February 2022

While we are using the operator on a string there an integer value will raise TypeError. We can say it in other words as the TypeError is raised on an unsupported object type when we are applying an operation of the wrong type. This error generally occurs when we are trying to use the integer type value as an array.

In python language when any type of object that implements the get_item method then the class definition is being called subscriptable objects and when we are applying the method by which we can access the elements of the object for getting the value.

In this article, we are going to see what is the reason for this error and how can we overcome this type of error in programs.

Reasons for Error

Case 1:

Suppose we want to write a program to calculate your number for the car which is based on the date of joining a company.

date_of_joining = '15/07/2000'

add_month_values = (int(date_of_joining[0])+int(date_of_joining[1]))
add_day_values = (int(date_of_joining[3])+int(date_of_joining[4]))
add_year_values= (int(date_of_joining[6])+

add_all = add_month_values + add_day_values + add_year_values
car_number= (int(add_all[0])+int(add_all[1]))

print("car_number is", car_number)

In the above example, we have written a variable named date_of_joining which is in the format of dd/mm/yyyy and then we will be adding up the digits of total. Like there is an example:

Date of joining: 15/07/2000
Car_number is 6

Total addition is add of month digits, day digits, and year digits.

Then car_number is the sum of the total sum.

It will throw an error called as int object is not subscriptable.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Users\91930\Documents\work\tempCodeRunnerFile.py", line 1, in <module>
car_number= (int(add_all[0])+int(add_all[1]))

NameError: name ‘birthday’ is not defined and an error will occur at line 7 as the reason for the error is that the variable name add_all is a type of integer not a type of string. We cannot treat this variable as an array like storage for numbers and we should try to access each number. To fix this error, I will convert the add_all  variable to a string value and then we will use the str for finding the digits.

car_number= (int(str(add_all)[0])+int(str(add_all)[1]))

String type is a container like that we can access each character of string using index access.

Here is an example:



PS C:\Users\91930\Documents\work> python -u "c:\Users\91930\Documents\work\tempCodeRunnerFile.py"

Case 2:

Suppose we want to write a program in which we print product price as an array.

FruitName = input("Enter Fruit name : ")
FruitPrice = input("Enter Fruit price : ")
x = 0
FruitPriceAfterDiscount = 200 - x
print (FruitName + " is available for Rs. " + FruitPriceAfterDiscount + " .")

In the given code, we have given the integer value as the variable name as  ‘Fruit_Price’, but in the print statement, we are trying to use it as an array. We will provide the user input fruit name and the fruit price. Now we will give the value of the fruit price to the variable x in the int format. Calculate the price after the discount.


Enter Fruit name : apple
Enter Fruit price : 120
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Users\91930\Documents\work\tempCodeRunnerFile.py", line 4, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

Solutions for Error

Case 1:

To solve this error you have to avoid using integer values as an array. We have converted the value of birthday into an integer and this means that we cannot access it using indexing. So now birth date will be the type of string so that we can use slicing and indexing on the string variable as usual. Integers are usually not indexed as strings.

To solve the problem,  we can do one thing we will remove the int() statement from our code. The input() statement usually always returns a string value. We can also slice this string value by using the main code.

Lets recall our main input statement:

car_number= (int(add_all[0])+int(add_all[1]))

To remove the error we will put input instead of int and our code will work successfully. We will no longer trying to slice the integer because our code will not contain any int statement further. Instead “Birthday” is stored as a string. The string is now sliced using the slicing index.

car_number= (input(add_all[0])+input(add_all[1]))

Revised Code:

date_of_joining = '15/07/2000'

add_month_values = (input(date_of_joining[0])+input(date_of_joining[1]))
add_day_values = (input(date_of_joining[3])+input(date_of_joining[4]))
add_year_values= (input(date_of_joining[6])+

add_all = add_month_values + add_day_values + add_year_values

car_number= (input(add_all[0])+input(add_all[1]))

print("car_number is", car_number)


> python -u "c:\Users\91930\Documents\work\article1.py"

Case 2:

To solve this error we will not any integer as an array for any value. Earlier we have assigned an integer value to the variable ‘FruitPrice’, but we are trying to use it as an array in the print statement. When we are revising the code then we are removing the variable x=0 and then we are giving it x=int(FruitPrice) and after giving the value of product price to the variable x in int format and then calculating the price after discount .after all this we are printing the output.

Recessing the code after the change as:

FruitName = input("Enter Fruit name : ")
FruitPrice = input("Enter Fruit price : ")
x = int(x[FruitPrice])
FruitPriceAfterDiscount = x - 200
print (FruitName + " is available for Rs. " + str(FruitPriceAfterDiscount) + " after discount.")


PS C:\Users\91930\Documents\work> python -u "c:\Users\91930\Documents\work\article1.py"
Enter Fruit name : apple
Enter Fruit price : 400
apple is available for Rs. 200 after discount.


We have to use a sensible and a meaningful variable name when we are giving in the code. We should always give other name of the variables so that will tell about the data they look on. We should never use a variable name as same as python in-built function name, module name, and constants. The false value “TypeError: int object is not subscriptable” error is being arised as because when you access an integer as if it will only give a particular subscriptable object just like a list or a dictionary etc.

The error is saying that when we are treating an integer which will be a whole number as like a subscriptable object. Likely integers are not subscriptable objects as only objects are that contain other objects like strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries are subscriptable. We cannot use the same syntax on a non-subscripatble value like a float or an integer as lists are subscriptable which means we can only use indexing to retrieve a value from a list.

Lastly when we are meeting this type of error then it is important to check many times so that to be accessed by index, the square bracket and make well sure when we are just using this against the container variables which will be done by such as containers. The false value can be only corrected by removing several types of indexing to find the values of the int object. Whenever it comes we need to apply indexing on the int object we first need to convert that into strings and then we will perform this method to solve all the issues.

The post Solve TypeError: ‘int’ object is not subscriptable in Python appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/KMVr0bn

APILayer is the cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) market leader and API service provider. 

Let’s know more about their recent launch, but before that, we will go a step further and know what “API Marketplace” is and understand more about it.

APILayer Launches New API Marketplace What is API Marketplace?

API marketplace is the user-friendly hub for the public where API providers publish their APIs for partners and developers to consume. 

Creating the API marketplace is one crucial step in the monetization of API. 

The developer can set up the subscription tiers in your marketplace for monetization. It is one significant benefit of an enterprise.

Benefits of API Marketplace

If a company, like APILayer, thinks of following the defined business line based on APIs, the API strategy may succeed in creating the API Marketplace.

To understand better why here we will look at some benefits:

API Marketplace makes consumers know about their APIs

Developers will browse this API Marketplace until they come across the APIs that offer the right features that they desire.

Better participation

API Marketplace has forums that imply valuable communications networks that allow the public to know the market demands when offering feedback.

Encourages use and development of APIs

In such API Marketplace, you will find all types of educational material– from online events to guides. Without any doubt, they’re a valuable resource for creating apps that need APIs use and APIs creation.

APILayer API Marketplace

The APILayer developed the marketplace intending to support developers in scaling up their businesses safely and hassle-free.

This launch will expand their current 20+ API-based products and bring seamless and effective microservices to more than one million developers.

This marketplace will help developers debut 40+ new APIs, expanding their current APILayer’s 20+ API products.

With this marketplace, developers can find developer-ready APIs for any kind of app and use case – you just have to check the marketplace & enjoy the automation!

Another important thing is this marketplace brings ahead both paid and free versions in categories like Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Security.

Top Features of APILayer Marketplace

  • It helps developers to monetize their APIs
  • Provides centralized user experience in the fragmented API ecosystem
  • Eliminate operational overhead
  • Look after significant security concerns
  • Build scalable apps and functionality within 10 minutes
  • Have both free and paid solutions

To know more about APILayer’s latest API marketplace, visit their website at https://apilayer.com.

The post APILayer Launches New API Marketplace appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/OVatb8C

The world of work post-pandemic has shaken up offices across the globe, moving people out of their normal workspaces and into their homes. This caused a lot of disruption for a number of companies, but more so for the programming teams that are so used to working in close proximity to each other daily. Being pushed to isolate or just work remotely has made it difficult for teams to use the typical methods of teamwork that they would normally. So what are programming teams doing now, and is it making their solutions better than before? Read on to find out.

How Programming Teams are Making Remote Work Functional

Software Development Frameworks

In order to understand how development teams are changing the way they work remotely, it is important to first get an understanding of what a software development framework is and why it matters to an individual team who may be WFH. A software development framework is simply the process of dividing the software development into smaller steps, sometimes happening one after another, sometimes happening in parallel. The lifecycle of a piece of software in development is called the software development life cycle, or SDLC. The most modern and famous of these SDLCs include agile, spiral, waterfall, iterative, incremental, and extreme programming, with the most common tending to be agile and extreme.

Agile programming tends to follow a circle of meeting the client and deciding on what needs to be done, developing an in-house plan for how to implement these features, designing the layout and GUI, developing the framework and code, testing it out, evaluating positives and negatives and then showing it to the client. The client then takes a look, asks for changes and the cycle repeats itself.

Agile has proven invaluable for specific or niche projects, leading many people to choose this software development framework. Extreme programming, on the other hand, is very different, choosing instead to focus on fast and frequent releases in short development cycles. Extreme programming is famed for often having a pair of programmers, one doing the coding and the other watching over their shoulder to make sure nothing goes wrong, the pair switching often to ensure there is always maintenance over the code.

How Have Teams Changed?

Agile teams have had to change a number of ways of how they work together in order to deliver similar pre-remote working results. As colocation benefits have become a thing of the past, team leaders are having to arrange specific times for everyone to come together and work together to generate ideas and fixes, instead of the frequent chatter that could occur in an office space. This has led to teams having to find new ways to communicate, such as Zoom, Slack or Discord. Extreme programming teams, on the other hand, have had to revolutionize their original systems.

In some cases, paired programming is no longer possible, due to distractions in one person’s space, network lag, or even time zone differences. This has led to some teams abandoning the idea and favoring frequent team feedback instead, with multiple people chipping in on code regularly so that solo programmers can have eyes on all parts of code. Teams are also finding new ways to communicate without immediate oral feedback as they can be used to using, relying on comment based or ticket based systems to provide consistent feedback to each other. This is wholly new for some people who have only ever experienced colocated programming.


As can be seen here, teams are adapting slowly to their new working environments with remote working becoming an easier and easier situation to be in. Moreover, teams are not suffering a huge loss in turnaround times nor in quality, indicating that these new solutions are working effectively. It seems that no matter the software development cycle, teams are adapting well to the new world they find themselves in.

The post How Programming Teams are Making Remote Work Functional appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/R4dA1rf

According to tasks performed on the database by different users, we can classify database users in 5 categories as given below:

  1. Database Administrator
  2. Naive Users
  3. Application Programmers
  4. Sophisticated Users
  5. Specialized Users

Let’s discuss each one by one in detail.

1. Database Administrator (Super Users)

A single person or a team of members can be a database administrator.

An administrator has full control of the database. Their account is called a superuser account.

An administrator defines the logical and physical schemas and manages all three levels of the database. Even they can control view level schemas as well.

They grant/revoke authorization permission to all other users.

They design the overall structure of the database including, layouts, functioning, procedures, and motives.

They are responsible for routine maintenance, backup, and recovery of the database.

They perform all admin related activities like time to time updating, insert new required values /functions, modify the existing, etc.

They provide technical support or arrange the same.

They control these all operations as well:

Security, integrity, redundancy, concurrency, hardware and software management

They always update the database in terms of technology, function, aim, and requirements to make the database ready for future scope.

2. Naive Users (End Users)

These are the actual users who use the database to fill the information, but most of the naive users have no knowledge of a database and how to operate it. They just use the view level with the help of interface methods provided.

These are again dived into two categories:

Parametric Users

These types of users just use predefined programs like booking online tickets, filling online forms, applying for online facilities, etc.

Casual Users

All parametric users are also casual users, but these types of users can use basic programming to fill the data in the database. They are provided with little training or user guide to have a little knowledge about the database technology.

3. Application Programmer (Backend Users)

These are the people who do all programming to make the database a real-world entity.

We can classify these in below three categories:


These are the first contact person if you want a database to be created. They try to understand your requirements related to a database like layout, looks, functioning, programming, costing, technologies or techniques, etc. After getting all the information they design the final layout for programmers to code it. Also, they create the structure of a database like tables, relationships, procedures, constraints, views, communication, etc.

System Analysts

These are the persons who check current similar options and do the needful to change or update the final layout to make it unique. Also, they check and gather all the information related to resources. They make sure that the buyer should be satisfied with the final product.


These are the professional persons who finally do the coding to make the final layout a real-world entity. The programming is subdivided into 2 categories:

  • With tools programming: Use available tools to make development faster.
  • Without tools programming: Do all the programming required themselves.

4. Sophisticated Users

These users have knowledge of DDL, DML and use these both to write down queries to make their own databases or access the current database. These users are like a little techno savvy person or are provided with the complete training to do the needful. They can be engineers, analysts, scientists of the same organization, or others.

5. Specialized Users

These persons are something like a combination of database administrators and programmers. They write down their own programs to access the database. They can even overcome the sequential access structure and cross access the database framework. They need not to follow any procedure, instead, they can make their own procedures. These professionals are hired to find out any anomalies and errors in the current system.

I hope you got an idea about the types of database users. If you have any queries do ask in the comment section below.

The post Different Types of Database Users appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/pQtD3MV

There was a time when the companies evaluated the performance of a software engineer based on how quickly they delivered the tasks.

But, 2022 is a different scenario in software development teams.

Nowadays, this isn’t the only criteria. Today called developers, professional software engineers are aware of the importance of soft skills.

Things such as open-mindedness, creativity, and willingness to learn something new are considered soft skills that anyone can use no matter which industry you are in.

Why Are the Soft Skills Very Important?

For a software engineer, soft skills are essential as it makes you a better professional.

Even though you have the hard skills required for the job, you will not get hired if you lack the soft skills to help you connect with the interviewer and other people around you.

With soft skills, developers and programmers are well-equipped to utilize their complex skills to the fullest extent.

The soft skills of engineers and programmers affect how nicely you work with fellow people on your tech team and other teams that will positively impact your career development.

Tools like JavaScript Frameworks and APIs automate the most technical processes. An example is Filestack, which allows the creation of high-performance software that handles the management of millions of files.

Manually adding video, image, or file management functions to an application reliably can be an impossible task without enough tools. The developer needs, in this case, to have more than technical skills to convince the business to invest in the tools.

Top Soft Skills for Software Developers

Soft Skills for Software Developers

1. Creativity

Creativity isn’t only about artistic expression. The technical professions demand a good amount of creativity.

It allows goods software engineers and programmers to solve any complex problems and find new opportunities while developing their innovative products or apps and improving the current ones.

You need to think creatively and practice approaching various problems correctly.

2. Patience

Software development isn’t a simple feat. It is one complex effort that includes long processes.

Most activities take plenty of time in agile environments, whether it is a project kick-off, project execution, deployment, testing, updates, and more.

Patience is vital when you’re starting as a developer or programmer. An important person you will ever need to be patient with is with you.

It would be best to give yourself sufficient time to make mistakes and fix them.

If you’re patient, it becomes simple to stay patient with people around you. At times people will require more convincing.

You have to do your best to “sell” your idea and approach them.

3. Communication

Communication is a basis of collaboration, thus crucial to the software development project.

Whether you’re communicating with colleagues, clients, and managers, do not leave anybody guessing –ensure every developer in the team is on the same page about any aspect of a project.

Besides traditional skills of respect, assertiveness, active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, the Software Engineers have to develop their mastery of explaining technical information very clearly to the non-techies.

The professional needs to understand what somebody wants to ask if they do not understand the software’s specific parameters.

4. Listenability

These soft talents are intertwined: being a good communicator and a good listener is essential.

Keep in mind that everybody you deal with or communicate with deserves to be heard, and they might have information that can help you do your work efficiently.

Put other distractions apart and focus totally on a person talking to you.

You must keep an eye out for the nonverbal communication indicators since they will disclose a lot about what somebody says.

As per the experts in the field, 93% of the communication is nonverbal.

Thus you must pay close attention to what the colleagues or clients say, even though they are not saying anything.

5. Teamwork

It doesn’t matter what you plan to do. There will be a time when you need to work as a part of the team.

Whether it is the team of designers, developers, programmers, or project teams, developers have to work nicely with others to succeed.

Working with the whole team makes working more fun and makes people help you out in the future.

You might not sometimes agree with other people in the team. However, having a difference of opinion helps to build successful companies.

6. People and Time Management

Software development is about working on one project in the stipulated time frame.

Usually, software developers engineers are highly involved in managing people and different projects. Thus, management is an essential soft skill for software developers.

People and time management are two critical characteristics that the recruiter searches for in the software developer candidate.

A software developer from various experience levels has to work well in the team and meet the time estimates.

Thus, if you want to become a successful software programmer in a good company, it is essential to teach in the successful management of people and time.

7. Problem-solving

There will be a point in your career when you face the problem.

Problems can happen regularly or rarely; however, it’s inevitable. The way you handle your situations will leave a massive impact on your career and the company that you are working for.

Thus, problem-solving is an essential soft skill that employers search for in their prospective candidates; therefore, more examples of problem-solving you have better will be your prospects.

When approaching the new problem, view it objectively, though you did accidentally.

8. Adaptability

Adaptability is another essential soft skill required in today’s fast-evolving world.

This skill means being capable of changing with the changing environment and adjusting the course based on how this situation comes up.

Employers value adaptability and can give you significant benefits in your career.

9. Self-awareness

Software developers must be highly confident in things they know and humble in something they don’t.

So, knowing what area you require improvement is one type of true confidence.

If software development is aware of their weaker sides, they will seek the proper training or mentorship from their colleagues and manager.

In the majority of the cases, when most people deny that they do not know something, it is often a sign of insecurity.

However, if the software developer finds himself secure and acknowledges their weaknesses, it is a sign of maturity that is one valuable skill to possess.

In the same way, to be confident in things that they know is also very important.

Self-confidence allows people to speak out their minds, make lesser mistakes, and face criticism.

10. Open-mindedness

If you are open-minded, you are keen to accept innovative ideas, whether they are yours or somebody else’s.

Even any worst ideas will inspire something incredible if you consider them before you plan to dismiss them. More pictures you get, the more projects you will have the potential to work upon.

Though not each idea you have may turn into something, you do not know what it will be until you have thought in-depth about it.

It would help if you kept an open mind to new ideas from the team and your company and clients.

Your clients are the people who will use your product; thus, they are the best ones to tell you about what works or what they require.

Final Thoughts

All the skills outlined here complement one another. A good skill will lead to higher collaboration & team cohesiveness.

Knowing one’s strengths or weaknesses will improve your accountability skills. So, the result is a well-rounded software developer with solid potential.

These soft skills mentioned in the article are the best input for a brilliant career since it gives several benefits.

Suppose you wonder if you don’t have the given soft skills or find it very late to have it now.

The best thing is that all these soft skills mentioned can quickly be learned or improved.

In 2022, there will be a lot of resources available to help the developer with that. However, it is not very difficult to improve your soft skills. Better to start now.

The post Top 10 Soft Skills for Software Developers in 2022 appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/yp2KYjI

Interface means “The way of communication performed in between a user and a Database management system” like query passing.

This interface is further divided into four categories on the basis of technology used.

  1. Menu based
  2. Form based
  3. Graphical user interface (GUI) based
  4. Natural language based

Let’s discuss them one by one in detail.

Menu Based

In this, all the options are displayed in form of a list or menu, through which we can select any option and that option leads us to the destination.

Example: When we search anything in a web browser then it shows all the possible results in a list manner, from which we can click on any option.

Or access any website, where all available options are arranged in menu form.

The latest SQL softwares provide the facility to perform different operations on Database with the help of these menu-based options, in which query writing is not required. Maximum commands are already arranged in form of a list or menu, in which we just need to select the command we wanted to perform.

Popup menus are the best example of it.

This interface provides an easy way to access, manipulate or insert data.

These are used at those places where browsing type operations are performed.

No need to follow any sequence or structure, we can access directly the required place in the database.

No need to remember all the coding or commands.

The rollback function is available, which means we can get back to the first position just by pressing back.

In network-based Databases, we can access any part of a database available on any server.

Form Based

In this, a form type structure is shown to the user to insert data or operate data in a database.

Example: online form filling for exams.

This is also a good option to prevent redundancy because each and every user need to go through these forms to access or manipulate databases.

This concept makes computing very easy for those who have only basic knowledge of computer operation.

Commit buttons (submit/save/next) are given at the end of every form so that the last work done can be saved and only after that user can go further. Sometimes after clicking these commit buttons, we can’t change the old entries made. So before clicking on it we need to be very careful.

These forms follow a sequence to maintain the new data in a specific order.

Individual forms are popups for each query.

If a form is very big and split in small parts then all the parts of the form are filled by a user stored at one server.

Graphical User Interface Based

In this, all the available options are present as graphical symbols or buttons, like keys on the calculator.

All the possible queries are given in an image format to make the experience easy and smooth. Sometimes it follows a combination of form and menu-based interface.

In this the overall schema is represented as a graphical image, when we click on any specific part then the resulting query is executed.

This makes computing very fast because the user needs to use images instead of passing queries.

Online games are the best example of it. The user moves in which direction the related commands start functioning.

Natural Language Based

In this user can pass its query just by writing them in natural language (for computers it’s English).

To pass on a query to the database user need to follow a structure to write a query.

The wrong format can deny the operation.

These schemas are consisting of commands and keywords which are predefined.

In this user needs to understand and memories the format of queries and all the commands.

Sometimes the query runs on a different page and the output is displayed on a different page. This will make computing a little cozy.

The post Types of DBMS Interfaces appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/CnwWEmT


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