April 2022

Coding is required in nearly every technology field, and cybersecurity is no different. To accurately assess the activities of dangerous actors on their networks, cybersecurity experts must comprehend a variety of coding principles. While coding abilities aren’t required for every cybersecurity profession, it’s difficult to conceive a cybersecurity career that wouldn’t profit from the ability to scribble a few lines of code now and again.

Best Programming Languages for Cyber Security

Why is Learning Programming Necessary for Cybersecurity?

Simply said, it improves your performance at work. Understanding programming aids cyber security specialists in examining software to find security flaws, detect malicious code, and carry out activities that need analytical capabilities.

Your area of interest determines the coding language you should learn, including computer forensics, web application security, information security, malware analysis, or application security. Though the value of any one language varies by position, cyber security specialists with programming skills have a competitive advantage over others.

Best Programming Languages for Cyber Security

Coding is a valuable skill in practically every technology field, and cybersecurity is no different. Here are the three most popular and functional programming languages security experts use.

Cybersecurity professionals, who are interested in learning to code for the first time confront a difficult decision: which language should they know? There are many popular programming languages available today, and deciding where to begin might be difficult.


Python is an incredibly powerful programming language used by cybersecurity professionals and other software developers. Python prioritizes code readability and makes extensive use of indentation. Its language elements and object-oriented approach aim to assist programmers in writing clear, logical code for both small and big projects.


A single source code may be written in Golang for all major operating systems. Because large files cannot be analyzed by most antivirus software, this allows viruses written with Golang to enter computers undetected. This language also comes with a large set of libraries that make creating malware a breeze. For security pros, Go has gained a lot of traction. Because of its application in server and cloud services, flexibility and simplicity of use, and data analysis capabilities, it’s an excellent choice for cyber programmers.


JavaScript is the most widely used programming language, with 95 percent of all websites using it. It’s one of the most powerful programming languages for cyber security. If you want to grab cookies, abuse event handlers, and do cross-site scripting, JavaScript is the way to go. JavaScript libraries include NodeJS, ReactJS, and jQuery.

This also indicates that, because of the language’s broad use, its applications and systems are prime targets.JavaScript allows programmers to utilize any code while consumers are on a website, enhancing the usefulness of that site. On the other side, it might provide dangerous functionality that the visitor is unaware of. Malicious coding might be used to start a program if the website is hacked.

Whether you are working for a DC cybersecurity company, LA cybersecurity company, or other organization, these programming languages are vital for the cybersecurity field. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when thinking about various programming languages.

The post 3 Best Programming Languages for Cyber Security appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/IHeoz97

Web 3.0 is the buzzword amongst a community of decentralized devoted people. The current state of the internet is web 2.0 – one largely restricted in terms of creation and control. Still, there is more usability for end-users and more user-generated content. Two examples are websites like WordPress and social media sites like Facebook, which allow users to have creative control. Before this, you guessed it, it was Web 1.0, which was very much a what you see is what you get web.

Web 3.0 is expected to be the most dramatic overhaul of the traditional web that we know and maybe even love. Below, we’ll explore what web 3.0 means, why it’ll be primarily open-source coded, and how it’ll impact anyone who uses the internet.

What’s Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet. You might not have noticed that there have been two previous generations because, by and large, changes are subtle. They’re not changes in the sense of a business rebrand, for example, where everything about it is different. Web 3.0, however, might deliver some powerful changes that every user will feel. The architecture of the emerging web 3.0 is still unknown, but there’s a wealth of information about what it’ll mean for the future of the internet.

The primary difference between web 2.0 and 3.0 will be who controls it. Web 2.0 is absolutely dominated by tech conglomerates Google and Apple. You might feel free to browse openly, but your information is constantly stored and shared across multiple networks, thanks to the cookies we’re forced to agree to if we want to enter a website. Web 3.0 aims to remove that problem by creating a new and truly open internet. Web 3.0 will be using decentralized technology and open-source coding that gives more users access to the open space that’s truly open to interpretation.

Why Will It Use Open-Source Coding?

As stated previously, the architecture of web 3.0 is yet to be released – but it’s assumed and documented that open-source coding and software will be the coding of choice for web 3.0 as it’s the most versatile and easily manipulated – making it perfect for the new web 3.0. Naturally, that presents security risks that SAST tools can mitigate. The curators of web 3.0 must consider the security risks of open-source coding and software to protect users from an internet that’s already riddled with hackers.

Why is open-source coding and software such a risk? Code vulnerabilities. One study found that software or applications built using open-source coding contain an average of seven vulnerabilities that open the door to major security breaches.

What About Decentralized Technology?

Decentralized technology is becoming increasingly popular. Cryptocurrencies and the new metaverse brought this new buzzword onto the scene – so how is it now transpiring to be the front-running technology for web 3.0? In the same way that open-source coding is more flexible and open to the masses rather than one organization, decentralized technology focuses on multiple ownership rather than an individual.

It’s expected that web 3.0 will use similar tactics as found in cryptocurrency. Multiple people will be assigned the task of authorization and control rather than a trusted intermediary. Thus, web 3.0 will technically be trustless – but rather, the trust lies in the network and those assigned to be the gatekeeper. Essentially, web 3.0 will use decentralized apps that take the place of centralized social networks.

Web 3.0 won’t officially launch for many years. The development is staged, ensuring security, open access, and the ability for users to have control over their data are included in the foundation of the project. Interestingly, the first web 3.0 protocol did launch in 2021 called Fellow. Some say it’s a taster of what’s to come for web 3.0.

The post Web 3.0 is Future – But Why Will It Use Open-Source Coding And Decentralize Technology? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/xmMW0bL

Imagine waking up to rhythmic sounds of the birds; the air conditioner lowers to 16 degrees from 18 degrees; your alarm clock tells you your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. The window blinds automatically spread open to let nature’s morning light into your room as you get up. You shower and dress up, but you do not have to go to the garage; your car is already parked in the driveway. People create IoT applications; people use IoT applications—the world’s technology grows from the internet to the Internet of Things, from middlemen transaction processes to Smart Contracts.

How do you develop IoT applications? There is a demand for IoT applications, but launching into the building process without a thorough step-by-step outlook will leave you with an application you cannot use because it is poorly built. Let’s look at the common framework to consider when you develop applications for the Internet of Things.

Software: The software is the first phase of an IoT building process (please note that the building process is the process where developers create the codes for the backend operation). The software is crucial because it links to the hardware through the cloud and the network. The software houses smart contracts that define what the app should do within specific parameters and how the app should react to particular parameters. The software framework also buttresses the UI—User Interface. While the UI defines the interface and is a part of the total User Experience, the software is the backend that ensures seamless app usability and is the remaining part of the User Experience.

Hardware: Hardware includes sensors, chips, and other measuring appliances. The creators of an IoT application must ensure that the software is compatible with the software’s hardware.

Cloud: The cloud is the IoT’s storage and processing unit. Because of the enormous data quantity and computation, IoT applications work with Cloud-based storage for seamless and automated storage and processing systems.

Network: The network links the software, hardware, and cloud. Network links include MQT, wireless, LAN, Bluetooth, WiFi, and HTTP.

4 Stages of Building an IoT App

Design: When you consider the best IoT apps, there is a seamless combination of powerful backend development and an excellent user interface. The UI—User Interface team buttresses the depth of your coding team. Before hiring a design team for developing an app for IoT, you must consider the team’s experience. The design team must work with the development team to fragment the visible fragments of the app. Factors the design team considers include color, font, popups, whitespaces, and more. 

Prototype: A prototype is the final product’s simulation. For example, when you want to make an IoT app, you can create a prototype that exhibits the app’s functionality and design, and the app interface. A prototype’s use includes pitching for funding from investors, studying the feasibility of a project, and exploring some of the development nuances. Typically, a prototype allows an entrepreneur to show people his vision without building the app. 

Development: The development phase is integral, as it connects the prototyping to the product’s final launch. The development phase also transitions into the testing, maintenance, and support phases. Development hardly ever stops because the IoT industry is continually moving. Trends come and go; people’s tastes come and go; therefore, an app must continually evolve to satisfy the growing wants of customers. An app must satisfy the users’ needs—and these needs may change. 

Testing: In the testing phase, the fully developed IoT app is placed through a series of QA tests to ensure that it is secure and fail-proof. Rounds of testing are essential to determine the app’s loopholes before it gets to the market. 

Maintenance and Support: The maintenance and support phase is a never-ending phase. An app can crash; hackers can break into an app’s firewall and access personal data; an app may face compatibility issues. The surprises are endless; however, a dedicated team of developers, designers, analysts, and researchers is essential to ensure that the app continually meets user demands and that user information is protected.  


If you want to develop IoT apps, you should consider several issues:

  1. Do you need an IoT app? If your company can run on an already-built IoT app, you should reconsider building another one. Save yourself the trouble and the money. 
  2. Select the team for each stage of the app development: You can either hire a company that offers full-fledge services on app development or hire companies that can fulfill your demands at each stage of development. Begin by drawing a roadmap. 
  3. Prototype: Never start building without a prototype. 
  4. Determine if you want a native app or a hybrid IoT application.

Building an IoT application is a lot of work—and many things can go wrong. You must work with the right team from the get-go, but most importantly, when you want to create IoT applications, you must ask, ‘Do I need an IoT app?’ It’s a long haul, and your company must resign not to have it— except if you are building the app for mass consumer adoption.

The post How to Develop IoT Applications: A Complete Guide for 2022 appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/9xwfC45

Whenever we are working with our code to develop something and we write some code, then it may be possible our code encounters any type of error. One of those error is Typeerror, which indicates that we have not given the type of data required. For example, if we try to add 3 + “five”, then we will encounter an error named typeerror because the summation between an integer and a string is not supported in python.

Whenever this type of error occurs, we have to make sure that we are passing the same type of data that is required to complete the operation.

So, in the above sum we are required to pass an integer to add in 3.

It will eliminate our error and the operation will be successfully performed.

In this article we are going to see what causes the error named typeerror: expected string or bytes like object. Basically, we will encounter this type of error, when we are working with a regular expression and we are trying to replace any value with some other value.

Example 1:

import pandas as pd
import re

data = pd.DataFrame({'Name':["Alpha", "Beta", 12, "Gamma"]})

data['Name'] = [re.sub(str(i),"Omega", i) if i == 12 else i for i in                                                                           data['Name']]


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
0  Alpha
1   Beta
2     12
3  Gamma
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c :\ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py ",  line 8, in <module>
    data['Name'] = [re.sub(str(i),"Omega", i) if i == 12 else i for i in data['Name']]
  File "c :\ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py ", line 8, in <listcomp>
    data['Name'] = [re.sub(str(i),"Omega", i) if i == 12 else i for i in data['Name']]
  File "C : \ Program Files \ Python382 \ lib \ re.py", line 208, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

Here we have a DataFrame in which there are some data. In the initial stage when we are trying to print it, it is printed successfully.

Let us suppose we want to change the value of 12 in the Name column.

When we are trying to change it, it is giving the same error as we have discussed earlier.

So we have to check our code that whether the bug is there. As I described earlier this error occurs when we are trying to give any other datatype value different from its normal type which is required in the operation.

Here we are using a regular expression to replace the integer value with a string value.

So, we have to make a simple change in our code to execute it successfully.

As we can see from the documentation of regular expression that re.sub() function required its third parameter as a string but in the code we have passes it as integers.


To resolve it, we have to pass the third parameter named I as a string. We have to write str(i) instead of I to remove this error.

import pandas as pd
import re

data = pd.DataFrame({'Name':["Alpha", "Beta", 12, "Gamma"]})

data['Name'] = [re.sub(str(i),"Omega", str(i)) if i == 12 else i for i in data['Name']]


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
0  Alpha
1   Beta
2     12
3  Gamma
0  Alpha
1   Beta
2  Omega
3  Gamma

As we can see that after passing the third parameter as string, we are successfully able to perform the desired operation using regular expression.

We have successfully changed the value of integer 12 to string Omega.

Example 2:

import re
list1 = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 40, 30]

list1 = [re.sub(str(item), "this", item) if item in range(10, 41) else item for item in list1 ]



PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c :\ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py ", line 59, in <module>
    list1 = [re.sub(str(item), "this", item) if item in range(10, 41) else item for item in list1 ]
  File "c :\ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py ", line 59, in <listcomp>
    list1 = [re.sub(str(item), "this", item) if item in range(10, 41) else item for item in list1 ]
  File "C: \ Program Files \ Python382 \ lib \ re.py ", line 208, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

In this example, we are trying to replace some values in the list which are integers ranging from 10 to 40. We are performing this operation using sub() function in a regular expression.

As we can see that we have encountered with the same error. Whenever we are working with sub() function, then we have to cross check that we are passing the correct argument type else we will encounter the same error and it is a little bit difficult to find where the exact error is.

As we can see that we are passing the third argument as an integer that why we have encountered the error.


We can resolve this error by passing the third argument as string type by converting it into a string.

Let’s see the corrected code and its output.

import re
list1 = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 40, 30]

list1 = [re.sub(str(item), "this", str(item)) if item in range(10, 41) else item for item in list1 ]



PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'this', 'this']

As we can see that after passing the third argument as a string, we have successfully fixed the error which was shown earlier.


This type of error mostly occurs when we are working with sub() function in a regular expression. This work of this function is to replace a given pattern with some string. We have to be careful when we are passing its arguments. We have to check which type of argument is required to perform the operation. Whenever we pass the argument of other type which is not required then we will encounter this type of error.

The post Solve TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object in Python appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/TNdb79B

In this article we will go through the Type Error: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index and what causes this error and how can we overcome this error and get some changes in the code so that we can get the proper solution to resolve it. This normally tells about that when we are trying to convert a simple array into a scalar index. The other reason why this error comes is that when we are trying to concatenate and that time we are not passing tuple or list for concatenation and this becomes a major problem.

In the examples we are taking we are trying to concatenate two arrays by function then the function will always concatenate two or more arrays of the same type as always. Concatenation is always done row-wise and column-wise and by default it always takes row-wise.

Case 1:

Suppose we are taking two arrays which are having the fruits name and then we are trying to concatenate the two arrays and for the concatenation function we are assigning other variables.

import numpy
array1 = numpy.array ( [ 'Apple' , 'Orange' ,  'Grapes',  'Chiku' ] )
array2 = numpy.array ( [ 'Papaya' ,  'Banana' ] )
array3 = numpy.concatenate ( array1 , array2 )

When we are trying to concatenate, we are getting an error as we need to convert array1 and array2 into tuple or list.


PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python .\ test.py
Traceback (most recent call last) :
  File " .\test.py ", line 4, in <module>
    array3 = numpy.concatenate ( array1 , array2 )
  File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 5, in concatenate
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index


To solve this error we will convert both the arrya1 and array2 into Tuple for concatenation so that the Tuple function will run the code without giving any error. Here the output is the list and we got the solution to remove the error and the revised code.

import numpy
array1 = numpy.array(['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes', 'Chiku'])
array2 = numpy.array(['Papaya', 'Banana'])
array3 = numpy.concatenate((array1, array2))

Now we have assigned tuple for concatenation then we are getting the output.


PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python .\ test.py
['Apple' 'Orange' 'Grapes' 'Chiku' 'Papaya' 'Banana']

Case 2

Suppose we are taking a particular list in which we are assigning some range and then we are doing some indexing operation so that we can get the random choice of the spices.

import numpy as np

par_list = list(range(500))
spices = np.random.choice(range(len(par_list)), replace=False, size=200)

But when we are running this code then we are getting the error.


PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python .\ test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\test.py", line 4, in <module>
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index


To solve this error we are trying to convert the simple array into numpy array. Here the output is the list and we got the solution to remove the error and the revised code.

import numpy as np

par_list = list(range(500))
spices = np.random.choice(range(len(par_list)), replace=False, size=100)


PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python .\ test.py
[396  80 279 404 411  52 321  95 430 196 462  39  43 200 178 275 307 387
  89 454  59 175  23 360 458 198 492 453 186  35 137 432 306 173 415 248
  56 284  85 327  73 197 277 324 358 421 334 191 374 144 308 208 268 372
 210  19 294 274  67 250  70 185 354 305 150 273 316 129  69 391  11  32
 496 136 470 436 126 383 361 389  45 145 450 386  28  25 259 328 364   1
  36 452 446 116 152 207 146 141   9 177]


As we have seen two cases above in which first we are given two arrays and when we are assigning the tuple then we are getting the output for the error only integer scalar arrays can be converted into scalar index. We will have to see whether we have assigned the tuple or list for the arrays for the concatenation as the list catenation can be done for the arrays.

For the next case, we have to convert the simple array to numpy array for the running of code error free. This way we are solving the error and the error most occurs for the row-wise arrays concatenation done normally in the python codes. And lastly, about the error, we have to see that by a single numpy.concatenate() method we get the error removed and for converting the arrays we use np.array () by which error gets removed.

The post Solve TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/GetJknI

In our daily life whenever we are trying to solve any real life problems then we may have to write some conditional statements very often. A simple if condition takes 2 or 3 lines if we want to process a statement in it. Suppose we have to write more than 10 conditions in a program. We can see it will take approx 40 to 50 lines of code where we are just repeating the things.

So, python allows us to write the if conditions in a single line which is often called one liner if in Python. This will make our code more readable and less redundant. By using this functionality, we can reduce some spaces in our python code.

Now we will see all the types by using which we can write a one liner if condition in python.

Also Read: Python One Line for Loop

First, we will see a general method of if condition and its output.

# General Method for If Condition in Python
num = 6
if num % 2 == 0:


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python - u " c: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work \ test.py "

In the above example, we are trying to write a condition to print “Even” if the input number is Even. We can see that if takes 2 lines of code to write this single condition.

Now we will see how we can write the same example in a one liner. There are 2 ways to write it. We will go through both ways one by one.

Python One Line if Statement

Method 1:

# One Liner which is mostly same as general Method
num = 8
if num % 2 == 0: print("Even")


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python - u " c: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work \ test.py "


In the above one liner we can see that it is the same as general method, the only difference is there that we did not give the indentation in the code.

Method 2:

# One Liner where first we write what we want to do 
# if the conditions are met and after that we write the condition
num = 6
print("Even") if num % 2 == 0 else None


In this type of one liner first, we write the statement we want to perform when the conditions are met and after that, we write the condition. We are also writing the else block as Node because in this type of one liner only if statements are not supported, we have to write else statement also. If we do not want to perform any operation in the else block we simply write None after else.

We can use one liner to assign a value to a variable when certain conditions are met.

Example 1:

# Set salary to 10000 if age is greater than 18
age = int(input("Enter Age : "))
cond = age > 18

salary = 10000 if cond else None


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python - u " c: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work \ test.py "

Example 2:

# Set salary to 10000 if age is greater than 18
age = int(input("Enter Age : "))
cond = age > 18

salary = 10000 if cond else None


PS C: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work > python - u " c: \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ TheCrazyProgrammer Work \ test.py "
Enter Age : 19

If we input age less than 18 then it will print None.


In above example, we can see that we can use one liner to assign a value to the variable if the certain conditions are met. In the example we are setting the salary value to 10000 if the age is greater than 18 otherwise, we are setting the value of salary to None.


In python, we can use one liner if conditions to write some conditions in a better way in our programs. These one liners will helps us to make our code less redundant and more readable.

We can also use one liners to assign a value to a variable if a certain condition is met otherwise we can set it to None value.

The post Python One Line if Statement appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/xZ109VF

Today, game development is one of the biggest industries in the world with thousands of developers creating games in every niche. By 2025, the game development market size is expected to reach over USD 250 billion.

Game development is complex and involves many complicated components in its development workflow due to which game developers struggle to build high-quality gaming experiences. Virtual Assist aims to help you make the most of your development workflow.

In this blog, we’ll discuss everything about optimizing game development workflows, guiding game developers and designers to build better games.

What is Game Development?

Game development is the process of designing, modeling, developing, and updating games. It is a lengthy and complex process that includes pre-production, production, and post-production phases. While creating a game, player levels, stage design, engagement, game mechanics, and input functionalities of the game should be a game developer’s top priority.

People prefer playing games that are more user-friendly and effortless, which relieves their stress and are easy to play. Game developers try to make a less complicated user interface while developing complex game functionalities simultaneously.

Game Development Workflow

What is Game Development Workflow?

A game development workflow is the step-by-step production of any game. It’s about how the development and production of a game will be managed. While a game is in creation, some basic steps must be followed:

  1. Planning is the most important phase of game development as it will give a rough idea of what the game will look like. A game developer should begin with planning the game, its graphics, cost, game engine, timeframe, characters, target audience, features, and release. 
  2. The second stage of a game development workflow is pre-production. This stage includes the meeting of all team members that are involved in the production of the game.
  3. Production is the next stage in the game development workflow. All of the ideas are brought to fruition in this stage, from graphics to functionalities, characters, and sound effects, everything is designed and built.
  4. Testing is a very crucial phase in game development. When a game is produced, it is essential to test it and scrutinize it for any bugs or errors. 
  5. For game developers, the pre-launch period is a difficult time. To advertise the game, marketers launch a combination of animated cutscenes and demo games to generate audience interest.
  6. The game launch has to be the most anticipated stage for game developers. By now, every bug and error is removed and the game is perfected to be released in the market.
  7. During the post-launch period, game developers are devoted to detecting and resolving issues. Players are also asked to send bug reports or give feedback about the game through web forums. An additional aspect of post-launch is the provision of frequent game upgrades and patches.

How Can You Get Started in Game Development?

Game development is not straightforward. To get started in game development you should follow these steps:

  • In the beginning, an aspiring game developer should learn at least one programming language. Pick whichever programming language suits you best and start writing codes in it.
  • When you are adept in coding, start experimenting with different game development engines like Unity, Unreal, or CryEngine.
  • Begin with simple 2D gaming projects that work with built-in tools and objects.
  • After you are an expert in 2D game development, start learning about 3D graphics and game development.
  • Take small steps and don’t rush things.

How Can You Make the Most of Your Game Development Workflow?

Being a game developer means you have several different projects to work on. You should learn to make the most of your game development workflow to make the most of your time. Below are some tips on how you can do that.

Divide Tasks

If a single game developer is managing all of the tasks of game development then it could get extremely hectic which can result in missing project deadlines. To avoid this from happening, focus on one task at a time and hire people for other development tasks.

A game development project should have a developer, a designer that could design 2D and 3D game assets, and a quality assurance resource that could analyze and test the gaming functionalities. This will make the workflow quicker and more manageable. It will also save time and energy, and all of the projects will be delivered beforehand.

Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to success. Taking long breaks while working on a project will make it more lengthy and tiring. Write code constructs regularly as consistency and practice will result in the rapid development of game tasks, saving you valuable time. When time is used most efficiently, game development workflow will improve automatically.

Set Working Hours

Having a proper work routine is very important otherwise you could face extreme procrastination. Set up specific work hours in the day and strictly follow them.

During work hours, try to avoid any distractions and manage tasks efficiently which results in the rapid progress of the game development workflow.

Develop Different Prototypes

Prototyping is a vital component of the game development workflow. Different prototypes must be created before the actual production of the game to make sure minimum errors occur and every aspect of the game is assessed.

Developing prototypes at the start of the game production makes the workflow less complicated and saves a lot of time because when different prototypes are tested, a game developer has an idea of which errors may emerge.

Set a Healthy Budget

For an effective game development workflow, you should always set aside a healthy budget to pay from. On average, a game requires USD 50,000 to USD 1 million[2] to create. This amount depends on the size of the game and the development team. A team with more experienced game developers will cost more but the workflow will be maximized.

A major game development expense is wages to your team, whether they are programmers, designers, testers, or marketers. Game development and marketing necessitate effort and hard work from a large number of people who spend a significant amount of time and practice a fair bit of innovation.

Ready to Maximize Your Game Development Workflow?

Unexpected complications may cause chaos during game development. In this article, we have shared game development tips to save developers from frequently recurring issues and empower them to launch the finest games imaginable!

To maximize game development workflow, you should be consistent, and diligent. If you want to make the most of your game development workflow but lack programming dexterity then we recommend using Virtual Assist. It will examine and rectify your code, refactor its intricacy and provide assistance that will help in the creation of high-quality game scripts.

The post Game Development Workflow – Getting the Most Out of It appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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