November 2021

PHP is known as Hypertext Preprocessor. It is an open-source, server-side scripting language embedded in HTML used to manage databases, development of web applications, session tracking, build e-commerce sites, etc. It is kind of a programming language that is used for writing automated tasks. Many databases such as PostgresSQL, Oracle, Informix, MySQL can be integrated with PHP.

It supports a large number of protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP. PHP scripts are interpreted only on a server that has PHP installed in it. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language, it gets executed first on the server and then it gets to the web browser to the user.

Why is PHP so Common?

  • Versatile:- PHP is platform-independent and can be run on multiple platforms such as Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and multiple browsers are also supported.
  • Speed and Security:- PHP uses its memory for its overall functioning and hence has a good operational speed. Moreover, it has many new tools and frameworks are there in the market to protect against cyberattacks.
  • Compatibility:- It is compatible with all the servers such as Apache, etc.
  • Legacy Code:– Many websites are written with PHP, which gives an edge to make updates in the existing code rather than rewriting the new code.
  • Open-Source:- PHP can be installed for free and quickly. This feature helps companies in controlling the cost of web development.

Uses of PHP

Uses of PHP

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PHP can be used to encrypt data. It assists with several extensions, like OpenSSL and Sodium, which eventually cover a wide variety of encryption algorithms. Before inserting the data into the database scripts encrypt it and decrypt it before retrieving it.

File Manipulation

It helps in creating, writing, deleting, opening, closing, and reading files on the server. Various commands are used for file manipulation which is listed below:

  1. PHP Read File:- The command is fread(). This function is used to read the content of the file.
  2. PHP Write File:- The command is fwrite(). This function is used to write the content of the string into a file.
  3. PHP Open File:- The command is fopen(). This function is used to open a file.
  4. PHP Close File:- The command is fclose(). All the open files are closed with the help of this function.
  5. PHP Delete File:- The command is unlink(). This function is used to delete files.

Handling Databases

Data can be added, deleted, modified within the databases using PHP. It gives the freedom to the developers to connect it securely with any kind of database. This gives them the freedom to choose which database is best suited for the application to be developed.

Dynamic Content

PHP helps in creating dynamic page content. Majorly, there are three types of dynamic information on the web which are stated below:

  1. Dynamic Web Pages:- A full web page is generated.
  2. Dynamic content:- Only a certain portion of web pages are generated.
  3. Dynamic Data:- Variables on a web page are generated.

Dynamic handling of web pages is a bit complicated if the scope of the information to be generated is vast. But, with the help of two PHP functions, include() and require() it has become easier.

Controlling Access

It helps in restricting and allowing access to the users for accessing the pages on the website. Various roles will be assigned to multiple users in an application. Accordingly, an access control system is designed. It can control user permissions based on the PHP pages or database records.


PHP can set cookies and receive cookies. setcookie() function is used for creating cookies. isset() function is used to check if the cookie is set. There are other manipulations that can be done with PHP cookies such as Modify Cookie, Delete Cookie and check if Cookies are enabled.

Form Handling

It can handle form manipulation, i.e., collect data from files, send the data through email, return data to the user. Also, it can save data to the file.


Programming for the web is altogether a different experience than traditional programming. Web development is meant to ensemble multiple resources together, which in turn requires more tools. Multiple languages mean higher maintenance. To avoid such a situation PHP is the correct tool for in fact a complete package for web development.

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CSS is another thing you may learn just after understanding HTML. CSS stands for the cascading style sheets, which Hakon Wium Lie created in 1994. Hakon Wium Lie is considered the father of CSS as he created this amazing thing. And he used to work with the father of HTML, Mr. Tim Berners-Lee, when he was working in CERN.

CSS was offered as the web styling language to make it appealing. And it was the solution that most of the users of HTML were looking at that time. When it launched, the users could use HTML 4.01 and CSS together to make their web pages more attractive.

Hence, if you want to know about the history of CSS from its origin to now. Then read this essential article because it has several things that will help you understand CSS. You will also understand how CSS won over other styling languages of that time.

History of CSS

What Does CSS Stand For?

CSS is mainly used for web development or page design. It refers to the cascading style sheets that can format the web page layouts using many features. It can style the text, manage table size, and edit other aspects of the web pages to make them attractive. By using CSS, the user can give a uniform look to the website and its several pages. It does not only define the table but also meets other design needs of the website.

With the help of CSS, the user can make changes in several pages just at once. Suppose, if you need to make the text bigger of all the web pages, then by changing the font size in CSS, you can make the text size bigger. And there are many other things that you can do easily using cascading style sheets. And because of these features, CSS has become a crucial language for web design and development.

Origin of CSS

CSS came into existence in 1994, so it can provide a standard way to design the pages on the world wide web. And Mr. Lee developed a cascading style sheet for the same purpose. Because by this time, there was an immense demand for such a solution as HTML 4.01 was unable to give an appealing web page on its own. However, by seeing it, many people offered different styling sheets, but none of them succeeded as CSS. In its initial stage, it was primarily used for making websites accessible and appealing.

Brief History of CSS

Along with HTML, CSS is also standardized by W3C that controls the web standards. CSS is free to use, independent and it is also an open-source standard. And users can use HTML and CSS together with the W3C.

If we look at the history of CSS, we will find it has seen mainly three updates. CSS level 1 was launched in 1996, and it came again in 1999 with some improvements. However, CSS level 2 or CSS2 came in 1998 with media support. In this version, the user can utilize the other media elements. And finally, its latest version, CSS level 3, launched, and currently, we use this version only. The latest version of CSS allows us to take advantage of separation that helps in saving time.

If you need to make some critical changes on a large website with hundreds of pages. Currently, CSS comes with over 60 modules with different features. In recent years, most developers and designers have tried a variety of browsers to see the effects of CSS on web pages. But most of them found Firefox as the most helpful for the same concern.

History of CSS Versions

We have understood a brief introduction of CSS’s history and learned it has mainly three versions. So, now let’s discuss these three versions of CSS in more detail.


CSS 1 is the very first version of the cascading style sheet and recommendation of W3C. It was launched in 1996 with the capabilities of font properties. It is also used for adding color to the background and text side. In CSS 1, there were text alignment functionalities. It also has capabilities of padding, positioning, and generic classifications. But now, this version is outdated and not maintained by W3C.


W3C developed the next version of CSS and named it CSS2, and launched it in 1998. It has more features and functionalities than the previous version. And now users could use new features like relative, absolute, and also fixed positioning. There were media types, and bidirectional text features were also there. This version also saw many revisions in the same, and updates came as CSS2.1.


CSS3 is the latest version of CSS officially by W3C, and it was launched in 1999. It has a vast collection of font types, and you can use any font type from Google and Typecast. Also, this version is divided into many modules that make it easy to handle, and it also saves time formatting the web pages. Currently, most companies and organizations use CSS3 and HTML5 for their web development and designing tasks. Hence, if you also wish to learn such a skill, then make sure you will learn the latest launch of such technology.

Future of CSS

Earlier, we used to use only the primary website that has no visual effect. But after the launch of CSS, web design experts have taken this technology to the next level. Hence, without a CSS website would not look appealing and engaging to the users. Also, in the past, we have noticed many updates and changes in the same. Thus, in the future as well there can be some exciting updates. But currently, CSS3 is the latest version and allows users like us to add some creative elements to the web pages.


So, in this article, we learned about the history of CSS and understood how it developed. Moreover, we also learned about its critical versions that the world has noticed in the past. Thus, we hope now you have foundational knowledge about the history of CSS. Hence, if you need to learn something like this, then check our other articles as well.

The post History of CSS appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

HTML is one of the first things that a student learns during a web development course. Hence, it becomes essential to learn about the history of HTML and its version in an accurate timeline.

So, if you are also a web development learning enthusiast and wish to have a deep understanding of the same. Then read this crucial article to understand some foundational information about the same.

What Does HTML Stand For?

HTML is the short form of HyperText Markup language, and most people assume it as a programming language. But it is a markup language rather than any coding or programming language. It is used for most web pages and applications to define the text and body of the layout.

HTML is the most popular markup language that was developed and written by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. And he created the world wide web too in 1989; however, his HTML version officially launched in 1993. from that time to now, HTML has seen continuous updates to add new features and functionality.

History of HTML

Origin of HTML

The concept of HTML came to the mind of Sir Tim Berners-Lee when he saw researchers at CERN need to share documents many times. And then, he proposed that he develop a markup language that would help connect computers worldwide. According to this idea, the ordinary user can access the file of one computer from another computing device by accessing the markup language he proposed. Hypertext system refers to the set or the network of documents written in text and connected using hyperlinks. And using this, the researchers could jump to other files just by clicking on hyperlinks.

And with the same vision, he wrote the software of browser and servers for hypertext markup language by 1990. However, CERN did not give any funds for this vital project of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. But still, Lee posted the initial description for the HTML tags in 1991, and it was finally released in 1993.

Brief History of HTML

Once the initial version of HTML was out, then there were many updates. But the most popular version of it was HTML4.01 which became the standard markup language in 1999. Another crucial version, XHTML. It was the XML format of HTML; the XML language has been used in creating many markup languages. The RSS and MathML are a few examples of the markup languages that are written using XML language. The XHTML language became a standard markup language in 2000, and it got updated again in 2002. earlier, most of the web pages and applications used to be developed using HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0. However, in recent years HTML5 has become the standard markup language for defining the various attributes for web pages.

Evolution of HTML Versions

There have been many versions of HTML, so let’s also understand that version.

HTML 1.0

It was the same version of HTML and was used till 1994. However, it has minimal features and functionality because users can only use twenty elements. There was not much use of it, and also, at that time, a few people were involved in web development.

HTML 2.0

It was the second version of HTML and became the standard language until HTML 3.2 came. Using this language, the user can change the background color, text color, and other formatting. It was a significant improvement in HTML 1.0 that came in 1995. It was also when W3C was established to make the standards for websites.


At this time, most of the users got friendly with HTML and started using it. Hence, it was the time when the dependency on HTML was increasing. And some of them started willing to increase the look of their web pages. Hence, the HTML authors added new features and attributes in this version of HTML.

HTML 3.2

During this time, many HTML tags were coming to make the website more attractive and functional. And W3C was also trying to make the HTML more potent than previous versions. And with these additional attributes and features, HTML 3.2 was endorsed by W3C. By 1997, HTML 3.2 became the standard markup language for web-based applications.

HTML 4.01

HTML 4.01 is one of the significant HTML versions in the history of HTML. Because it was the most extensively used markup language at that time. It was launched in 1999 and has CSS or cascading style sheets to add visual effects to web pages. Along with this, many other advanced features were not in previous versions of it. Hence, because of these additional features, it was a more trouble-free version of HTML.


XHTML 1.0 was launched at the start of the 21st century in the XML language. It was similar to HTML 4.01, but it was in XML format. However, it was a completely different markup language than the previous versions. In this, the codes were used to write correctly. Almost all the things were the same other than the view that made it more accessible.


HTML 5 is the latest and current version of HTML with lots of attributes and functionalities. It works even if you are not connected with the internet and can be used for web-based applications. The great thing about HTML 5 is that it is supported by most web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and other browsers.

Also, now CSS has developed, and modern browsers also support HTML5. Hence, it has become easy to define a website and its elements excellently in the minimal issue.

Future of HTML

HTML has covered a long journey from a simple concept of file sharing to defining web elements. It has become a crucial thing to learn and use while building web pages and applications. Currently, HTML5 is the latest version that is supported by most browsers. And in the future, we can see an updated version of HTML5 again by W3C with additional features. Hence, the use of HTML will continue, and developers will use it a lot to define their website and its pages inaccurately.


So, in this article, we learned about the history of HTML from the beginning to date. And now you have learned how many changes HTML has seen and developed. Thus, now you have an idea of how vital HTML is for modern web pages and applications. Hence, if you want to learn more about similar concepts, then stay connected with us. Because we keep sharing valuable information that will help you to build excellent technical skills.

The post History of HTML appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Nowadays, cloud computing has become one of the most suitable ways to deliver ideal solutions to businesses. But do you wish to know why and how cloud computing developed? In this article, we will do the same to get some highlights about the history of cloud computing.

The concept of cloud computing came into its existence during the early 1960s. And this was the time when the culture of the remote job started generating. Companies like IBM and DEC took some initial actions in the field of cloud computing. And some other companies started offering VPN services without charging much.

Because of the vast availability of VPN, connecting with the network became relatively easy. And finally, in 1994, the cloud metaphor got functional for offering virtualized services.

History of Cloud Computing

History of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing was invented or introduced in the early 1960s. And JCR Licklider, also known as Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, developed this technology. He was an American psychologist and computer scientist by profession. He got the ARPANet project to connect people around the world at that time. Mr. JCR Licklider was born in St. Louis on 11th March 1915 and got a BA degree in 1937. For higher studies, he also completed an MA in psychology and completed a Ph.D. degree too.

With his interest in information technology and several achievements he achieved during that life stage, he got hired as the IPTO head at ARPA in 1962. ARPA is the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency where he was appointed. From that beginning point of cloud computing to date, the importance of cloud computing technologies has to continue to rise.

In 2006 Amazon also created its AWS or Amazon Web Services and claimed it to be an EC2. It was a crucial period where many companies offered their stable cloud computing solution. And the number of these companies is getting higher as time goes on. Because Google also launched its search engine’s beta version in 2008, and in early 2008 Microsoft announced its Microsoft Azure for the testing phase, deployment, and even for the managing applications.

Google also presented its Google Cloud in 2012, but it finally got available to the public in 2013. After a few times, Oracle Cloud also became available under three parts such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Currently, there are hundreds of cloud computing platforms available for the ideal users. But as per the records, Microsoft Azure is the most used cloud computing platform as per its market shares.

Reasons Why Cloud Computing Developed

But why the cloud computing platforms were developed and has become the need of the current era. DARPA funded $2M to develop a technology that lets the computer be used by multiple users continuously. At that time the large computers were used to operate for various purposes.

And with the help of this product, JCR Licklider managed to develop a platform that allows three users to use the same computers. And to expand the same task, he created ARPANet in 1969 so more people could use the same device. And in 1970, the term virtualization was introduced, and it became common till 1990 to share multiple files.

So, it can be said that the reason for developing cloud computing was to ensure that many people can use the same device for various reasons.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing comes with several benefits, which we will discuss here. But you must know that cloud computing services got popular in recent years. Because the concern of data security has risen due to hacking and malware issues. And companies are looking for cloud-based systems for more secure options.

Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and other similar companies have hosted their customer’s data on cloud-based platforms. Below are some benefits of cloud computing that will help you understand why cloud-based solutions are secure options.

  • Cloud-based servers are cost-effective and easier to handle, even for small companies. Because handling cloud-based servers are accessible hence it consumes less time to interpret the big data. Moreover, businesses also do not require to install large hardware servers for data warehousing.
  •  It also provides high-level cyber security to the company’s data and files. As remote accessing is becoming a significant concern for businesses, businesses can prevent hacking issues by getting encrypted virtualized warehousing options. In short, the advantage of cloud computing is that its platforms, like cloud storage, come with end-to-end encryption. That ensures that businesses can prevent hacking concerns, and the user also gets security for their data.
  • Hosting on the cloud-based system is more flexible than the physical warehouse devices. Because at the time of data migration, the physical hardware components are hard to deal with. But cloud-based data storage systems are easy to handle, and they also ensure simple data migration steps.
  • In these technologies, there is higher mobility and efficient connectivity with the user. By using cloud-based systems, the user can access the data anywhere and anytime.
  • Updating the cloud-based platforms are also far more accessible than the traditional options. These technologies do not require any manual function to update them. However, earlier businesses used to spend a lot for the physical update of the devices.
  • Virtualized solutions also control the prevention of loss of data. And because of it, businesses to normal users can retrieve their lost data easily. However, if the data is stored in physical devices. Then there is not any guarantee that most of the data will be retrieved or not. Hence, it is better to dump all the data into the cloud storage devices. So whenever companies need such data, they can get the access back for the same.


So, in this article, learn about the history of cloud computing. Here we discover some information about the origin of cloud computing and the solutions companies offer to the world. We also learned about the reasons why cloud computing was developed with its key benefits.

Hence, now you have sufficient information about the history of cloud computing with its modern solutions. Moreover, please stay tuned with our other articles to keep understanding technical terms most simply.

The post History of Cloud Computing appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

The number of internet of things (IoT) connections are expected to reach 25 billion by 2025. As the IoT device connections increase, there is more demand for cellular connectivity from the enterprises and industries that use IoT devices. Embedded Sim technology is a catalyst for digitally managing and connectivity life cycle of the IoT devices. Although there are noticeable tractions in adopting IoT eSIM, there are still some hurdles that face the technology. In this post, we will look at the challenges that face the adoption of IoT technologies and the key parts that comprise IoT eSIMs.

An Overview of IoT eSIM Technology

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What is IoT eSIM?

IoT eSIM is an embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card according to GSMA, a global association that sets up telecommunications frameworks. Thus, IoT eSIMs are approved by the largest operators in the world. Unlike the conventional plastic SIM cards that can be removed from the IoT device, IoT eSIMs are soldered directly. Developments in the IoT eSIM or eUICC have enabled them to fit into extreme environments (humidity, vibrations, resistance to water, and high temperatures) and across the IoT device’s life cycle. Among the primary aims of the eSIMs is to create an architectural reference that could promote solution longevity and interoperability.

eSIM Profiles

The eSIM profile holds the unique identity of the device. It also matches the subscription agreement of a customer with a specified network operator. It also enables its profile in the eUICC SIM granting it access to the operator’s network. One advantage of the eSIM profile is replacing it with a new profile provisioned on the eUICC SIM using a remote eSIM provisioning process. The eSIM profiles fall into two categories; Bootstrap or initial activation and the operational profile.

The Bootstrap profile serves two functions when you use and pre-configure it as the base eSIM profile. At first, it can facilitate access to the network to provide the operational profile to the eSIM. It can also act as a fall-back option that enables the international roaming functionality to a network of operators. The customers typically download a customized operational profile that they can access locally and circumvent the potential restrictions to roaming and the costly charges once you enable the bootstrap profile on initial access. Note that you can download over one operational profile when you use eSIM. However, you can only have one active profile at a time.

Essential parts that make up the eSIM technology

When we talk of embedded SIM, various technologies are involved. Therefore, to choose the right solution, you need to understand clearly what the technologies are and how they work. Below are some of the critical parts making up the eSIM.

SM-DP (Subscription Manager Data Preparation)

As part of Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP), the SM-DP prepares the eSIM profiles securely and stores them as they await to be provisioned to the eUICC. The preparation also includes encrypting the profiles using digitally signed certificates. There is a separate SM-SR entity that performs the transfer of the profiles over the air.


This is an acronym for embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card. eUICC has a dedicated system and write/read capabilities that enable remote provisioning over the air using the RSP process. Thus, the requirement for physical changing of the device’s sim card is eliminated. Since eUICC is a generic term, it equally applies to removable RSP-capable and fixed SIM form factors. eSIMs appear in all form factors.

SM-SR (subscription-manager Secure Routing)

SM-SR performs over-the-air transport of the profiles securely to the eUICC as part of the remote SIM provisioning process. It acts as a complement to the separate SM-DP responsible for preparing eSIM profiles and storage.

RSP (Remote SIM provisioning)

This is a service that is used to deliver the eSIM profile to the eUICC SIM. It gives the users the ability to download securely, enable, attach and disable eSIM profiles remotely. We use the term platform management to describe the different functions that are needed to support the process of remote SIM provisioning.

Challenges to the Adoption of IoT eSIM technology

Reluctance by mobile carriers

Mobile carriers need to rethink their business models to survive the adoption of IoT that is happening worldwide. These carriers need IoT enablers and OEMs to sell cellular data plans by adding flavor to the B2B models to the B2C models they already have. Because eSIMs do not connect the end-users of a specific carrier anymore, there is a fear of losing the clients through a simple button click and their flexibility of changing the subscriptions. It may mean an end to exploitative and expensive roaming charges to the users. This has been a reason the adoption of eSIMs has been very slow despite being around for years.

Changing geographical regulations

Although GSMA is the body responsible for the standardization of solutions for remote SIM Provisioning, there is a variance in the regulations to host a subscription management platform and data centers between countries. Some countries like China require that the data centers be within their jurisdiction. Such regulations inhibit the transfer of data and curtail the adoption of eSIMs.

The return on investment (ROI)

Regardless of who invests in eSIM architecture, ROI is still a sometimes scary consideration. Because of the fall of roaming charges and prices of mobile data that consistently pressure the carrier’s margins, the above assertion is true. Considering the limited applications, the cost of IoT eSIM solution deployment is high. The fact of “keeping-things as are” further complicates the possibility of investing in IoT because there are no severe disruptors to the market.


Today, the biggest threat to any IT deployment is the security aspect. The data being exchanged between the servers and the IoT devices must be handled securely. Although IoT is mature to handle security, any new technology addition brings new gaps and loopholes in security. For instance, waste IoT devices are prone to illegal reuse and reverse-engineering the device once associated with a person’s identity. The hacker can have access the legitimate owner did not correctly disassociate to user and device credentials.

Since you can reprogram the eSIM remotely, they can share the credentials over the air. Hence, eSIMs are open to side-channel attacks. By tapping the communication between the platform and the eSIM, the attacker can access the actual carrier profiles for various fraudulent activities.


The connectivity of IoT devices is now more necessary than ever. With the increase in the number of IoT devices, eSIMs are an ideal connectivity solution. However, besides the various benefits they can offer, eSIMs remain widely unpopular, and their adoption is slow because of the factors enumerated above.

The post An Overview of IoT eSIM Technology appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Have you ever wondered how much data is available on the internet? Although there can never be an actual figure of the amount of data available online, the internet holds tonnes of sensitive data. Such data is valuable to intruders and malicious actors who are ready to do anything to lay their hand on the data.

Indeed, cases of data breaches have been increasing, and so has the cost of data breaches. Therefore, the data needs to be protected at all costs. You might already know of some of the data protection tools and measures. For instance, you might have heard of SSL certificates that are essential in data encryption. They encrypt the exchanged communications between the web browser and the client-server and keep away hackers and sniffers.

Today, several trusted and inexpensive SSL certificates exist, such as Comodo PositiveSSL certificates and RapidSSL certificates. The predominance of SSL certs makes them the most popular and effective data protection tools. However, SSL certificates are a topic for another day. Today, we will pay much attention to another critical data protection system- An intrusion detection system. We will begin by defining what an intrusion detection system is.

What is Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

What is Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

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An intrusion detection system refers to a special kind of software specifically designed to keep an eye on the network traffic to discover system irregularities. These malicious network activities could mean the beginning of a data breach or the end of one. Therefore, the primary purpose of an intrusion detection system is to detect network anomalies and report on the said anomalies. Please note that the intrusion detection system does not prevent threats from happening, unlike the intrusion prevention system.

How Does Intrusion Detection System Work?

As I mentioned earlier, the primary purpose of an intrusion detection system is to detect network anomalies to catch attackers before they carry out real damage to a network. An intrusion detection system may be host-based or network-based. As the names suggest, a network-based intrusion detection system resides on the network, whereas the host-based intrusion detection system resides on the client computer.

The IDS works by looking for the signatures of known attacks. They also analyze system functionalities to spot any deviations, and such deviations will be inspected at the protocol layer. In the past, intrusion detection systems have proven effective in detecting threats such as Domain Name System poisoning and Christmas tree scans.

Users can implement an intrusion detection system either as a software application or as a network appliance. Additionally, there are cloud-based intrusion detection systems that are specifically meant for cloud-based purposes.

Types of Intrusion Detection Systems

There are several types of intrusion detection systems. Each IDS type uses different methods in detecting suspicious activities. The following are the types of intrusion detection systems that you must know.

  • A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is primarily meant to detect intrusions across an entire network. The NIDS will monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic on all devices across a network and detect anomalies.
  • A Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) usually detects intrusions through a particular endpoint. For instance, a HIDS will run on all computers and devices across your network. The significant advantage of a host intrusion detection system over a network detection system is that a HIDS can detect abnormal network packets within an organization, which a NIDS might not detect at times. Additionally, a HIDS is capable of identifying malicious traffic originating from the host. For instance, it will notice when a host has been infected with malware and tries to spread the malware across the network.
  • A Signature-based Intrusion Detection System (SIDS) keeps an eye on all traffic on a network and compares the traffic against databases of attack signatures or other known cybersecurity risks.
  • An Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System (AIDS) is designed to pinpoint unknown cybersecurity attacks such as novel malware attacks. It will compare the attacks against an established baseline. It uses machine learning techniques to develop a trustworthy activity baseline referred to as a trust model. It will compare the new behaviors to the verified trust models. The major drawback of AIDS is that it can sometimes raise a false alarm whenever previously unknown but legitimate network traffic is identified as an anomalous activity.

5 Best Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Tools

There are multiple IDS tools, but the following are the most reliable ones.

1. SolarWinds Security Event Manager

The SolarWinds Security Event Manager is one of the best IDS tools. It came top on the list of the best IDS tools because of its ability to integrate real-time log data across an organization’s infrastructure. As such, the SolarWinds security event manager can operate both as a Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and A host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). This ability makes it the most effective IDS tool since it can detect various malicious attacks and protect your system against security threats. Moreover, the SEM tool is created to employ both anomaly-based and signature-based intrusion detection techniques.

It achieves this by making a comparison of network traffic sequences against a set of customized rules. In addition, it allows users to conduct high-level intrusion detection on all types of devices and operating systems such as Windows, macOS devices, and Linux. The SEM tool is thus a robust intrusion detection system tool that will perfectly fit your organizations’ needs.

2. McAfee

McAfee is another great IDS tool specifically designed to give real-time risk awareness to both virtual and physical networks. It applies signature-based and anomaly-based intrusion prevention techniques. Additionally, it uses the emulation approach in detecting and identifying malicious activities and security threats.

Even more interesting with this IDS tool is its ability to correlate threat activity with application usage. This ability makes it easy for the tool to prevent network issues arising from cyber breaches. The McAfee IDS tool also uses an SSL certificate to encrypt inbound and outbound data.

But the fundamental advantage of the McAfee IDS tool is its integrability and scalability features. The features allow you to develop your virtual workloads and join other McAfee platforms to receive more advanced threat and antivirus protection.

3. Suricata

Suricata is a free IDS tool. It operates on a code-based platform. It is primarily designed on a signature-based intrusion detection system to detect real-time cybersecurity threats and other malicious system anomalies. The tool will thus allow to quickly counter-attack impending cyber-attacks. The tool is also built to examine multi-gigabyte traffic and to routinely detect protocols. Its machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities make it easy for the tool to determine normal behavior from irregular behavior.

However, although the Suricata IDS tool is a great free option to detect system anomalies, its lack of documentation capabilities has been its major flaw. As such, the tool can be a victim of troubleshooting issues, and it can be challenging for users to keep track of its operations by referencing the past and preparing for the future.

4. Blumira

Blumira is a security information and event management IDS tool primarily created to detect threats in on-premises and cloud-based premises. It is an effective tool since it continually monitors your IT infrastructure to detect malicious activities and misconfigurations. Such threats could lead to data leaks and compliance breaches. It allows to respond to an ongoing attack swiftly and to stop attackers in their tracks.

With Blumira, you can customize your intrusion detection reports and also automate their options. It is also known for its easy-to-use and straightforward user interface.

5. Cisco Stealthwatch

The Cisco Stealthwatch is an enterprise-based network intrusion detection system and host intrusion detection system. It is an excellent IDS tool to scale your business requirements. It leverages a scalable intrusion detection system that will make you well-prepared to adopt the intrusion prevention tactics that are on the rise. It is also an excellent tool because it can detect malware in an encrypted network without necessarily decrypting the network.


An IDS is a vital element in protecting both on-premises and cloud-based IT environments from cybersecurity threats. There are several intrusion detection systems available today, which you can choose to work with. This article has listed the top five dedicated intrusion detection systems, and it has also explained what intrusion detection is and some of the types of IDS.

The post What is Intrusion Detection System (IDS) – Working, Types, Best Tools appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

89% of customers shop from a competitor if they have a poor experience with your website.

By 2023, 22% of global retail sales will happen online.

Increasing your website speed by one second translates to 7% higher conversions.

Thus, you must build a website for your small business that will impress your customers. Which website builder will help you make such a website? This article will answer that. In the next five minutes, learn all about the 10 best website builders for small businesses.

Best Website Builders for Small Business


Wix offers over 500 designer-made templates to showcase your products and services. Furthermore, you receive a domain name voucher for a year with paid plans.

Why should you trust Wix as one of the best website builders for small businesses? Because so does over 180 million people worldwide.


  • Create a stunning website with scroll effects, animation, and video backgrounds.
  • Connect over 100 APIs with the Wix Open Development Platform, Velo.
  • The mobile-responsive themes allow users to navigate the site without any hassle. Furthermore, personalize the mobile version of the site with the Mobile Editor.
  • Wix offers a personalized SEO plan based on the answers you give about your website, keywords, and location.
  • Sell your products and services with Wix e-commerce.
  • Wix Bookings allows customers to book appointments online.


Small businesses, bloggers, and Fortune 500 companies — 42% of the web uses WordPress. That is over 75 million websites. The huge number makes WordPress one of the most trusted website builders for small businesses.


  • Create each section just as you like it with over 50,000 plugins. Creating a backup of your sites, collecting leads, creating contact forms — you will find a plugin for everything.
  • Sell your products or services on the online store. WordPress has tied up with PayPal for payment processing. Thus, you won’t need to worry about collecting payments.
  • The in-built SEO tools make sure your website ranks better on search engines.
  • Google Analytics helps you to learn everything about user behavior on your site.
  • Live chat, email, or one-on-one QuickStart sessions — you will always receive help 24X7.
  • Have international visitors on your site? Create a multilingual site with support for 87 languages.


Squarespace offers a free trial of 14 days. Test out the features and decide if you want to use Squarespace to create a website.

The closed-source website builder means no one can add malicious codes to your website. Thus, your personal information and that of your users will always remain secure.


  • Showcase your products and services with customizable galleries.
  • Want to share private work with clients? Now you can with password-protected pages.
  • Write your journey, announce a new product or service launch, and post informative business-related content with the dedicated blog section.
  • See what are your best-selling products based on the number of sold units and revenue with Top Products.
  • Site Content allows you to see which pages users engage with the most.
  • The Squarespace mobile app allows you to manage your site on the go.


Weebly has tied up with Square product suite. Thanks to the tie-up, the website builder allows you to make a business website with an online store for free.

The website builder offers planning tools and expert starter guides as well. A step-by-guidance translates to less effort and worry on your part.


  • Edit your website on the go with the Weebly mobile app.
  • Integrated marketing tools such as Facebook ads and automated email campaigns allow you to reach more customers.
  • A customer left products on the cart? Send them an abandoned cart email to push the sale.
  • In-person events with the entrepreneur community help you learn and grow.
  • The in-built SEO guide helps you to rank your site better on Google searches.


40 million people trust WebNode to build a small business website. The website builder offers a 15-day free trial.

You can showcase your products or services with over a hundred templates.


  • You can manage your website on the go with the WebNode mobile app.
  • Sell your products and services on the in-built online store. Already have an online store? Add the same on your website with a few clicks.
  • Create up to 100 mailboxes. You can receive emails via Gmail, Outlook, or any other email client of your choice.
  • Receive customer support 5 days a week. You will always have a helping hand in every issue.
  • Read the WebNode blog to gain expert knowledge on building a website.


Over 1,700,000 businesses around the world use Shopify. If you already use another e-commerce platform, Shopify offers a simple option to switch.

You can hire an expert from the Shopify Experts marketplace to guide you through building a website.


  • Online store, social media, online marketplaces, Point of Sale — Shopify allows you to sell everywhere.
  • Facebook ads, email marketing, and Google Smart Shopping — Shopify lets you use every way to promote your business.
  • A single dashboard to manage orders, payments, and orders make the process smooth.
  • Over 6,000 apps allow you to customize your website.
  • Shopify Support solves each query you have 24X7.


The developers claim you can build a website with Strikingly within 30 minutes. You can build one-page websites as well.

Furthermore, Strikingly allows you to edit templates even after the website is live.


  • The in-built e-commerce store allows you to sell your products and services. With PayPal and Stripe compatibility, you never need to worry about payments.
  • You can use an existing domain or buy a new one.
  • Manage all the live chat, forms, signups, and newsletters from a single dashboard.
  • Integrate your social media sites including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for better reach.
  • The in-built HTTP translates to better security. Furthermore, better security helps the website to rank better as well.


Jimdo powers over 20 million websites. The website builder offers a free image library.

Furthermore, all the themes are optimized for mobile devices as well. Thus, no visitor will ever leave your site because they had issues navigating the site.


  • The flexible layouts adjust as per the images and logos you upload to your site.
  • Jimdo never charges any transaction fee. Thus, you retain 100% of your profits.
  • The integrated booking tools allow customers to book appointments on the site.
  • The website builder offers customized return policies and terms and conditions.
  • Jimdo offers customized GDPR-proof legal pages.
  • Create a logo to showcase your business with the website builder.


Over 450,000 websites worldwide use Duda. Among them, more than 15,000 are SaaS platforms and agencies.

The website builder offers 99.9% uptime. Your site will never show an error message.


  • The drag and drop templates allow you to fully customize your site. Furthermore, you can use HTML, CSS, or JavaScript as well.
  • Duda optimizes each webs page for SEO, schema, and Google Core Web Vitals. Your site will always rank better on search engines.
  • The website builder allows you to collaborate with clients and receive feedback inside the platform.
  • You can allow clients and employees access to specific website features.
  • You can create thousands of websites with existing data.


The website builder is also one of the most reputed domain registrars. Thus, you won’t have to buy a domain from elsewhere.

Furthermore, GoDaddy offers a reseller program as well. Choose which GoDaddy product you want to sell and GoDaddy will take care of everything from the online store to the payment gateway.


  • GoDaddy offers a range of videos you can watch to get started.
  • Automated backup means you will never lose any of your data.
  • Reach more customers with email marketing. Promote your products and services to your customer’s inboxes.
  • Learn all about user behavior on your site with Google Analytics.
  • In-built SEO helps the website to rank better on search engines.

What are the best website builders?

With over 500 templates, an in-built SEO feature, and over 100 APIs, Wix tops the chart. However, if you specifically want an online store, go for Shopify.

The post 10 Best Website Builders for Small Business appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Do you know which one is better for BTech IT and BTech CS? Most of you who are interested in studying technology is looking for a BTech degree. But there are various specializations in which you can pursue your degree. And from those, IT and CS are the two most demanding specializations that confuse most students. As both are great in terms of scopes and career opportunities, IT CS is a versatile specialization, IT is excellent for information technology study.

So, which one can be a better choice for your upcoming studies? If you want to know the answer, you need to understand the differences between BTech IT vs BTech CS. So you can choose the best field of studies to enable an excellent career path.

Also Read: BCA vs B.Tech – Which is Better?

B.Tech IT vs B.Tech CS - Which One is Better

What is Information Technology?

It is the technology that mainly builds a solution for businesses for more agile and accurate workflow. IT is focused on managing computer and computer devices rather than computing the data using computer devices. IT is a crucial part of computer science, whereas computer science is a broad term. Hence, it includes inventory management, customer relationships, and data management.

Information Technology in Engineering

It is also the most popular field of study in BTech that most of the students prefer. Here you learn about information management for businesses. It mainly works closely to store and retrieve the information as per the need of the business processes. Nowadays, IT has become a crucial part of day-to-day life. From small businesses to large enterprises, all are using this crucial technology. Because by using such technologies, businesses can easily maintain good customer relationships, data management, and more. Hence, students willing to master a particular technology domain with lots of opportunities can prefer BTech IT.

What is Computer Science?

Computer science is a vast field that you can study to understand programming. Because computer science contains profound information about algorithms, data structure, and programming. It also includes various other terms to make you capable of understanding essential concepts of computer science. Computer science includes both low and high-level programming languages.

Computer Science in Engineering

Computer science in engineering or computer science engineering is a significant part of a study in BTech. That most of the students pursue to understand the fundamentals of computer science and engineering. If you also need to know about the design, execution, and management of the information in hardware and software. Then you can consider learning about CSE because it aims to create and troubleshoot the errors to keep running devices like supercomputers, smartphones, and other devices. It is the domain that includes in-depth information about AI, ML, R&D, and also web development. Therefore, the students with a BTech degree in CS or CSE are found working in various industries.

B.Tech IT vs B.Tech CS

We have understood some basic concepts of computer science and information technology. So, let’s understand the key differences between BTech IT Vs. BTech CS. So, you can understand which one can be the best option to choose for your further studies.

B/Tech IT B.Tech CS
Aim for Study


BTech IT is the most suitable program for the students willing to know about information security, managing networks, software development, and engineering. It is a suitable program for the students willing to understand computer hardware and software, fundamentals of programming, and computer networking and applications.
Subjects to Study


The student mainly learns about software engineering, programming, C programming, vector analysis, and much more. So, the students clearly understand and build the solutions for the businesses. In BTech CS, the students learn about system programming, internet technology, business processing logic, and AI. There are also several other terms that a student of computer science understands during the course.
Higher Education


If you want to get higher study after completing BTech in IT, you can consider MTech IT. Also, you have the option to study in MTech CSE as well depending upon your preferences and the specialty you want to attain. After computer BTech in CS the student can look for MTech CS. So, the students can attain more information about cloud technology, AI, cloud computing, and machine learning.
Placement The BTech IT professional can be placed as a testing engineer, app developer, and software developer. After completing BTech in CS, the student can be placed as a networking engineer, game developer, client system server manager, and data analyst.
Name of Degree After completing this course, the student gets a degree in BTech in information technology. However, after completing this degree, the student gets the degree in BTech in computer science engineering.

Which One is Better?

Both are highly recognized and well-known names when it comes to studying technology. If you opt for learning CS, you understand computing using devices like PC and supercomputers. However, IT is mainly related to communication, data management, and customer relationship management. The BTech CS degree holder candidates are getting positions as junior programmers, data analysts, and software engineers in top companies. If you also want to get hired by Deloitte, Accenture, Microsoft, and Wipro, then CS can be the field you need to choose.

However, if you choose IT, you can get immense opportunities in finance, defense, and other vital areas. There you can be hired in TCS, Infosys, and IBM-like companies. You can also get hired in ISRO, CDIT, and BSNL public sector companies.  Hence, if you want to work mainly in the finance and defense industry, you can prefer a bachelor of technology in information technology. And if you need to pursue a course that provides tons of career opportunities in most industries. In that case, the BTech CS or bachelor of technology in computer science can be your preference.


So, in this article, we tried to understand the differences between Btech IT and Btech CS. And we did a long discussion to give you brief highlights of both the specializations. Hence, now we hope you have a clear idea of which specialization of BTech can be the best choice for you. So, choose your specialization wisely and stay tuned with us to keep learning about such crucial terms.

The post B.Tech IT vs B.Tech CS – Which One is Better appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

IT or Information technology is the industry that has registered continuous growth. It was in a better situation even in the COVID-19 situation than other industries. However, the ever-growing IT industry has encouraged the young generation and current professionals to find their ideal career opportunities. Hence, if you are also one of those willing to grow a professional career in the IT field. It can be better to know about the top highest paying jobs in IT sectors. So you can also acquire such skills and get placed in renowned companies.

Highlights About IT Industry

The IT industry is becoming one of the significant industries of our economy. It has registered an attractive number of shareholders who contributed to 2020-21 GDP growth at a high rate. The Indian information Technology has attained about $194B in 2021 and has a 7% share in GDP growth. Also, the valuation for this industry will cross $100B by 2025, and it has registered exports of $150B. Hence, it is one of the vast industries of India that can be suitable to build a secure career path. Because startups like Zerodha, Ola, and Rupay to large organizations like Infosys, HCL Technologies Ltd, all will grow at a mass scale.

Top 10 Highest Paying IT Jobs in India

Top 10 Highest Paying IT Jobs in India

Image Source

1. Data Scientist

Data scientist is the most demanding profession in the IT industry. And also, they are the highest-paid professionals in this industry, with a demand growth rate of 29 percent. Currently, the demand for data scientists has increased 344% compared to 2013. hence, if you want to interpret and analyze big data using a fundamental understanding of machine learning and data structure. And implementing programming languages including C++, Java, and Python can be a fruitful career for you. Because the salary for a data scientist can be over Rs5,50,000 to Rs17,50,000 per annum.

2. Cloud Architect

A cloud architect is an IT professional who is responsible for implementing cloud computing strategies. And they are also responsible for coordinating with the various teams to ensure the development tasks happen accurately. A cloud architect has a profound understanding of storage, servers, analytics, and many more. They also use tools like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. With practical communication skills and essential IT skills, they also become highly paid professionals. The salary for a cloud architect can vary from Rs4,00,000 to Rs23,00,000 per year.

3. Software Architect

A software architect is a professional in the IT sector who works closely with a development task. They are responsible for designing, testing, and managing the software products of the systems. If you want to become a software architect, then you have to learn high-level designing skills. Along with this, you will also have to understand codes and configure the bugs related to a software solution. It was one of the highly demanding job skills in 2020. Still, it is one of the most fertile fields for professionals and companies. The software architect can earn Rs9,00,000 per year to Rs31,00,000 per year as they gain experience.

4. IoT Architect

Learning about IoT or the Internet of Things can be significant if you want to learn one of the most popular IT skills. It is the technology that helps in transforming current technology in terms of communication and data sharing. And now the whole world has gone dependent on this beautiful technology. If you become an IoT architect, you will manage the IoT technology deployment for the firm or organization you work with. Currently, the IoT architects are paid up to Rs20,00,000 per annum. Hence, if you want to get paid higher and also willing to work among the skilled workforce. Then looking to be an Internet of Things architect can be a promising career.

5. Big Data Engineer

Another highest-paying job skill in the IT sector is big data engineering. And as a big data engineer, you need to work around the big data sets of the applications. Here you manage the life cycle of the entire development product by your team. And also utilize high-level technologies, including Hadoop, NoSQL, and Spark. Not only this, but you also need to use coding skills, data warehousing, and visualizing skills. A big data engineer can earn about Rs4,50,000 to Rs18,50,000 per year. Hence, it is also one of the sought and highest-paid jobs in the IT industry that you can look for.

6. AI or Artificial Intelligence Engineer

An AI engineer works with artificial intelligence technologies to design and develop effective methods to perform a variety of operations efficiently. These essential operations can revolve around monitoring, warehousing, and developing software. As an AI engineer, you master the programming languages like Torch, R, and Python. You are also under TensorFlow and other technologies for machine learning. As an artificial intelligence engineer, you can earn up to Rs18,00,000 every year.

7. Blockchain Engineer

Blockchain is one of the leading technologies of the current era, especially for the banking and financing sector. And in the upcoming future, the career of blockchain engineer is going to be demanding. Because these professionals manage the infrastructure of blockchain technologies like Bitcoin, Ripple, R3, and more. Hence, you can consider this skill because currently there is a limited supply of workforce and also the large companies hire these experts. So, if you become a blockchain engineer, you can easily earn Rs6,00,000 to Rs36,00,000 per annum.

8. DevOps Engineer

If you want to manage both the development and operations of the development tasks. Then you can consider becoming a DevOps engineer by gaining complete knowledge about the lifecycle of the product. You can also gain an understanding of all the activities from development to deployment of software. However, you need to learn about continuous integrations, logging, collaboration, and more to start with it. So, by considering this high salaried job opportunity in India, you can earn about Rs17,00,000 per year.

9. Product Manager

A product manager is a crucial professional in the IT sector because they design the entire roadmap of the software product. From quality checks to customer base sections and many other prospects, all are handled by this expert. Here they are required to use tools like JIRA, PivotalTracker, and more. If you have leadership skills and are willing to guide a highly talented workforce. Then opting for product manager can be a great career opportunity for you. Because product managers can earn up to Rs21,00,000 per annum in India.

10. Cybersecurity Specialist

Nowadays, most companies want to protect themselves from malware, hacking and harmful viruses. Hence, if you have an interest in cybersecurity, you can consider becoming a cybersecurity specialist. Here you will be mainly responsible for coping with cyber-attacks and preventing them before they reach the company’s server. Also, much of the Indian industry faced massive losses due to cybercrimes, including hacking. Hence, industries like accounting, consulting, and other similar industries are hiring cyber security experts. And most of the professionals get paid anywhere from Rs6,00,000 to Rs12,00,000 per annum.


So, in this article, we discussed the top 10 highest paying IT jobs in India that you can consider for you. So you can also get a high-paying job to secure your professional career. Thus, if you are interested in machine learning, IoT, AI, big data, or any other IT skill. Then you can consider one of these well-paid job profiles to pursue your professional career.

The post Top 10 Highest Paying IT Jobs in India appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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Language has always been the most effective medium of communication. Good communication is always a bridge from confusion to clarity. Not only humans, each and every element of this nature too have their own language of speech to share their emotions and feelings with the other. At times even a gentle breeze speaks a hundred matters to us.

Today in this 21st era, the era of technology, the computers to have languages to communicate with us humans…the programming language.

Programming language can be classified into two types:

  1. Compiled language
  2. Interpreted language

What is Compiled Language?

The programming languages that the target machine can read without the help of another program. Generally, humans cannot understand the code of this language

Eg: C,C++,CLEO,C#.

What is Interpreted Language?

The programming languages that the target machine cannot read its own. The machines always need another program for the conversion of instructions into their readable form.

Eg: JavaScript, Python, BASIC, etc.

Basically, keywords of any programming language need to be converted into machine language, so that the code can run and give us the output through the system.

The methodology of machine language is always beyond human intelligence. So here comes the role of Translator software.

Translator Softwares

Translator software converts the keywords of programming languages into machine language and makes it run to get the output.

Normally the translator software works in two ways:

  1. As a compiler
  2. As an interpreter

As a compiler what translator software does is that:

It considers all the instructions in the Program and converts the source code into an equivalent machine code.

For e.g.: C, C++, CLEO, C#… use a compiler so these come under the category of Compiled languages.

In the role of an interpreter, the translator software takes one instruction at a time and it executes it in real time. This is actually an interactive way of executing a program.

For e.g.: JavaScript, Python, BASIC, etc use an interpreter so these come under the category of Interpreted languages.

Simply diagrammatically the idea of translator software can be represented like this.

Compiled Language vs Interpreted Language

Compiled Language vs Interpreted Language

Compiled Languages Interpreted Languages
The compiler works on the complete program at once. It takes the entire program as input An interpreter takes programs line to line. It takes one statement at a time as input.
Generates the intermediate code known as the machine code or object code. An interpreter doesn’t generate intermediate code known as the machine code.
Compiler languages are more efficient but are difficult to debug. Interpreted languages are less efficient but easy to debug. This specialty makes it an ideal choice for new students.
The compiler does not allow a program to run until it is completely error-free. The interpreter runs the program from the first line and stops execution only if it encounters an error.
Compile once and run any time. The compiled program need not be compiled every time. Every time they run the program it is interpreted line by line.
Errors are reported after the entire program is checked syntactical and other errors. Error is reported when the first error is encountered. The rest program remains unchecked till the error is solved.
The compiled program takes more memory because the entire object code has to reside in memory. Interpreter does not generate intermediate memory code. Therefore interpreter programs are memory efficient.
E.g.: C, C++, CLEO, C#. E.g.: JavaScript, Python, BASIC, etc.


In the result of the process of interpreting or compiling lies the difference between interpreted and compiled language. Always an interpreter produces a result from a program; meanwhile a compiler produces a program written in assembly language.

Then it’s the turn of the assembler of architecture to convert the resulting program into binary code. For each individual computer, depending upon its architecture, assembly language varies. Consequently, only on computers that have the same architecture as the computer on which they were compiled, compiled programs can run.

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In this article, we will understand the difference between firmware and operating system. Also, we will try to find out some significant differences between these two important terms.

Most people consider firmware as the software, but actual firmware is not the software. However, they carry similar features near to the software components. Operating systems are the complete software that coordinates with the other software applications and the hardware components of the devices.

What is Firmware?

Firmware is the part of code that is embedded in a particular part of the hardware components. They are the updated or the modified version of the software. Also, its primary function is to guide the hardware device to perform its task.

The firmware is used in video cards, cameras, ovens, fridges, and other devices. These embedded codes help these devices to function whenever users give instructions. Hence, firmware can be used in both computer and electronic devices.

Firmware contains low-level programming codes, and it can execute only basic tasks. And it can only control the particular hardware components. Also, every different piece of hardware can have a different set of unmodified codes. Moreover, these codes are written in the assembly languages that the hardware part can understand.

What is Operating System?

The operating system or OS is the primary layer within the computer device. And it connects or works as the interface between the hardware components and the computing devices. So, all can function together to provide the desired result to the user.

It has control of all the hardware and software components that exist in the computing or computer device. OS helps to boot the computer and plays a significant role when the user interacts with the computer.

In short, the operating system also helps the user to access the computer and its function without knowing any machine languages. Examples of operating systems are Windows, iOS, Mac, and Linux. And the OS can be installed in the storage device of the computing machine.

Nowadays, most devices need to have an OS so the user can use that device. From taking the print to doing office work, all are done using the operating system. It creates an environment where the user can work conveniently without knowing any machine programming languages.

Difference between Firmware and Operating System

Firmware and Operating System

Image Source

We have learned some foundational information about the firmware and OS. Let’s also learn some valuable differences between firmware and operating systems.

  • Firmware is mainly stored in the ROM; however, the OS is stored in the computer’s storage device.
  • The operating systems are not fixed by their codes, and from time to time, they get updated. Whereas the firmware is the fixed code and mostly does not get updated.
  • If we talk about the size, then the firmware has small programming codes. But on the other hand, operating systems contain a vast number of programming codes.
  • The OS is suitable to execute high-level tasks from the device. The firmware is suitable for low-level operating within the device.
  • The firmware is also a single-purpose code designed for a particular part of the hardware. Although, the OS is a multi-purpose code designed to perform dynamic tasks using it.
  Firmware Operating system (OS)
Meaning Firmware is the part of the programming language code embedded within a particular hardware part of the computing device. The operating system is the foundational layer in the computing device or computer. It helps the users interact without knowing any programming language.
Residing The firmware resides either in RAM or the ROM; it mainly exists in the ROM of the computer devices or computing machines. On the other hand, the operating system resides or exists in the storage disk of the computing machine. The storage device can either be a hard disk or a solid disk.
Files Size


Generally, the firmware files are small; hence, the firmware requires only a small amount of code to keep it functional. Mainly, the operating system carries vast files full of essential coding sets. In short, it is the set of the vast coded program in the programming language.


The purpose of the firmware is to handle particular hardware components. Hence, these are single-purpose codes coded to control one device. However, the operating system is a multi-purpose program designed to control multiple parts of the computer. It mostly has control over all hardware components. Hence, it is a multi-purpose program, as it can execute multiple tasks at a time.
Code The firmware also has fixed codes, and it can not be modified or updated. Whereas the operating system does not have a fixed set of codes. And it gets updated daily, so the user gets an optimized working experience.
Function The firmware is designed to perform low-level tasks. Such as instructing the keyboard to type the key or function based on the user’s command. The function of an OS is to control the hardware of the device and balance it with other software. So, it can be the desired environment, and the user can access all this information without facing any issues. Hence, the operating systems are primarily performing high-level tasks.
Examples Examples of devices that contain firmware are routers, ovens, video cards, keyboards, washing machines, fridges, etc. Apple iOS, Mac, Windows, Android, Linux, and Ubuntu are examples of operating systems.


So, here in this post, we tried to understand the difference between firmware and OS or operating systems. We covered all important things to understand the fundamental differences between these two. Hence, we hope you now have sound knowledge of how the firmware and operating systems are different.

Also, you learned significant differences that will help you clarify that firmware is not the software, but it is near to software. Thus, keep learning about similar topics to build immense knowledge about computer networking. For this, you can stay tuned to our blog as we keep posting interesting posts.

The post Difference between Firmware and Operating System (OS) appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

A database is a sorted collection of structured information so that it can be easily accessed and controlled. DB is the short form of a database. It is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Data in databases is typically stored in the form of rows and columns in a series of tables to make effective processing and querying of data. By maintaining, the data in the form of tables, it can be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, organized, and controlled.

Evolution of Database

Databases were introduced in the early 1960s. Since then, they have evolved dramatically. Navigational databases, follow a hierarchical structure that is dependant on a tree-like modal and stick to on-many relationships. On the other hand, a network database sticks to multiple relationships and is kind of more flexible. These were the original systems and were more inflexible. Eventually, relational databases became popular in The 1980s. After that object-oriented databases came in the 1990s. Henceforth, NoSQL databases came, and now cloud databases and self-driving databases are gaining popularity.

Database Software

Database software helps in creating, editing, and maintaining database files and data. It helps in enabling easier file and record creation, data manipulation, and reporting. The software also controls data storage, backup, reporting, and security. Database security is one of the major concerns today, as data theft is more prominent these days. It is sometimes referred to as a “database management system”(DBMS).

Different Types of Database

History of DBMS

The organization decides the best database, as per its intent to use the data. Different databases are used for storing multiple varieties of data.

1. Distributed Database

This database is unlike a centralized database system, in which data is distributed among multiple DB systems of an organization. Communication links help in connecting these database systems.

There are two categories of Distributed databases.

Homogeneous DDB: The databases which carry the same hardware devices and use the same application process and are executed on the same operating system are known as Homogeneous DDB.

Heterogeneous DDB: The databases which carry different hardware devices are executed on different operating systems under different application processes are known as Heterogeneous DDB.

Distributed Databases help in modular development and if one server fails it will not cause the loss of the entire dataset. These are a few of the advantages of the Distributed Database.

2. Relational Database

Relational data model is the main idea behind this database. In this database, data is stored in the form of rows and columns, which are together known as tables. SQL is the language that is used for storing, manipulating, and controlling data. A few of the examples of Relational databases are Oracle, MySQL, etc.

There are four common properties of Relational Database which are ACID PROPERTIES. A stands for Atomicity, which means either the operation will fail or succeed. stands for Consistency, which means before and after values of the transactions should be preserved. stands for Isolation, which means data between concurrent users who are accessing the data at the same time should be isolated. stands for Durability, which means that any changes in the data should remain permanent.

It is one of the most mature databases, where every piece of information is related to every other piece of information. All data is tabulated in this model. Hence, each row is connected to another row using a primary key. In Relational databases, it is more convenient to traverse through the data. Therefore, they are quite light-weighted.

3. Cloud Database

This type of database stores the data in a virtual environment and is accessed over a cloud computing platform. There are various cloud computing services such as SaaS, PaaS, etc. It serves the main purpose as a traditional database but with the added flexibility of cloud computing. The software is installed on a cloud infrastructure to implement the database.

Key Features:

  • A database is accessed through a web interface or the API provided by the vendor.
  • It can be managed by a user or can be provided as a service by the provider.
  • It has made the work of enterprises easier by giving the service to host a database without actually rendering the services of hardware.

4. Hierarchical Database

This database stores data in the form of a parent-child relationship where the data is organized in a tree-like structure. Each child has a single parent but every parent can have multiple children. In this database, data is categorized based on a common point of linkage. Due to such a structure, hierarchical databases are not easily saleable as traversing through the data is quite tough in such an architecture.

5. Network Database

The representation of data in this database is in the form of nodes that are connected with links. It follows a network data model. The main advantage of a network database is that the pattern of the relationships among entities is quite natural, which is the opposite in a hierarchical model.

6. Centralized Database

This database stores the data at a centralized database system. Users are now able to access the data stored from multiple locations via different applications. It is a secure database that contains the authentication process for the users to securely access the data. 


  • Consistency of data is maintained as the data is managed in a chief repository.
  • Standard of data quality is a bit higher.
  • Risk of data management has been effectively decreased.


  • Any glitch in the server will cause the entire data loss.
  • Size of the database is large, which in turn increases the response time.

7. NoSQL Database

This database is used for storing a wide range of data sets. It does not follow a relational model and is not a relational database. Data here is stored in several ways. It caters to the need of modern applications. Since the developers can store a huge amount of unstructured data, this database is quite flexible.

Key Features: 

  • It gives the provisions of Horizontal scaling.
  • Developer-friendly database.
  • All the schemas are quite flexible.
  • The data model is such that queries execution is a tad faster.

8. Object Oriented Database

When we apply object-oriented programming concepts on Relational data model, then it’s called Object Oriented database model. Data in these types of databases are stored in an object-based model approach and the data is stored in the form of objects.


In conclusion, a database is efficient management to store and organize the data. Any database can be chosen depending on the needs and functionality, it caters to. Thus, a DB gives us a centralized facility to share the data among multiple users.

The post 8 Different Types of Database appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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