurred with operating systems, networks, devices, applications, and many other essential things. The concept of virtualization started in 1960, but it has not obtained a significant level and work for almost all industries.

Thus, it is essential to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization. Hence we came up with this article to learn about virtualization and its key advantages and disadvantages.

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization means the virtual model of the thing that is created based on the original version. Virtualization can be anything, including software, operating systems, servers, networks, and storage devices. Virtualization helps the user share the single physical storage or the product to make it accessible to other users. Here the machine that exists physically is called the host machine. And this machine’s virtual version is commonly called the guest machine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Advantages of Virtualization

1. Inexpensive

Virtualization is inexpensive compared to setting up the physical version of the same. It does not require any physical component to install or IT infrastructure to implement by the user. Also, the user does not require ample space to set up, and they also do not have to make a substantial monetary budget to invest. The user must purchase the key to get access from the third party that provides the virtualization service.

2. Improved Uptime

Now the virtualization technology does reduce not only the cost but also offers high uptime. That improves the user experience, and you can get up to 99.99% uptime. Even the budget-friendly and the starting level virtualization services offer a higher uptime that is generally 99.99%. Thus, if you also use it for your needs, you will surely enjoy the service compared to the physical devices. Thus, enhanced uptime is also a crucial advantage of virtualization that we can not ignore.

3. Minimize The Workload

Another advantage of virtualization is that it decreases your workload. You do not need to update with the help of professionals as it automatically updates the data. Hence, you will not require utilizing your hardware and resources; the third party will do this process. Thus, your IT professionals can focus on other vital tasks to make the process more effective and efficient.

4. Predictable Costing

Generally, the third party provides virtualization services in the respective field. Hence the user has a chance to predict and analyze the cost to take maximum benefit. However, for the estimate, you can think that installing the service for your office can cost you around $1279. but if you take this virtualization service, it will cost you at least $2.90 per month. Thus, not the organization can assume which option is better for their current business scenario. And what service can be the ideal to achieve the most efficient goals.

5. Encourages Digital Entrepreneurship

Earlier digital entrepreneurship was utterly impossible for the average individual. As there used to be a significant investment in setting up the resources only. But after the advancement and accessibility of virtualization, many digital entrepreneurs took advantage. And they started finding their best possible and significant way of earning and getting success in their life. Now anyone can start their online business with minimal cost and earn excellent and stable money. Thus, we would also agree if we say that the number of entrepreneurship opportunities has risen with virtualization.

6. Easy Migration From Cloud Storage

Still, many organizations use traditional storage devices as they made a massive investment in the past. So they can keep running their IT-related work smoothly and do not face any obstacles. But moving the stored data from these storage devices is complicated. And become a great challenge for large organizations too. Hence many organizations are moving to virtual solutions as they are accessible and allow easy migration from one place to another. Many third-party virtualization companies also provide dedicated customer support for this feature.

Disadvantages of Virtualization

1. Risk Associated

The primary limitation of virtualization is that your data may be at risk. Many hackers try their best to get access to your virtually stored data so they can use that for their profit. Hence if you store your data virtually, you need to rely on a third party and their security team. However, if you face any such attack, your precious data can be lost, and you can suffer from the loss. Thus, it is crucial to choose the virtualization solution provider wisely after knowing a lot about them.

2. Issue of Scalability

You can also face the issue of scalability as your business one day grows. Because of virtualization, this process can be slower. As many larger firms hold ample space there, small companies face several issues. Moreover, the large company can acquire the resources from the many small businesses, which can harm the other small companies.

3. Issue of Availability

The availability of self data is crucial as third party stores the data. Again, the company needs to rely on them. And if the organizations face problems connecting with such data and they struggle to get access. Then it can impact their profitability and reduce the revenue of the company too. Hence, you need to pick the ideal virtualization service provider wisely and ensure such a thing is already by your hand.

4. Can Cause High Cost For Implementation

There can be a high initial cost to implement such a virtualization solution. You can surely get tremendous help from virtualization, but still, it needs significant investment. And hence you need to save a significant amount from acquiring the particular virtualization solution. Moreover, if you invest high to purchase a high set of virtualization space, you are in the wrong bet. You require a good start, and in the upcoming time, you can update by choosing the superior package to the current one. By doing this, you can reduce the initial cost somehow.


There is no doubt that there are many advantages to looking for a virtualization in cloud computing. As they are designed to help and solve several issues. By doing so, you can get several advantages like cost-efficiency, hardware and software optimized output, and so on. However, there are some disadvantages of using virtualization as well. You need to make some good initial investment, rely on a third party, and face cyber-attacks and many other problems.

Hence there are some advantages as well as disadvantages of using virtualization. You can ensure you get most of the advantages and suffer just by choosing the best virtualization solution. That ensures high customer support and is used by many other people.

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Both the WebSocket and HTTP are robust communication protocols, mainly utilized in client-server communication. In actual-time applications, it’s imperative that we need enough information from our reliable servers upon availability.

So, fundamentally, the quintessential HTTP request pattern isn’t up to the criterion. The probable reason implies that the server will be silent until a customer seeks an update. Significant differences are there between WebSocket and http.

Today’s article will make an apple-to-apple comparison between these two. Let’s get straight to it!

HTTP Protocol

HTTP Protocol

HTTP is solely one-directional, where the server transmits the response and the client sends the request. For example, when a client transmits a user request to the central server, it goes in the tangible form of HTTP or HTTPS.

Likewise, after obtaining a server request, the response will be sent to the client. Here, every request is combined with a corresponding message, and after transmission of the response, the connection gets disconnected. Therefore, every HTTP or HTTPS requests have to set up a quick connection to the server every time. Similarly, it gets quickly terminated alone once after achieving the response.

Being a stateless protocol, HTTP operates atop the TCP, and it’s a connection-based protocol, for example, SCTP and TCP. After conveying HTTP requests to the server by the clients, a TCP connection gets quickly established between the server and client. Likewise, the TCP connection gets disconnected after receiving the response.

It’s crucial to know that every HTTP request unlocks isolated TCP connections to the server. Let’s understand this by example, upon transmission of 10 requests by the client to the server; another 10 isolated TCP connections will be established. Correspondingly, it gets shut after acquiring the fallback.

The message details of HTTP are precisely encoded in ASCII, where each of the HTTP request messages controls various HTTP protocol versions, such as:

  • HTTP methods (GET/POST etc.)
  • Host information
  • HTTP protocol version(HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2)
  • HTTP headers (content type, content length)

Along with, the body that consists of the real message, which is being sent to the server. Moreover, the headers of HTTP differed from 200 bytes to 2 KB in size. However, the general size of the HTTP header is 700-800 bytes whenever the leading web application utilizes more cookies and other proficient tools at the client-end, which can seamlessly propagate various storage specifications of the agent and curtails the payload of the HTTP header.

When should you utilize HTTP?

HTTP indicates hypertext transfer protocol, which enables effective communication between distinct systems. More precisely, it’s utilized for sending data from a popular web server to a browser to check web pages’ activity.

Advantages of HTTP

Latency: HTTP can reduce the latency rate in the connection due to the absence of the handshaking procedure of following a request.

Flexibility: HTTP is capable of downloading extensions and showcase vital data whenever an application requires additional competencies.

WebSocket Protocol

WebSocket Protocol

WebSockets enable both client and server to push messages anytime sans any correlation to an earlier request. One of the most significant advantages of using WebSockets is that every browser underpins WebSockets.

It’s mainly bidirectional, a full-duplex protocol, used in similar cases of the full-fledged client-server communication, contrasting HTTP, which starts from ws:// or wss://. Hence, it’s a stateful protocol that implies the strong connection between server and client will keep going until it’s disconnected by any of the parties, either client or server.

So, after shutting the connection, it will be broken off from both the end.

However, WebSocket deciphers a few problems with HTTP:

  • Full-duplex communication method, where client and server can make conversation independently.
  • Bi-directional protocol, which means either server or client can efficiently send a message to any other party. In HTTP, the client always inaugurates the request, and the server will process the quick response. Therefore, HTTP becomes a one-directional protocol.
  • Solo TCP connection means after ameliorating the HTTP connection in the starting phase, the server and client can easily communicate over a similar TCP connection across the WebSocket connection’s life cycle.

When can a WebSocket be used?

Gaming Applications: Data is rigorously acquiring by the server in gaming applications. Without refreshing the user interface, it will take a toll on the screen. On the other hand, UI gets quickly refreshed sans even setting up the advanced connection. Therefore, it’s valuable in a gaming application.

Chat Applications: WebSockets can be used in chat applications to set up the connection one time for publicizing, exchanging, and broadcasting the communications among the subscribers.

Advantages of using WebSocket

Security: WebSockets utilizes the best encryption methods, which means the connection is better safeguarded and secured against cyberattacks.

Flexibility: Due to the flexibility of the WebSocket protocol, it can effectively support all the plugins and subprotocols. Therefore, it indicates WebSocket can support extra functionality.

Bi-directional connections: As mentioned earlier, WebSockets use bidirectional connections, which means once the initial handshake is over, and a secured connection is established, both client and server can communicate freely with each other at the same time.

Websocket vs HTTP Protocol

Visual comparison between WebSocket and http is shown below in the tabular format:

Parameters WebSocket HTTP
Messaging Pattern Bi-directional Uni-directional
Overhead Minimum overhead to set up and sustain the connection then reduced overhead per message Minimum overhead per connection or request
Duplex Full Half
Supported Clients Advanced languages and clients Wide support
Service Push Leading features Not really supported. Client streaming or polling download strategies are used.
Edge or Intermediary Caching Impossible Core Feature


To conclude, WebSockets would be a seamless and better choice than HTTP in the real-time context and ongoing communication. The HTTP-oriented strategies are much more resource-intensive.

On the other hand, WebSockets possess a delicate footprint on the servers. However, both choices are pretty great! It’s up to you, which one you prefer. Still, it can be said that WebSockets have the best origin-based security model, is event-driven, and provide full-duplex synchronous messaging abilities. That’s why WebSocket protocol is somewhat a better choice than HTTP.

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Nowadays, several job profiles in the IT field allow you to work in an organization. Some of the two significant positions are enterprise architect and solution architect. Both the professionals are an architect in the broad term but still contain several differences. Hence if you were also confused about enterprise architecture and solution architecture, read this crucial article.

Here we are going to cover the information about enterprise architect vs solution architect. Along with this, we will also cover their roles and fundamental differences that will help you to differentiate between these two.

What’s An Enterprise Architect?

An enterprise architect is a technical professional who has experience filling the loopholes or gaps between the company and its IT architecture structures. This professional is liable for planning and executing the roadmap of the company’s vision and goal. They also build up the link between the internal management of the company with the external environments.

However, you may think the solution or the technical architect is the same as the enterprise architect. But there is a massive difference because the EA manages the complete IT project of the company; however, the solution or technical architect visits the two or three projects. The EA has an in-depth understanding of the architecture solutions and valuable information about the component level.

Role of An Enterprise Architect

You have learned about enterprise architects and might also be willing to know about their work and responsibilities. Here are some crucial roles that an enterprise architect performs and keeps the organization filled with several important IT projects.

  • Help the organization to determine the IT goals of the organization and meet the given goals.
  • It ensures that the business environment and external environment are correctly interconnected.
  • It tells the organization about the competitor’s IT infrastructure and keeps competitive with significant initiatives.
  • The enterprise architect also informs the organization how the IoT, Blockchain, and other advancements in AI can benefit the organization.
  • There are many other roles that an EA or enterprise architect can perform. But these are some of them that, most commonly, an EA does.

Also Read: Network Architect vs Network Engineer

What’s A Solution Architect?

The solution architect is the professional working around the IT field and solely responsible for the overall vision of the particular project. This professional works on the solutions that can become usable for the business. It also requires adherence to the predefined roadmap by management so it can meet the continuous need. However, the solution engineer needs to work after implementing the project as well. Because the requirements to update or repair such solutions are ongoing. The solution architect also recognizes the business strategies for the upcoming opportunities and keeps filling the need of technical and non-technical professionals. So the internal environment of the organization stays productive and working.

The solution architect keeps analyzing the constraints, comparing them and thinking about various types of the solution. They also have to ensure the given solution matches the project’s goal, and mostly they also work as the project manager. Their goal is to ensure the given IT projects are in working condition and offering productive consistency.

Role of A Solution Architect?

Here are some of the roles and responsibilities of the solution architect that differentiate them from other IT experts.

  • The solution architect analyzes the needs of the organization in terms of technical vision.
  • They also execute complex activities and sub-activities to implement new technology in the company.
  • The solution architect checks whether the IT applications have any problems or not; if there are, then they fix that as well.
  • They also need to build or connect enterprise architecture and technical architecture.
  • Thus, they need to know about the technical and internal activities of the business.
  • While working on the project, they analyze the risk and the solution to build the best solution.
  • Moreover, many other activities do not belong to their job. However, still, they do implement the successful implementation of the work.

Enterprise Architect vs Solution Architect

Enterprise Architect vs Solution Architect

  Enterprise architect Solution architect
Key Goal For Problems And Solutions Finding and defining the problem is the critical work conducted by the enterprise architect. Finding the ideal solution for the given problem is the critical job of a solution architect.
Scope Of The Work The enterprise architect needs to look around all the IT projects for a better outcome.


The solution architect generally analyzes and works with the 2-3 projects with their current job.


Strategic Efforts They need to work closely with the upper level of the management and plan several aspects. Hence the enterprise architect needs to possess high strategic knowledge.


Generally, the solution architect requires a medium level of strategic efforts as they have limited projects to work with.


Interaction With The Management And Team They communicate with the whole organization at various levels.


Generally, they communicate with the dedicated team or teams for the specific solution they need to find out.


Example Of Roles They need to plan the blueprint or the roadmap of the organization for strategic planning. They also need to focus on the IT guidelines and the given principles.


Usually, they implement the guidelines and the instructions given by the enterprise architect.


What’s The Deliverable Plan the EOL strategy, look for the need for replacement of the technology. Build a well-structured roadmap of the IT documents.


Testing designs, giving training to other professionals, designing infrastructure and applications are some of the deliverables of the solution architect.


Technical Knowledge They need a high amount of technical knowledge to understand the framework and detect errors.


They need detailed knowledge about the technology, so they come up with the solution.



The enterprise architect is the person who fills the gap between the organization and the IT infrastructure that it uses. In contrast, the solution architect manages two or three IT projects and finds the relevant solutions.

Thus, today we discussed the enterprise architect vs. solution architect. And we included the definition, key roles, and the difference between enterprise architect vs. solution architect. Thus, I hope now you will not find any confusion regarding these two job profiles.

The post Enterprise Architect vs Solution Architect appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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Most of the manufacturing companies of CPU processors are working hard to improve the performance of CPUs. These companies increase the clock speed and cache sizes to do this, but still, they do not get satisfactory results.

And to increase the performance at a high level, they used various techniques and enhanced the technology they used. So the CPU process can provide better results and increase the speed of the computing activities.

Generally, multiple techniques are used, but here we will understand hyperthreading vs multithreading. Here you will learn about these two most used techniques in today’s devices. Thus, if you want to explore the advantages and working process. And the critical difference between hyperthreading and multithreading. Then stay to this crucial post as we have covered the same after excellent research for you.

Hyperthreading Vs Multithreading

What is Hyper Threading?

Hyperthreading is the technology that is used in a CPU processor of a computer device. Its single processor works as the two virtual processes to execute the computing task. Generally, the physical process gets converted into two logical or virtual processes to handle the activities with this technique.

Hyper-threading technology is used to increase the speed and performance of the CPU. The work is executed within the CPU under unit time, and it allows to run the task in the core. Moreover, with more cores in the CPU, the performance gets more advanced and fast.

In this method, one CPU becomes the two virtual or the logical ones and work as two CPU processors. Companies use the two architectural elements in this CPU, registers, GP resisters, and other execution units.

How Does Hyperthreading Work?

This type of processor provides the TLP or thread-level parallelism for the process to increase the performance and utilize it in a better way. The operating system understands one hyperthreading CPU as two logical or virtual processors. And it starts running the work in two sets continuously and provides better results.

The multithreading technology reduces the workload from the CPU and divides it into threads. And its threads can execute the work independently; even they can schedule and dispatch the work too. You can find a multithreading process in the Pentium 4 processor that works as two virtual processors.

Benefits of Hyperthreading

  • The hyperthreading-based CPUs are faster and also efficient when it comes to performance.
  • It divides one processor into two virtual processors to tackle the task at two places and process faster.
  • The user gets a responsive and productive experience with the hyperthreading technology-based CPUs.

What is Multithreading?

Multithreading is the technology that is used to boost the performance of the CPU. It allows a single processor to be divided into multiple sub-processors and gives relevant space to execute various tasks within the main CPU. The multithreading CPU contains lightweight threads, which are of two types, as mentioned below.

Kernel Threads: these are the threads that are easy to operate but a bit slower when creating sub CPUs. Most of the operating systems support kernel threads where its thread routine can be maintained as multithreaded.

User threads: The thread type is easier to create and operate and can efficiently operate from the user-level library. These threads are designed in such a way that they can run on any of the operating systems. But here, the user can not expect to achieve multiprocessing performance.

How Does Multithreading Work?

The thread sequence is considered the parts of the program, and each thread can perform the independent task. However, the multi-thread activity takes place with multiple threads to attain maximum performance. Here the OS of the computer device can support multithreading and switch the CPU system within the thread that is executing the work.

The threads can be parallel or concurrent; the parallel thread can run on a separate processor. In contrast, the concurrent thread is required to use the multi-threads to execute the task.

Benefits of Multithreading

  • The processors based on multithreading are more potent than the hyperthreading-based processors.
  • Now there are many fresh processors available in the market that use multithreading technology. And it also produces a higher level of efficiency and works output from the resources.
  • Multithreading uses the physical cores to boost the efficiency and performance of the work.

Hyperthreading Vs Multithreading







Hyperthreading allows a single processor to work as two virtual or logical processes for the given operating system. So the user can get efficient and fast output by conducting such activities. The multithreading technology is designed to create the sub CPUs within the single CPU to execute the task. These multithreading technologies increase the throughput to compute or execute the task.





The hyperthreading technology has lightweight threads. It also contains multiple threads that require fewer resources, increase the performance, and have shared conflict between the resources.


It works as per the function and creates sub CPU based on optimization. And the multithreading processors are less expensive and also highly optimized for the efficient use of the resources.




Intel makes hyper-threading CPUs for its users.


Generally, Compaq, IBM, and Sun use multithreading technology in their CPUs.


How It Functions The processor gets divided into two or more logical processors. The logical process is also generally referred to as the virtual processor.


The multi-thread processors get divided into multiple threads and execute the work with these multi-threads for optimized use.


Ideal Uses


This CPU technology can be used for high-quality video editing, 3D animation, and application rendering.


CPU based on multithreading technology is ideal for using web browsers, light desktop applications, and similar work.



Hyperthreading and multithreading are two essential technologies that are used in today’s CPUs. Hyperthreading uses the concept of dividing one CPU into two, whereas multithreading takes the output by using its multi-threads. That increases the throughput of the task and renders it in a faster and efficient manner. Thus, you learned about multithreading and hyperthreading definitions with advantages. We also covered the critical differences between hyperthreading and multithreading.

So, if you want to use your CPU for high performance-oriented tasks like video editing. Then you should prefer hyperthreading CPUs as it will give a better result. However, multithreading CPUs are great for general-purpose tasks like web surfing and basic computer-related activities.

The post Hyperthreading Vs Multithreading – Which is Better? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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Should you be a network engineer vs network architect? Which one is better to make a career in the IT sector with a better salary package? The massive growth in internet technology has provided several career opportunities for young technology enthusiasts. There are thousands of job opportunities available in the IT industry for network engineers and network architects.

But which one you should choose, and is there any difference between the two. These are the common questions that you may struggle with and try to find. Thus, in this article, we will help you by telling you about the difference between network engineer and network architect.

Who is Network Architect?

Network Architect is an expert who has a profound understanding of computer networking. And they can understand and organize the design of the computer and can make it better for effective communication.

Network Administrator and Network Architect are two similar phrases that are used interchangeably. And here, if we look deep, we will find that the network administrator is not an engineer. Also, it is not an architect; however, it manages the network operations.

Network architects can perform their duty in the internal and external environment. And they feel confident to work with LAN, WAN, and also the cloud networks. Their primary role is to ensure and design the secure network design and infrastructure that fulfills its goal.

They can also make the conversion with the higher-level management like CEO and CTO. So that company can understand the trends and technology market and make a better decision.

Role of Network Architect

There are many roles and duties of the network architect; here are some significant duties you should know.

  • A network architect plans and designs the network projects and can also install or upgrade the same.
  • They also work around troubleshooting and other similar issues. So the next time, they can improve such issues and make a reliable design.
  • The network architect can also work closely with upper-level management like CTO and CEO. So they can reduce the expense and buy the best quality material.
  • Sometimes they also require documentation about the network.
  • They make the necessary workflow, requirements, and roadmap chart for the network projects.
  • They also require them to complete the project with less time and less cost.

Who is Network Engineer?

A network engineer is also a technical professional who works in the IT field. And they are responsible for building the infrastructure as per the design that the company approves. They also hold the deep commands in a voice call, data, and other network-related service technologies.

The company’s network engineer is responsible for maintaining, implementing, and formulating the internal and external network. However, many people get confused when they listen to network or tech consultants. The network engineer is the person who builds the network channel that the network architect designs. And a tech consultant is the person who repairs or replaces the parts of the network system.

So, in short, the network engineer is the professional who builds and formats the company’s infrastructure.

Role of Network Engineer

As we have understood, the network engineer implements, develops, and designs the company’s network infrastructure. But still, you might be willing to know the work and responsibility of a network engineer, so look below.

  • The network engineer is required to maintain the software, applications, and hardware of the company.
  • They also need to update the virus protection software so that the company’s data stays safe.
  • Keep taking backup of the data for safety purpose and store it in a safe place.
  • A network engineer is responsible for installing and configuring the networking accessories. These accessories can be load balancers, routers, switches, and VPNs.
  • Perform the work related to the ongoing monitoring and troubleshooting and keep improving this.
  • They can also collaborate with the third party for the network and its operation for better usability.

Network Architect vs Network Engineer

Network Architect vs Network Engineer

From the above discussion, it is clear that both professionals have different sets of roles. However, they can replace each other or overlap with others’ work too. Hence in many startups and small businesses, you will mostly find either network engineers or network architects. Although, in big organizations, both two hold their significant position and execute accurately.

  Network Engineer Network Architect
Position Level In The Organization


The network engineers are the executor of the network task. They implement the project in action and develop it in real life. The network architects are the leaders, planners, and decision-makers in the organization. And they plan the project and take the approval from the management.


Work Focus


Their focus is to execute the project and make sure to do every aspect of the project, just like mentioned in the design.


The goal of network architects is to make the network project design meet all the requirements.


Educational Qualification


To become a network engineer, you need to have basic networking knowledge. However, this field is more practical; hence you need to have excellent practical skills. To become a network architect, you need to complete a bachelor’s or masters in computer architecture or complete a networking certification.



Work Or Duties


The network engineer communicates with the internal network team and experts. And they can also train the juniors so the network engineer team can execute the network project in a better manner.


Communicate with the higher rank professionals and suggest the ideal network installation. And they also ensure every project takes place complete with an optimum budget.


Position Rank


They hold a lower position than the network architect but a higher ranking than the tech consultants.


They hold a higher position than the other network professionals.


Alternative Of


A network engineer can work as a tech consultant or can replace a tech consultant. Network architects can be the alternative of the network administrators.



So, in this article, you learned about network architect vs network engineer. Here we also learned their duties and worked responsibilities with a detailed discussion. And we also covered the comparison to understand the difference between a network engineer and a network architect.

Hence I hope now this topic is cleared, and if you were willing to be either a network engineer or network architect, that is also clear.

The post Network Architect vs Network Engineer appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer


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