January 2022

Whenever we are writing any programs and then we encounter any error. The amount of frustration we got at that time is so much higher. So I have got a solution for you.

Today in this article we are going to discuss the error typeerror: ‘int’ object is not iterable.

We will discuss why we get this error and what are some possible solutions for this error. Please make sure to read till the end to save a lot of time in debugging this error.

First, let’s understand what the term ‘iterable’ means?

Iterable is something from which we can take values one by one and use them accordingly. For example whenever we are using a loop to iterate over a list or over a tuple then the loop is working as an iterable. It gives a single element at a time to process it.

In other terms, you can think of iterable as a container from which we get a single item at a time. And it will give the items as instructed.

For example:

for i in range(5):

when we run this code in the terminal we get the output:


In the above example, we can see that the range() functions return a list of numbers, and variable I is working as a container. It gives a single value at a time and prints it.

Now we will get to know why this error occurs and we will check how we can eliminate those errors..

Reasons for Error

Case 1:

Suppose you are writing a program in which there is a list of railway station names is given. You are trying to iterate through the list and print all the station names in uppercase order. You have used a loop to get this work done.

For example:

station_names = ['New Delhi', 'Lucknow', 'Patna', 'GorakhPur']

for num in len(station_names):
    station_uppercase = station_names[num].upper()

When we run this program in our terminal then we will get an error like this.


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work\test.py”, line 3, in <module>

    for num in len(station_names):

TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable

As it is mentioned in the output itself that in line no. 3 we have got the error.

We got this error because we are trying to iterate values from a single integer value which is not possible. We know that len() function returns a value as an integer. So it cannot be iterated to get values. We can iterate those items only which is supposed to be a container, which means they contain a bunch of values as in list, tuples, etc.

Case 2:

Suppose there is a string given. We want to change alternate cases of character. Means lower and upper case in alternate order. We will do it by using a loop as demonstrated in the example below.


string = 'abcdefghij'

new_string = ''
for char in len(string):
    if (char % 2 != 0):
        new_string = new_string + string[char].upper()
        new_string = new_string + string[char]

print(f"After alternating case changes : {new_string}")

When we try to run it in our terminal then we will encounter the error: ‘int’ object is not iterable.


PS C:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work> python -u “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work\test.py”

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work\test.py”, line 4, in <module>

    for char in len(string):

TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable

Here the same error occurs because we are trying to iterate from an integer.

Sometimes these errors are very hard to get recognized and we spent some hours debugging our code to find the error.

Solutions for Error

As we know we are getting this error because we are trying to iterate that object which is not iterable. So we have to work on things that can make that object iterable.

We can see that using the range() function in loops solves the error because we know that range() function returns a container or a list of things in which we can iterate the values one by one and we can process it accordingly.

After using range() function in the loop, the error will be resolved and we will successfully be able to run our programs and we will see the desired output.

Case 1 Solution:

station_names = ['New Delhi', 'Lucknow', 'Patna', 'GorakhPur']

for num in range(len(station_names)):
    station_uppercase = station_names[num].upper()


PS C:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work> python -u “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work\test.py”





We can see that our program runs successfully.

After we use the range function, then it returns an iterable and then our ‘num’ variable goes through that iterable and takes the values one at a time and convert it to upper case and then print the value.

That is how the iterable in as program works.

Case 2 Solution:

string = 'abcdefghij'

new_string = ''
for char in range(len(string)):
    if (char % 2 != 0):
        new_string = new_string + string[char].upper()
        new_string = new_string + string[char]

print(f"After alternating case changes : {new_string}")


PS C:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work> python -u “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\Geeksgyan Work\test.py”

After alternating case changes : aBcDeFgHiJ

We can see that the program runs successfully after using the range() function in the code. It eliminates the error and gives the desired output.

Whenever this error occurs, the first thing you have to do is to find if there are any loops in the program, try to dry run the program and check if you are getting the output or not. Check whether you are trying to iterate a value that cannot be iterated. And you will find the error and try to resolve that error using the technique mentioned above.


Whenever you get error typeerror: int object is not iterable then you have to check throughout the program and try to find whether you are trying to use non-iterable as an iterable. The most common error I have already shown in the above example and I also gave the solution of those problems.

That’s all for this article.

Thank you.

The post Solve TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable in Python appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/FBNhZJxnX

While we are learning about functions, or using functions to write a program, we often encounter an error called: UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment.

In this article, we will see what causes this error and how can we eliminate this type of error in our programs.

Reasons for Error

Case 1:

Suppose we write a function to calculate a price for the given weight.

For example:

def get_price(weight):
    if (weight > 40):
        price = 100
    elif (weight > 20):
        price = 50
    return price

print(f"Price is : {get_price(weight=25)}")
print(f"Price is : {get_price(weight=15)}")

In the above example, we have written a function named get_price(). Which will return’s a price tag for the given input of weight. Here we have introduced 2 conditions to consider the price.

1st condition is if the weight of the item is greater than 40 then the price will be Rs 100.

2nd condition is if the weight of the item is greater than 20, then the price will be Rs 50.

When we call the function first time and pass weight as 25, then the function will work well and return 50.


Price is : 50

This function will work well when we pass the weight of the item greater than 20. But wait, what if we pass the weight less than 20 ?.

As in 2nd time when we are calling the function and pass value of weight as 15 then,

It will throw an error called:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\programs\main.py”, line 13, in <module>


  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\programs\main.py”, line 10, in get_price

    return price

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘price’ referenced before assignment

This error occurs because as we can see in the function that we have defined only 2 conditions but the weight we are passing to the function does not come under any condition so that the execution of the program will not go in any of the if block.

It directly comes to the line where the function is going to return something. Since we can see that we have written to return price, we have not defined what price to be returned because the function is not able to recognize it. Therefore, it shows this error.

Case 2:

We can encounter this error we are directly trying to access a global variable in our function.

For example:

num = 15

def add_number_by_1():
    num = num + 1
    return num

In the above example, we are trying to add 1 to a num variable that is not defined in the function, when we execute the program then it will throw the same error.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\programs\main.py”, line 21, in <module>           print(add_number_by_1())

  File “c:\Users\ASUS\Desktop\programs\main.py”, line 16, in add_number_by_1

    num = num + 1

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘num’ referenced before assignment

It is showing the error because the number in which we are trying to add 1 is not in the scope of the function itself. Therefore, the function is not able to recognize the value of the num variable.

Ways to Solve Error

Case 1:

So here comes the solution part, we have to keep some points in our minds whenever we are writing functions, As we know if we return something from a function, the variable which we are trying to return should be defined in the function itself. Because the scope of that variable will be limited to that function only. If it is defined in the function then the function will easily return the value. It will not throw any error in this case.

As we encountered an error in the previous example, we are going to see how can we eliminate this error.


def get_price(weight):
    if (weight > 40):
        price = 100
    elif (weight > 20):
        price = 50
        price = 25

    return price
print(f"Price is : {get_price(weight=25)}")
print(f"Price is : {get_price(weight=15)}")


Price is : 50

Price is : 25

As shown in the above example, we have added an else block in the function, so that if any of the condition does not come true then we will have else block to execute it and we will get the price value in this case which helps us to return that value from the function.

In this case, it will not show any error because the value we are trying to return is already defined in either of the conditions above.

The value can be from if block or elif block or else block. It depends of the conditions we have written in the function and the value of the weight we have passed to the function as input.

After the addition of the else block, the function get_price() will be executed in all conditions. Whatever will be the value of weight we pass to the function, we will get the respective output as price from the function.

Case 2:

As we have seen in case 2, we can solve this error by using a keyword called global. It helps to inform our function that the value of num which we are trying to access exists in the global scope and after this, our function will be able to recognize the value of num and we will be able to perform the respective operation on that variable.


num = 15

def add_number_by_1():

    global num

    num = num + 1
    return num
print(f"After adding 1 to {num}, it becomes {add_number_by_1()}")


After adding 1 to 15, it becomes 16


Whenever we try to access a variable that is not defined earlier then we encounter this type of error. In this article, we have seen how UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment error occurs and we have seen the cases in which this error can occur. We also have seen the respective solutions of those cases.

The post Solve “local variable referenced before assignment” Error in Python appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3H5S7Cz

Programming languages which are used to create and operate database, known as database language like Structured Query language aka SQL etc.

Most of database languages are non-procedural, means the language focus on “what to do instead of how to do?”

We can further divide database languages in these 4 categories as per the type of users:

  1. Data definition language aka DDL
  2. Data manipulation language aka DML
  3. Data control language aka DCL
  4. Data query language aka DQL

Database Languages in DBMS


It is used to specify or create database schema like new database or tables creation along with their properties. It is commonly used by Database administrator.

Sample codes are as per given below:

CREATE: To create new database or tables

ALTER: To change the structure of table

DROP: To delete objects from table

TRUNCATE: To remove all records from a table

COMMENT: To add comments to the data dictionary

It also updates data dictionary.

Data dictionary is kind of metadata about the database. In simple words data dictionary is like a map of the database, which contain all information about the database.


create table employee (id number (10), name char (20), address varchar (30));

After passing this code a table will be formed named “employee”.

Table employee
Id Name address


It is used by end users to access or perform operations on a database or table. It helps users to manipulate the database or a table.

DML is further classify in two sections:

  • Procedural DML: In this section user needs to define “what data is needed and how to get that?” like PL/SQL.
  • Non-Procedural DML: In this section user needs to define just “what is needed?”. Its not required to define any procedure to get that data. Like SQL.

Sample codes are as per given below:

INSERT: To insert data in table

SELECT: To select data from a table or complete table

UPDATE: To update existing data in table

MODIFY: To modify or change any data in table

DELETE: To delete all records from a table without remove spaces allotted.

REMOVE: To remove selected data from a table

LOCK TABLE: To control concurrency


insert into table employee (id, name, address) values (‘01’,’Ajay’,’C5, Anand Vihar, Pune’);

After applying this command, the table employee will be look like this:

Table employee
Id Name Address
01 Ajay C5, Anand Vihar, Pune


This part is like components of SQL that are used to control access to data and database along with database users. These are function which help to manage any type of approach to database to maintain security and integrity.

Sample codes are as per given below:

COMMIT: To save the work done till current.

ROLLBACK: To revert the database till the last COMMIT point.

SAVE POINT: To make a save point so that we can revert to only that point in case of any changes needs to be done. By default, COMMIT point is a SAVE POINT, but SAVE POINT is not a COMMIT point.

GRANT/REVOKE: To give or take back permission from users of database.

SET TRANSACTION: To give or take back permission from users of database, and to set limit of permissions.


This is a format language which is used to get or retrieve any data from the database. This format creates different queries. Also, it helps database to understand the reaming part of the query except commands. All queries in database belongs to DQL.

The post Database Languages in DBMS – DDL, DML, DCL, DQL appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3Aj5pJt

Do you want to learn about collisions in networking? If yes, stay on this article because we have covered this topic in detail. And in this article, you will learn collision in computer networking and how it works. We will also discover some brief information about collision detection and avoidance.

So, if you want to get every detail systematically. Please stay on this article and keep reading it step by step.

What is Collision in Networking?

Collision is the condition or the situation when two or even more computers start transmitting electronic signals at a time. And therefore, IT professionals use network accessing methods to handle collisions.

If we talk about Ethernet networking, then a collision can occur if two or more network stations start transmitting the signals in the wire simultaneously. Hence, to handle this, such wires use CSMA/CD or Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection method. And it is placed on each station, so whenever any station takes the access of wire, it finds out.

In short, collision in computer networking is the scenario when two or more computers start sending signals simultaneously. And to prevent such situations, such as wire, use CSMA/CD methods.

How Does Collision Work In Networking?

When the station in the network transmits the signal, it is found as a collision. The station will stop transmitting the signal, and it will cause a jam signal. So, the other stations will stop their process from transmitting the signal to other stations. And these stations will wait for a random time interval to start retransmitting the same signal.

So, if there will not be any collision issue, signals get transmitted easily. The collision in-network situation can occur if it is the physical layer in the OSI model. And when there are multiple devices, they share the same media in the physical layer. Then there can be a collision as multiple stations may start transmitting information simultaneously.

What is Collision In Networking

Image Source

What is Collision Domain in Network?

The collision domain in the network is the place in the network where a collision has taken its place. It is the local place in the network that jams the network. In simple words, the collision domain in the network is where the collision error has appeared.

Collision Detection in Computer Networks

Collision detection is the standard issue found in the two or more objects that intersect together. This is the computational error that most commonly appears in computational geometry. However, collision detection can mostly appear in computer games, robotics, and similar components. And because of this, it can be divided into two parts of operating on 2D and 3D elements.

Collision Avoidance in Computer Networks

Collision avoidance is the process that is mainly used in telecommunication and networking. It is the essential thing to do to avoid contention of the resources. Also, using this approach, the situations of a collision or when two or more nodes start accessing the same resources can be prevented. With this technique, the IT professional can ensure that signal transmission in the network passes without colliding with any other traffic within the network.

This method uses carrier detection schemes, randomized access times, and prior scheduling time schedules. Exponential backoff is another excellent method being used as the collision avoidance method.

A collision can also appear in wireless networks, and it also occurs in a wired network. Hence, to avoid such jam issues in the network and make it accessible for smooth flow of information. Collision avoidance methods are great as these methods ensure the free flow of signals. Also, if there is already any signal being transmitted, it will alert another node. And that node will wait for random timing to transmit the same signal again.


So, in this article, we did a detailed discussion on collision in a computer network. We also discussed some other key phrases used in such a context. Hence, we hope now you have a clear idea about collisions in a computer network. And you know it is the situation where two or more nodes start transmitting the signals in the same network simultaneously. And it is the situation that is called collision in technical terms.

However, the area where collision takes place is called the collision domain. Collision avoidance is the method that prevents the situation from occurring in a collision in the computer network. These methods can alert other nodes and ask them to wait until the traffic gets clear. Or there can be other collision avoidance methods to prevent such situations in the network.

Thus, now you have learned in detail about collisions in a computer network. And if you liked this great piece of the article, then do not forget to share it. Also, share your excellent views in the comment section to motivate our efforts.

The post What is Collision in Networking? – Detection & Avoidance appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3KnqJ4V

Python coding language is prominent among developers. It’s mainly used for the creation of applications. The language is easy to learn, and that’s why most developers prefer it. In fact, some giant applications such as Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify are written in Python language. But when it comes to building healthcare apps, it’s critical to consider if Python is a safe language to serve this purpose. Essentially, the best language for creating healthcare apps must be HIPAA compliant.

Explaining HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) refers to a list of regulatory standards that dictate legal use and disclosure of sensitive health information. Simply put, HIPAA compliance is a practice that health care industries incorporate into their operations in an effort to secure and protect health information. Typically, healthcare organizations acquire new patient information daily since more patients keep flowing into the hospitals.

For example, the global healthcare data increased dramatically in 2020. There was an increase from 153 exabytes to 2,300 exabytes between 2013-2020. Despite the increase in data amount, healthcare professionals must secure the data to keep it away from third parties and cybercriminals. Using secure programming languages is one way of enhancing data security.

It’s a requirement for healthcare applications to align with the HIPAA compliance outline. And this involves all applications, including the private ones and those connected to a public network like web applications, mobile apps, or CRM. During development planning and application, HIPAA compliance must be the primary goal. Furthermore, the application must align with HIPAA’s security and privacy guidelines to enhance the integrity, availability of ePHI, and confidentiality.

Is Python Suitable for Creating Healthcare Apps?

Learning Python for Healthcare - Is Python HIPAA Compliant?

Python programming language is used across various industries, including the healthcare industry. It enables institutions, clinicians, and healthcare to deliver excellent patient services via scalable and dynamic applications.

Since healthcare generates tons of information daily from facilities and patients, the health experts can use the data to discover effective treatment methods and better the general healthcare delivery scheme. Python programming language benefits the healthcare industry in that it enables health specialists to interpret data through working with AI (Artificial intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) in healthcare.

The language also derives helpful insights from data by allowing computation capabilities. And the insights gained help in healthcare applications. Although you can use any programming language to develop healthcare apps, Python is considered the better option. It comes with in-built tools to enhance safety. Keep in mind that the issue of safety in the healthcare industry is a primary concern, especially with the implementation of electronic health records (EHR).

Unfortunately, all programming languages are not 100% secure. An app is wholly secured if the developer employs best practices, effective security policies, and strategies. Python is considered safer due to its popularity since most of its security vulnerabilities are already known, most of which can be addressed by skilled Python developers.

Python is not just powerful, but it is easy for developers to learn. But it calls for utmost care since the language has no controls or limits. It’s the coder who decides what to do and what needs to be avoided.

Tips to Build HIPAA-Compliant Python Applications

1. Access Limitations

Developers need to limit access to keep unauthorized parties at bay. Healthcare information should only be available to authorized individuals (these are people who’ve been allowed to access ePHI). According to HIPAA security and privacy rules, no one is allowed access to excessive patient data. As a result, developers can assign different privileges and limitations to various user groups. This helps categorize the authorized users and the quantity of patient health information they can have access to.

2. User Authentication

You can offer individuals a variety of security options to meet HIPAA authorization standards. These include unique and strong passwords, biometrics (Voice ID, face or fingerprint), physical authentication means (key, card, digital signature, a token), and personal identification numbers.

3. Backing Up and Restoring Data

Data backup is a central HIPAA technical infrastructure necessity, and so you should consider it when it comes to building healthcare HIPAA compliant Python applications. The app should come with a backup and restoration feature, and it’s better if it can create offline backups of the app information. You can use app data reliability checks to confirm that PHI information hasn’t been altered during backing up and restoring data.

In case the data is altered, the automated alert will trigger the data integrity safety alarm. Also, put safety measures in place so that the right support staff can inspect the alert and fix the problem if need be. Prohibit data export from databases at the app layer. Furthermore, you can use HIPAA-compliant backup software with agents that can backup MySQL or SQL databases. It’s crucial that you replicate backup data to a different US-based information center.

Finally, the Python programming language is deeply structured and features stringent syntactical rules which must be adhered to. Nevertheless, it’s easy to follow, hence ideal for developing a healthcare application. To enhance its effectiveness, implement safety tips to build healthcare Python apps that are HIPAA compliant.

The post Learning Python for Healthcare – Is Python HIPAA Compliant? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3AaHko4

What do you think will AI replace programmers in the future? It may look like a sci-fi movie scene where every code will be typed automatically. But can AI write codes with accuracy and replace programmers?

According to the research, over 50% of jobs in America will go automated by the end of 2030. and their robots will be working instead of human hands to save the company’s cost and increase productivity. Hence, it is common for you to think AI can replace programmers. However, it is a great topic to discuss now and analyze in-depth. So, let’s discuss this crucial topic in this article and understand if it is true or not.

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Programmers?

How Do AI Support Programmers in Coding?

If we discuss traditional programming, the software development process begins by deciding the product’s technical specifications. Because if the programmer has a set of guidelines about product specifications, they can only start writing codes and designing the product. Also, the development phase requires multiple testing and deployment efforts.

Therefore, this process can be time-consuming, challenging, and even frustrating for the programmers. And it is the place where artificial intelligence can enter and help programmers.

1. Assist Programmers to Write Codes

Currently, programmers have AI-inbuilt tools that help them find the errors in the entire code. They can easily find the errors and update or refine them based on the latest guidelines. Also, such tools suggest auto-complete suggestions to the programmers. That saves much time in writing codes efficiently.

2. Help in Estimating The Duration of a Development Project

It is tough to complete the development task in the given timeframe. However, if there is historical data of such projects and have AI tools to estimate the same. Then programmers or project managers can accurately define the project’s delivery time. Also, it helps in scheduling product launches and cost for the development.

3. Analyzing and Fixing Bug

Often, bugs can appear in the product or entire code of it. And it can be a competitive task for any programmer who gets assigned such a task. However, with the help of AI and ML algorithms, programmers can take help. They can configure which code is causing the bug and fix it. Hence, this is where the AI can help programmers and support their work done smoothly.

Also Read: Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence?

AI Will Grow and Write Codes: But?

Over 500 software programmers were asked about the most worrying aspect of their professional life in a survey. And about 29% of them said their professional skills would be replaced by artificial intelligence. One more research showed that machine learning processing would be advanced. And these latest technologies will be able to write software codes as well. However, this news will start coming from 2040, and these technologies will be faster than human hands.

Oxford University’s report also warned that software engineers’ work would be computerized when machine learning technology advanced. Hence, there is no doubt that these technologies will become more advanced. And will help large businesses to write codes and refine those without taking the help of programmers. But still, there would not be complete accuracy and effectiveness that a programmer can achieve.

Will AI Write Reliable Code?

It is a big question for every programmer who worries about their job. Because if AI starts writing accurate and reliable codes, then most programmers’ jobs will be in danger. AI is just a tool that analyses human codes and makes decisions based on them. If humans don’t have reliable codes, there might not be accurate AI codes. Also, humans follow the latest patterns and know the business requirements better. However, AI writing code will be much more intelligent and accurate. But still, AI is not the ideal solution to improve the quality of the code. Many other aspects must be considered to improve the product’s code and readability.

So, Will AI Replace Human Programmers in The Future?

In 2016, Microsoft launched its Twitter bot, and its name was Tay. It was designed to post tweets on Twitter by analyzing the pattern of a 19-year-old American girl. But after such a time of its launch, it started posting offensive tweets. Therefore, Microsoft had to shut down this project forcefully. There used to be a Chinese bot, but it also posted criticizing posts for the Chinese Communist Party. Facebook also had its two bots called Bob and Alice. They were developed to talk with each other, but these two bots were directed to talk with each other. They started communicating in a language that was not understandable by the human mind.

Hence, there are many challenges to developing a fully-fledged AI tool that can replace programmers. However, AI can write the codes, even debug or develop an entire product. But still, it is impossible to replace programmers completely from this industry.

However, such technologies will improve and help programmers save time in the development phase and develop a product in an ideal time. These AI tools would be working as the reliable coding partner of the programmers. Such tools may also be suggesting a complete coding framework. But still, the human programmer will be analyzing and checking the code whether it is written correctly or not.


So, in this article, we discussed whether an AI tool could replace programmers or not. We discussed how AI helps programmers in development. Here you learned whether the AI bots could write the codes or not. And finally, we did talk about whether AI will replace human programmers or not. And from all this discussion, it is clear that AI tools will become more intelligent than ever. But still, the need for programmers will not reduce; they will stay a demanding professionals. However, there might be fewer job positions for programmers.

In short, AI can be advanced to write code better and with quality. But will not be as efficient as the human programmers. Because programmers know to deal with different types of errors, they do not necessarily depend on historical documentation. But if AI is assigned such a task, it would access the historical data, and based on that; it will make decisions.

Hence, it is very challenging to replace programmers with advancing AI tools.

The post Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Programmers? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3I2jNs2

In this kind of architecture multiple processors, memory drives, and storage disks are associated to collaborate with each other and work as a single unit.

In this type of database system, the hardware profile is designed to fulfill all the requirements of the database and user transactions to speed up the process.

The arrangement of hardware is done in a parallel way to enhance input/ output speed and processing.

This database system is used where we need to handle extremely large amounts of data. The size of data is not fixed and increasing rapidly.

In this condition when the upcoming data amount is unpredictable, the fixed hardware profile sometimes goes to failure. To prevent this the hardware is arranged in such a manner that it can handle any amount of data flow.

In this section four things are main to consider in hardware profile as per given below:

  1. Processor
  2. Memory
  3. Storage disk
  4. Communication bus

As per the arrangement parallel database system can be further classified into four categories:

  • Shared Memory
  • Shared Storage disk
  • Independent resource
  • Hierarchical structure

In these, all structures communication bus is a medium for all other peripherals to communicate and send receive input/output data.

Shared Memory

Shared Memory Architecture

In a shared memory structure all the processors available in the system uses common memory for execution.

Shared Storage Disk

Shared Storage Disk Structure

In the shared Storage disk structure, all the processors use the common Storage disk. This kind of storage disk is often called a cluster because it holds a very large amount of non-associated data.

Independent Resource

Independent Resource Structure

In the Independent resources structure, there are individual pairs available. Each pair has its own processor, memory, and storage disk.

Hierarchical Structure

Hierarchical Structure

This structure is a hybrid combination of all three above mentioned structures.

Advantages of Parallel Database System

  1. This type of database system has a very high computing speed so it can manage applications with a large amount of data.
  2. This system can handle a very large number of transactions per second, so these are used to speed up the processing of transactions on data based systems or servers.
  3. In these systems throughput and response time are very high.

Throughput: Number of tasks completed in a given specific time period.

Response time: The time duration a single task actually occupies to complete itself from the all-over time allotted.

Disadvantages of Parallel Database System

  1. The start-up cost is very high in this system. Start-up cost actually means the time a single task (from all tasks allotted) uses to start itself.
  2. Due to shared resources, each task has to wait for the required resource to become available.
  3. Deadlock conditions may occur.

The post Parallel Database Architecture in DBMS – Advantages & Disadvantages appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3zVO3Su

We know that, as a UI designer or web developer, it is essential that you have a thorough understanding of UI elements and how end users interact with them.

It helps you design a more user-friendly application or website structure.

User interface (UI) elements serve as the foundation for all apps.

They are the bits we use to create apps or websites and are made up of high-level building blocks known as components.

UI elements are the most important part of a software application as they provide touchpoints for users to input and output data and to navigate through the interface, making it more interactive.

An In-Depth Glossary of User Interface Elements

The majority of us spend a significant portion of our day interacting with interfaces.

We learn about popular UI elements by spending time with our favorite apps or pieces of software that we use at work. We learn how to use them and how to interact with them.

We instantly know what to do with them and what their functions are, even when we see them on new applications or websites.

That’s why knowing UI elements will assist you in spotting opportunities to incorporate them into your designs, resulting in clear and simple interfaces.

When designing your interface, aim to keep your choices of interface elements consistent and predictable.

And it can be a challenge. That’s why developers rely on ready-built UI component libraries, such as Sencha Ext JS, to create modern web applications faster across multiple platforms.

Users have become accustomed to elements’ operating in a certain manner, whether they are aware of it or not. Selectively using those elements when appropriate will aid in task completion, efficiency, and enjoyment.

User UI Components That Developers Need to Know

10 User UI Components That Developers Need to Know

  • Navigational components: breadcrumbs, slider, search bar, pagination, tags, and icons
  • Informative components: tooltips, notifications, message boxes, progress bars, and modal windows
  • Input components: checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, list boxes, toggles, text fields, and date fields

1. Checkbox


A checkbox in UI design is exactly what it sounds like—a small, square box on the screen that a user can check or uncheck.

When you click the checkbox, it is marked with a small tick.

Checkboxes allow users to choose one or more than one option from a list of possibilities, with each checkbox behaving independently. Checkboxes are commonly displayed in a vertical list.

2. Carousel

The most significant benefit of employing carousels in UI design is that they allow multiple pieces of content to share the same space on a page or screen.

Users can scroll among collections of content, such as image carousels, to browse through a collection of products or photographs and select one if they wish.

The content is usually hyperlinked.

3. Dropdown Menu

Users can choose one thing from a list of possibilities using dropdowns.

You can conserve space by using them. For improved UX, a label and some assistance text as a placeholder are required.

 “Select One,” “Choose,” and so forth help users understand what action is required.

Dropdown lists are similar to radio buttons in that they allow users to select one item at a time, but the latter is more compact, allowing you to conserve space.

4. Cards

Cards are a wonderful UI design solution if you want to make the most of the available space and give users several content selections without forcing them to browse through a list.

They are little rectangular or square modules that act as a gateway to more extensive information in the form of buttons, text, rich media, and so on, and they are extremely important these days.

5. Modal

A modal window is a small box that appears on top of the app’s content and contains content or a message that must be interacted with before it can be dismissed and interaction can continue.

It can be used as a select component when there are many options to choose from or to filter items in a list, among other things.

Consider the last time you erased something from your phone. A modal pop-up is helpful to make users aware and to ask for confirmation if you really wish to remove something.

It’s a technique for displaying content on top of an overlay.

6. Notifications

These small dots can be found all over today’s interface.

They are commonly used to focus users’ attention on something new to see and to announce the completion of an activity, as well as an error or warning message.

They are essential to users these days because they rely on them for alerts when someone has liked their posts or when a process has been successfully completed.

7. Search Bar

In most cases, a search bar consists of two UI elements: an input field and a button. It can appear as a toolbar or as part of the main text.

Search fields are commonly depicted as input fields with a magnifying glass inside of them.

They allow users to enter information that they want to find within the system.

Users type a term or phrase (query) and submit it to the index, and the system returns the most relevant results.

8. Breadcrumb

These trail links, known as breadcrumbs, are typically found at the top of a website and allow users to see their current location as well as the pages that follow.

Users can also move between steps by clicking on breadcrumbs, as they provide a clickable trail of subsequent pages to help users navigate.

9. Alert

An alert is a brief, important notification that is displayed to the user.

These statuses and outputs are communicated to users as alerts, which display information or collect data from users via inputs.

An alert appears on top of the app’s content and must be removed manually by the user before the app can be used again. It can contain a header, a subheader, and a message if desired.

10. Radio Buttons

Radio buttons, sometimes confused with checkboxes, are small, circular elements that allow users to choose one item at a time from a list.

The important thing to remember is that users may select only one choice, not several alternatives like they do with checkboxes.

Selecting the gender choice in sign-up forms is a common use case for radio buttons.

Final Thoughts

Here, we discussed why it is essential to understand UI elements and how users interact with them.

From input to output and assistance elements, we’ve covered everything you need to know as a designer you should keep your UI elements structured and running properly.

Now you know what are common UI elements and how they work, it’s time to use your newfound knowledge.

The post 10 User UI Components That Developers Need to Know appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3F5HHRv

Welcome to JSON to XML converter online free tool. This tool will help you to easily convert your JSON data into XML data. All you need to do is add JSON data in the textbox and click on the convert button. This will instantly convert the JSON data into XML data. Copy and clear buttons are also given to make your task easier. This tool works on all browsers and platforms.

JSON to XML Converter

Here is an example of how data will look after converting.

Original JSON:

    "employee": {  
        "name": "neeraj",   
        "salary": 120000,   
        "married": false

Converted XML:


Comment down below if you are facing any issue converting json to xml. We will try to fix the issue.

The post JSON to XML Converter Online appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3zCua2T

The importance of data has reached an unimaginable height in recent years. Data is used everywhere across industries to understand the market, meet consumer demand, identify preferences, and ultimately make better business decisions.

One of the best ways to take advantage of data is to display it visually with tools like FusionCharts.

Data comes in various sizes and formats, and they are meaningless without proper analysis. Visualization is the visual presentation of data to extract meaningful information.

This data visualization is often done through a dashboard that allows users to engage with data via objects such as tables, data charts, and graphs.

Let’s discuss the top 10 things that every dashboard creator should know.

Top 10 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew about Dashboards

1. How to Use Dashboards in Data-Driven Decision Making

Data analysts, engineers, scientists, and anyone involved in the business intelligence and analytics fields will have the necessary knowledge, experience, and toolset to extract meaningful information from raw data. Yet, for others, raw data will be just a jumbled collection of letters and numbers.

An interactive dashboard is one of the most intuitive ways to present data. So let’s assume you are keeping track of all the purchases made by your consumers.

You can visualize this data to gain information on consumer spending habits, popular products, services, demographics, and more.

This information is presented via an interactive dashboard with properly visualized charts and graphs. You can then present them to managers to aid in informed business decision-making.

Any user can interact with the data presented in the dashboard to search, filter, and sort data and obtain the necessary information.

This ability enables them to gather valuable information that directly correlates to business outcomes, such as stocking more popular products, creating targeted marketing campaigns for specific demographics, and managing inventory using purchasing habits.

This information facilitates data-driven decision-making from the stakeholder level to daily operations throughout the organization.

2. Understand the Audience

The developers need to understand the audience to whom a dashboard will cater when creating it. The data points and visualizations will change depending on the audience.

For example, in an e-commerce platform, user purchase data such as IP addresses, device types, and operating systems will be more exciting fields for a technical audience.

Moreover, they should have the ability to query almost all the information about the purchases from the dashboard.

On the other hand, the more valuable data for a non-technical audience like the marketing department will be popular product information, user demographics, and so on.

Thus, dashboards should be built to cater to the needs of the specific target audience. It’s perfectly acceptable to construct multiple dashboards from the same data set even if they present the same data in different ways or categorizations.

3. Avoid Charts that Overload Your Dashboard

A dashboard should be easily accessible without waiting for the data to be populated.

The primary reason for performance issues is visualizations that overload the dashboard.

If there is a significant data set to be queried in the dashboard, it will undoubtedly cause the dashboard to be overloaded and even crash entirely in some instances.

Another consideration is dashboard integrations. An overloaded dashboard will lead to performance issues on the integrated software or platform, leading to a less-than-ideal user experience.

Whether you use the dashboard as a standalone entity or an embedded object, you should mitigate such occurrences by breaking down the data set into multiple subsets, loading a subset of data, and then loading other data as needed.

This reduces the initial load of the dashboard and provides a better user experience without any performance issues.

4. Show a Clear Direction

The goal of the dashboard is to convey some meaningful information. Therefore, we need to ensure that the data convey information clearly when designing one.

What is displayed within the dashboard should provide clear guidance to the audience regardless of its use, ranging from simple monitoring tasks to visualizing big data.

It can be a simple direction, such as showing the uptime of a set of servers, to a more complex direction, such as showing the complete network traffic breakdown.

This direction helps to scope the needs of the dashboard and eliminate any unnecessary components.

5. Test Your Dashboard Regularly

While most people ignore their dashboards once they are created, it is never a good practice. Data is constantly evolving, and a simple change in the underlying data set can cause a dashboard to become unusable.

So the best practice is to test your dashboards regularly.

This testing should involve checking whether the data is correct and whether the performance and all integrations are optimal and performing as expected.

Suppose these dashboards are protected with an authentication or authorization mechanism.

In that case, this regular testing should also incorporate access-control checks to ensure that dashboards are accessible only to the approved individuals.

6. Tell a Story with Your Dashboards

The dashboard should convey meaningful information regardless of whether the overall message is negative or positive.

It should essentially present a story of how the data came to the current state, what the current state is, and predictive data for the future if needed.

In other words, the dashboard should include the past (historical), present, and future (predictive) data, conveying a story to the audience.

This attribute directly relates to having a clear direction as it will help in this storytelling aspect. Ensure that the dashboard conveys a story that aligns with its intended use.

Think of a technical dashboard monitoring traffic; it should tell the story of the network flow.

At a basic level, this dashboard includes when and where the traffic is generated (source), the destinations, and the success or failure of each request or packet, clearly conveying the network traffic’s story.

7. Integrate Your Dashboards into Other Software Tools

A good dashboard should be able to be integrated with other software tools. Also, you will need to embed dashboards in different locations.

So a dashboard tool with extensive integration options for both front-end and back-end frameworks and tools will enable developers to customize and integrate dashboards.

You should always present the data in a location that is convenient for the audience to access.

For example, if they regularly log in to a specific platform, then you should integrate the dashboard to be a part of it, eliminating the need to access the dashboard separately.

8. Track Your Data

Since dashboards are nothing without data, users must ensure that the underlying data is uncorrupted and that it remains without significant changes.

This quality correlates with dashboard testing as data issues are the main reason for visualization inconsistencies and other dashboard issues.

Please keep track of data, including when and where it is generated, what transformations are applied to it, and the final formatted form used to create the dashboard.

A minor change like a field name edit can impact the data’s presentation within the dashboard. Also, the entire dashboard will become unusable if any calculations are completed using that field.

Therefore, it is essential to track all the changes to the underlying data set and modify the dashboards to match the changes in the data.

9. Accommodate Audience Members with Special Needs

Accessibility is an essential feature of any good dashboard. Some members of your audience will require assistance to grasp the dashboard fully.

Accessibility tools come into play to address this need by providing features such as screen-reader-friendly text, larger tooltips, and keyboard navigation.

Information density also plays a part here. The dashboard will not provide an ideal user experience if it’s tightly packed with accessibility tools.

Therefore, there must be a proper balance between information density and accessibility to create a dashboard accessible to a broader audience.

10. Keep Your Dashboards Clean and Easy to Read

Always keep the dashboards clean and readable. A dashboard should be legible at first glance. A quick look should be sufficient to gain the general idea.

Keep each visualization separate, follow a consistent format and color theme, provide proper filtering and sorting options, and manage the overall information density.

All these things contribute to a cleaner and more readable dashboard. However, it does not mean that dashboards cannot be information-dense. The clarity and readability of the dashboard relate to its presentation.

The dashboard can still be clean and readable even with high information density. Many people prefer a denser dashboard to view all the required information at once if it’s properly formatted and configured.

How Can I Create Stunning Dashboards with FusionCharts?

Dashboards are integral for visualizing data and presenting it in a meaningful manner to a broader audience.

A properly configured and maintained dashboard can be invaluable in any business process, from monitoring to making data-driven business decisions that can impact a whole organization.

Therefore, selecting a proper dashboard-creation tool is vital for implementing a data analysis process.

Tools like FusionCharts provide all the necessary features to create dashboards with over 100 charts and 2,000 maps, fully customizable interfaces, accessibility support, and first-party integrations with development frameworks.

These features all result in a straightforward yet powerful dashboard-creation experience. So why not give FusionCharts a try for your next dashboard project? Explore FusionCharts today!

The post Top 10 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew about Dashboards appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3HFW0hq

HTML is one of the core technologies that power the web. It doesn’t matter if you are developing a simple website or an enterprise-grade web application, you will need to use HTML in some capacity.

Quite simply, HTML is necessary for everything from creating basic email templates and formatting blog posts to building complete application front ends.

That is why HTML editors are so important—they provide you with a user-friendly platform to make it all happen. In this post, let’s answer some of your pressing questions about HTML editors.

Ask Us Anything: 10 Answers to Your Questions about HTML Editors

1. What is the best HTML editor?

There is no such thing as the best HTML editor.  All HTML editors have advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the best HTML editor for you is entirely about your unique requirements and preferences.

There are many popular editor options on the market, however, and some are better than others. For an HTML editor to be well regarded by the web development community, it has to have the features developers need no matter what kind of HTML coding they are doing. Here are some of today’s market-leading HTML editors:

  • Froala
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Adobe Dreameviewer
  • CoffeeCup
  • Atom
  • Sublime Text
  • Notepad++

In addition to these editors, many professional integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse also have HTML editing capabilities, especially at the code level.

2. Which HTML editor should I choose?

Choosing the right editor comes down to your requirements. First of all, you should always consider what platform and hardware the editor you choose supports. Text-based HTML editors such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text are cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS compatible) and relatively lightweight. Notepad++ is a Windows application.

Adobe Dreamweaver, on the other hand, is a very resource-intensive tool with support for Windows and macOS. It is also one of the most feature-rich tools and integrates seamlessly into the wider Adobe Creative Cloud toolset. Compared to Dreamweaver, Froala and CoffeeCup are focused and lightweight HTML editors that offer you every HTML editing feature you actually need.

3. Does the HTML editor offer a free version?

Text-based HTML editors such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, and Notepad++ are free, open-source tools that you can use on any number of machines and several platforms.

Adobe Dreamweaver, Froala, and CoffeeCup are proprietary paid solutions. They offer a limited free trial if you want to test them. Froala and CoffeeCup offer a free online HTML editor for quick HTML changes.

4. Why are text-based HTML editors different from WYSIWYG editors?

What you see is what you get, or WYSIWYG, editors offer a live preview of modifications you make to your web page or app. Using a WYSIWYG editor, you can easily visualize your final output as you go. In addition, WYSIWYG editors use drag-and-drop interfaces. This means you can quickly manipulate your HTML elements to create HTML interfaces without coding.

WYSIWYG editors provide a no-code development environment that gives you nearly the same control over your HTML elements as a purely code-based editor. WYSIWYG editors are excellent tools for both beginners and experts alike because the user experience is simple enough for beginners to use but rich enough in features to keep the pros happy. These features allow everyone to quickly build HTML. They also make WYSIWYG editors invaluable tools, especially in faster-paced development environments.

Text-based HTML editors, on the other hand, offer a code-centric development experience. They may have native live preview functionality, or support third-party extensions that do, but the live preview is not their main function. Text-based HTML editors focus on a code-based approach, which gives you more granular control over your code base.

Text-based HTML editors also come with features like syntax highlighting, autofill, and code linting to assist in development. Their users, however, need to be well versed in HTML to get excellent results.

Here is a breakdown of popular WYSIWYG and text-based HTML editors:

WYSIWYG editors Text-based HTML editors
Adobe Dreamweaver



Visual Studio Code


Sublime Text


5. What’s the difference between a free and a paid HTML editor?

It’s pretty simple—free versions usually offer limited functionality compared to their paid counterparts. Free trials also tend to expire after a set number of days or uses. When this happens, the editor generally becomes unusable or severely limited in its functionality. Paid versions, on the other hand, contain features unavailable in the free version. In most instances, this includes the advanced editing and team collaboration features you need in a professional development environment. Finally, free versions offer no support other than third-party resources like communities or forums, while paid versions include first-party vendor support on demand.

6. What are some differences between HTML editors?

VS Code, Atom, and Sublime Text are developer-focused code editors. You can extend them to support most programming languages. While these tools ship with a minimal feature set, they are customizable. For instance, you can quickly add HTML-focused extensions if you need pure HTML editor functionality. You can even configure them as complete IDEs. The main advantage of these editors is their ability to be configured to suit any development need.

Notepad++ is also a code editor but comes with all the features built in. You can install and start using it without any configuration. However, Notepad++ has limited extension support and cannot act as a complete IDE. It is a purpose-built code editor for making quick changes to files in your environment.

As a part of Adobe Creative Cloud, Dreamweaver provides the most feature-rich platform with support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web-based languages and standards. It supports both WYSIWYG editing as well as direct code editing.

Froala is a front-end WYSIWYG editor optimized for performance with a GZIP core of 50 KB, it loads in 40 ms, and it is compatible with Android and iOS devices. This tool also comes with rich-text-editing capabilities and the ability to edit code directly.

Finally, CoffeeCup is an advanced HTML editor that enables users to create and edit HTML interfaces. It also provides a complete component library and features like built-in templates to simplify the development experience.

7. What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using any editor. With Markdown, users create documents and automatically format documents in plain text.

Unlike other languages that require a specialized syntax, Markdown uses simpler characters like hashtags or asterisks to specify formatting. Markdown users create formatted HTML without writing any actual HTML. It is ideal for posting on websites without relying on HTML.

8. How will I know the right HTML editor for me?

While none of the tools mentioned above is a bad choice, it always comes down to your requirements. Go with a code editor like VS Code, Atom, or Sublime Text if you want a fully customizable experience and the ability to extend functionality beyond simple HTML editing. On the other hand, Notepad++ is perfect if you need to edit HTML occasionally and make some advanced changes.

Software like Adobe Dreamweaver, Froala, and CoffeeCup provides full-featured, web-development-focused WYSIWYG editors that you can code with as required. They should top your list for their versatility, especially if you are a web-focused user with web-based projects. Ultimately, any tool that provides all the features you need with no compromises is the ideal HTML editor for your needs.

9. Which is the best HTML editor for Android?

You can use DroidEdit and anWriter HTML editor for Android to edit HTML. Their functionality, however, is limited compared to desktop or web-based applications. Once again, your choice of HTML editor for Android boils down to your needs and preferences.  Instead, you can use a free online HTML editor to edit your HTML code so you can see what the end result will look like. Froala editor is optimized and compatible with mobile environments.

10. Is there anything else that would be helpful to know?

The web is not built with a single technology—it is an amalgamation of multiple technologies working together. Because of this, your editor needs to support core technologies and languages like CSS, JavaScript, and others. The more languages and platforms your editor supports, the more flexibility you have.

If you are developing applications, you also need to consider your back-end languages and the frameworks when selecting the HTML editor.

Next, you should explore all the additional features each HTML editor offers. Each editor may have similar core functionality but limited extensibility. As always, your final selection should come down to the features each tool offers to match your workflow.

For people working on code-intensive rather than design-focused projects, integrated development environments can also act as HTML editors. This is especially true where your code changes are technical rather than visual. You can have the best of both worlds by extending text-based HTML editors like VSCode to provide limited WYSIWYG capabilities and Markdown support. That said, you can do the same thing with Froala out of the box.

I hope I have answered all your questions about HTML editors and led you down the path to selecting the right HTML editor.

Ready to get started with a great editor right now?

Check out the Froala HTML editor today.

The post Ask Us Anything: 10 Answers to Your Questions about HTML Editors appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3JUNld0

Resource pooling is a technical term that is commonly used in cloud computing. And it describes the cloud computing environment where the service provider serves many clients. Here tenants or clients can avail scalable services from the service providers. However, still, there might be some confusion in your mind. And still, you wish to know more about Resource Pooling in cloud computing. Hence, to know more about it, keep reading this excellent article. So, you can get comprehensive details about Resource Pooling, its advantages, and how it works.

What is Resource Pooling

Resource Pooling in Cloud Computing

Image Source

Cloud computing platforms are accessible via internet connection. And it can be shared, managed, or developed platforms to offer dedicated services. Also, these are top-notch technologies that help clients enjoy flexibility and scalability. In the resource pooling model of cloud computing, the service provider serves multiple clients at a time. They use a multi-tenant model to handle and deal with such clients.

Therefore, this model contains IT resources such as cores, storage devices, and ram. And all these devices are treated as one to achieve flexibility in providing services. These platforms have multiple paths and have increased the speed of servers. In short, it is the multi-tenant model used in the IT industry. Here the service provider provides the same service to many clients without any technical challenges.

How Does Resource Pooling Work?

The main thing considered in resource pooling is cost-effectiveness. It also ensures that the brand provides new delivery of services. In this private cloud as a service, the user can choose the ideal resource division based on their needs.

It is most commonly used in wireless technology like radio communication. And here, single channels are joined together to build a robust connection. So, the connection can transmit without any interference.

And in the cloud, resource pooling is the multi-tenant process that depends upon the user’s demand. Here is why it is known as SaaS or Software as a Service which is controlled in a centralized manner. Also, when more and more people start using such SaaS services as service providers. The charges for the services drastically start decreasing. Hence, it becomes more accessible at a certain point than owning such technology.

In the private cloud, the pool gets created, and cloud computing resources get transferred to the user’s IP address. So, by accessing IP addresses, the resources keep transferring the data into an ideal cloud service platform.

Advantages of Resource Pooling

1. High Availability Rate

Resource pooling is one of the great ways to make SaaS products more accessible. So, the startup and entry-level businesses can get such technology. Nowadays, the use of such services has become common. And most of them are far more accessible and reliable than owning one.

2. Balanced Load On The Server

Load balancing is another advantage that a tenant of resource pooling-based services gets. In this, users do not face many challenges about the server speed.

3. Provides High Computing Experience

The multi-tenant technologies are offering excellent performance for the users. The users can easily and securely place the data or avail themselves of such services with high-security benefits. Also, many pre-made tools and technologies make cloud computing advanced and straightforward to use.

4. Stored Data Virtually And Physically

The best advantage of resource pool-based services is that the users can use the offered virtual space by the host. However, they also moved to the physical host provided by the service provider.

5. Flexibility For The Businesses

Pool-based cloud-based services are flexible because they can get transformed as per the technology requirement. Also, the users do not need to worry about capitalization or huge investments.

6. Physical Host Work When a Virtual Host Goes Down

It can be a common technical issue that virtual hosts get slow or down. So, in that case, the physical host of the SaaS service provider will start working. So, the user or tenant can get a suitable computing environment without any technical challenges.

Disadvantages of Resource Pooling

1. Security

Most service providers who offer resource pooling-based services provide high-end security features. But still, the confidential data of the company may go to the third party that is a service provider. And because of any loophole, the company’s data can be misused. However, plenty of features can provide high-level security with such services. But still, trusting entirely on a third-party service provider wouldn’t be good.

2. Non Scalability

It can be another disadvantage of using resource pooling for organizations. Because if they look for cheap solutions, they may face challenges in the future while upgrading their business. Also, another element can obstruct the entire process and limit the business scale.

3. Restricted Access

In private resource pooling, the users have restricted access to the database. In this, only the user with user credentials can access the company’s store or cloud computing data. As there might be confidential user details and other significant documents. Hence such a service provider can provide the tenant port designation, domain membership, and protocol transition. They can also be using another credential for the users of the allotted area in cloud computing.


Resource pooling in cloud computing represents the technical phrase. That is used for describing a service provider as offering IT service to multiple clients at a time. And these services are scalable and accessible for businesses as well. Also, brands can save huge capitalization investments when they use such technology.

Hence, in this article, we learned about resource pooling in cloud computing. We discussed how resource pooling works in cloud computing. If you read the article, you also have learned the advantages and disadvantages of resource pooling in private cloud computing. Thus, we hope you liked this article and would love to share it with your social profile. So, the ideal person can learn about resource pooling and other aspects of it.  Also, you can comment down below to share your feedback or any query you have.

The post Resource Pooling in Cloud Computing – Advantages & Disadvantages appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/31tTxY3

It is an open source library in java built for logging error messages in applications including networks, cloud computing services.

This library has been used in many java programs designed for server as well as client applications.

What is Log4Shell in Log4j?

Log4J Vulnerability (Log4Shell) Explained

Log4Shell is a vulnerability that affects the core function of log4j. This allows the attacker to execute the code remotely leading to:

  • Taking the complete control of the system
  • Ability to test and run any code without being caught
  • Acquiring the important data present in the system
  • Power to delete or eject viruses inside the system files

This vulnerability is having a CVSS score of 10, stating that it’s severe in nature. Fixing of this vulnerability cannot be avoided at any cost if you are using Log4j.

Is your software under threat?

This basically depends upon the version of Log4j that you are using currently.

If you are using Log4j v1 then the risk is very lesser comparatively. Under quite certain conditions, Log4j v1 considers queries, like what we have seen affecting log4j2. These assault vectors (and conceivably others) are known to prompt remote code execution (RCE) assaults. Assuming you are utilizing a version of the Log4j v1 which has empowered JMSAppender, quite possibly you could be under threat. It is vital to remember that JMSAppender is handicapped as a matter of course and therefore it is probably not going to be permitted in many Log4j v1 using applications.

If you are Log4j v2 then the probability of risk is very higher. It is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version in which this vulnerability is tackled.

It is important to prioritize the Log4Shell vulnerability and solve it as quickly as possible. It’s not just about proactively and consequently fixing the vulnerabilities for the developers yet in addition about having the accountability of the security issues across all of your source code storehouses including those old projects which someone will rarely use.

The post Log4J Vulnerability (Log4Shell) Explained appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3EM1lSz

Provisioning in layman’s terms is to provide something. In technical terms, it is the set-up operation of IT infrastructure. Cloud Provisioning is the allocation of the cloud provider’s resources to a client. It is exactly the process of amalgamation and execution of cloud computing resources within an IT organization. It is basically an important aspect of the cloud computing model, which tells how a client acquires cloud services and resources from a cloud supplier. The cloud services that customers can provision include:

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • Software as a service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a service  (PaaS)

IaaS: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is one of the types of cloud computing service that provides essential compute, storage, and networking resources on demand.

SaaS: Software as a service (SaaS) is a distribution model of the software in which the applications are hosted by a cloud provider and are exposed to the end-users over the internet.

PaaS: Platform as a service is a cloud computing model where hardware and software tools are provided to users over the internet by a third-party provider.

Provisioning in Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Provisioning

Cloud provisioning has numerous benefits for an organization that cannot be achieved by traditional provisioning approaches.

Scalability: A company makes a huge investment in its on-site infrastructure under the conventional IT provisioning model. This requires immense preparation and prophesying infrastructure needs. However, in the cloud provisioning model, cloud resources can scale up and scale down which is entirely dependant on the short-term consumption of usage. This way scalability can help the organizations.

Speed: Speed is another factor of the cloud’s provisioning which can benefit the organizations. For this, the developers of the organization can schedule the jobs which in turn removes the need for an administrator who provisions and manages resources.

Cost Savings: It is another potential benefit of cloud provisioning. Traditional technology can incur a huge cost to the organizations while cloud providers allow customers to pay only for what they consume. This is another major reason why cloud provisioning is preferred.

Types of Cloud Provisioning

  • Network Provisioning: Network Provisioning in the telecom industry is a means of referring to the provisions of telecommunications services to a client.
  • Server Provisioning: Datacenter’s physical infrastructure, installation, configuration of the software, and linking it to middleware, networks, and storage.
  • User Provisioning: It is a method of identity management that helps us in keeping a check on the access and privileges of authorization. Provisioning is featured by the artifacts such as equipment, suppliers, etc.
  • Service Provisioning: It requires setting up a service and handling its related data.

Tools and Softwares Used in Cloud Provisioning

Several enterprises can provide the services and resources manually as per their need, whereas public cloud providers offer tools to provide various resources and services such as:

  • IBM Cloud Orchestrator
  • Cloud Bolt
  • Morpheus Data
  • Flexera
  • Cloud Sphere
  • Scalr
  • Google Cloud Deployment manager

Challenges Faced in Cloud Provisioning

  • Cost Monitoring: Monitoring the consumption and pricing benchmarks is important. Putting control on the pricing and running the alerts about usage is also very crucial. But, this could be a real challenge in achieving the budget overrun. 
  • Monitoring and Managing Complex Processes: Optimized use of cloud services, companies can depend on multiple provisioning tools. When companies deploy workloads on more than one platform it makes it becomes challenging to provide a single console to display anything. 
  • Resource and Service dependencies: There are various workloads and applications in the cloud that often tap into the basic cloud infrastructure resources. Public cloud provider services carry dependencies that can lead to uncertainty and surprise costs.

From a provider’s standpoint, cloud provisioning can include the supply and assignment of required cloud resources to the client. I hope this article helped you to learn about provisioning in cloud computing, still if you have any queries then ask in comment section.

The post Provisioning in Cloud Computing – Types, Benefits, Tools, Challenges appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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