August 2022

An online IDE or compiler comes in quite useful especially when you are looking to compile and interpret programming code to & from different languages. There is a possibility that your computer might hang if you use a bunch of apps at one time, thus, for these scenarios, the online compiler is the best option.

Suppose, you wish to run three programs that are written in C++, Java, and Python, rather than installing 3 compilers, you can use an online compiler that, in one single click.

This post provides you with the best features of top online compilers available for compiling and executing your source code.

Why Are IDEs Important?

Just think of a situation, you make pizza for dinner. Though you know its recipe, you will require all the ingredients and tools or equipment that will put your idea into action. You can find all relevant ingredients and tools in your kitchen. So, it is your workplace.

In the same way, though developers or programmers know to code, they will require a workplace with relevant tools. So, IDE will give the developers and programmers that workstation. For this reason, IDEs are quite important.

Luckily, there are a lot of options you will find. The given are some best multipurpose IDE program that supports C, C++, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, and more.

7 Best Free Online Compilers

1. GeeksforGeeks

GeeksforGeeks IDE

GeeksforGeeks is a popular compiler online that allows users to compile the source code & execute it online. The platform supports over 60 programming languages.

It is one popular platform online that serves as the compiler, interpreter, IDE, and editor. This allows the users to write, run, collaborate, share and execute Python code through your browser. GeeksforGeeks IDE runs the code with cloud servers & scalable architecture that helps to achieve amazing speed. This platform offers community-built tutorials, tools, code examples, cheat sheets, Q&A, and much more.

  • Run code in a popular programming language like C++, Python, Java, Perl, Scala, and others.
  • Shortcuts to save time.
  • Download programming code to your systems.
  • Works on mobile phones too.
  • Stay anonymous and do not have to make an account.

2. Online GDB

Online GDB

OnlineGBD offers an interesting and best user interface for compilation online. This compiler online offers you great features, such as auto-suggestion, colour coding, save source code, auto-close brackets, and debug code. Besides OnlineGBD being a popular choice for running C code, the number of functions it offers is very convincing to spare a try. It offers quick execution with various features like error detection, screen customization, project creation, and login with your account.

  • An interactive terminal or text file is used to give input.
  • Built-in code debugger and formatter.
  • Interactive console & split view.
  • Handy web application for coders who like online coding.
  • Reliable network without unexpected crashes.

3. Replit


Learn and create programming code with Replit’s in-browser, and free collaborative IDE, which supports more than 50 languages without making you spend much time in the setups. You may start coding your language on any device, system, or platform you want to.

Invite your colleagues, friends or teammates to edit any code in Google docs. You may also import the code to GitHub for collaborating with GitHub repositories. No matter whether you’re comfortable with Python, C++, CSS, and HTML, you can easily write code and edit on one single platform.

Furthermore, when you have written the code, it goes live instantly. Suppose you wish to learn more about code, then Replit has over three million technologists, passionate programmers, and creatives. With real-time collaboration with teams, you will find your team to be more productive. In addition, you may create bots, applications, etc., with help of the plugins when coding. This tool helps you to develop your projects straight from your own browser.

  • Run more than 60 different programming languages 
  • Offers collaboration with your colleagues and teammates easily.
  • Supports GitHub integration, run, import, and collaborate on GitHub Repos with zero manual setups.
  • Host & deploy your code with the whole world.
  • Huge community support with more than 500,000 weekly developers and more than 3 million users.
  • Creative and fast UI makes the coding experience better.

4. Jdoodle


Jdoodle compiler supports various languages with certain features like download code, colour coding, project creation, account login as well as error detection in a source code. Jdoodle is a basic compiler and produces the output in the same window, so you can log in to use advanced features.

The compiler starts with the text area, where you may paste the code and click on a run icon. You can change its command line parameters as well as set stdin before you run a program. It supports over 68 languages and runs from your site or blog straight away. JDoodle saves your program and shares this as a URL with people you want.

  • Embed your website or blog easily.
  • Simple to use.
  • Supports over 76 languages.
  • JDoodle advance supports multiple files, custom libraries and file reads.
  • Interactive mode. 
  • Interactive terminal online for MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Power debugging to help you in fixing the code.
  • Good for collaboration & peer programming.
  • Execution history for finding previous codes.
  • Save the code locally on your disks.
  • Changeable theme and font to protect your eyes.

5. Ideone


Ideone offers the compiler online with the debugging tool. Certain features like login, download code and colour-coding also are easily available with this compiler. Ideone will execute over 60 programming languages, like Python, Java, and R. It’s simple to use the compiler online with some interesting standard IDE online.

Ideone is a popular online compiler & debugging tool, which allows developers and programmers to run and compile code in over 40 programming languages. Source code download, syntax highlighting, and the possibility of making code private or public (available by you only) are some primary functions of Ideone. When running java code, it is important to keep proper track of the time that it takes for executing the code, error messages and memory usage.

  • Supports various programming languages.
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Simple to load and fast platform for checking code.
  • Compile in over 60 programming languages.
  • Save codes in an organized way and share this through the provided link.
  • Fully featured debugging software that makes debugging fun and easy.
  • Offers functionality to make the code private, public, and secret.
  • Embed code with automated javascript code.
  • Enter notes with the code for a simple understanding of viewers.
  • Very useful shortcuts for fast and easy operation.

6. Tutorialspoint


Tutorialspoint is a highly reputed website among computer geeks. The site offers compilers online for various programming languages. Suppose you have got a stable internet connection, Tutorialspoint online compiler can execute the code within no time. The compiler provides several interesting features such as downloading source code, colour coding, and screen customizing. Its main feature lacks is auto-suggestion.

Tutorialspoint has over 35 million visitors monthly on the website. It offers the best and most quick compilers online for executing source code. Some of the features like creating new files, colour coding, downloading your file, creating new projects, and projects, displaying errors in source code and customizing screen settings are the best.

  • Save your files offline and online.
  • Share code with others.
  • Offer different themes than other compiler.
  • Doesn’t offer debugging facility.

7. OneCompiler


OneCompiler is a powerful and feature-rich Java compiler online that functions on the Java LTS version. You can fast build, run, as well as distribute the code free by using OneCompiler. When the user chooses Java as the programming language and starts coding, OneCompiler displays the sample boilerplate code. This has got dependency management functions for Gradle.

Even though it might be slow for running the first time when you add dependencies, it can get faster with successive runs. Besides that, you can find many posts, tutorials, and coding challenges, which help you to learn when you use this.

It has the useful syntax help area below an editor to address any common concepts quickly to help you understand them better. You can sign up, and you don’t need an account to use this compiler online.

  • It is quite fast hence it feels as if it is running locally.
  • Runs code on the strong cloud servers with a scalable architecture.
  • Offers auto-code suggestions.
  • Supports over 60+ languages.


The online compiler’s flexibility and ease of use allow any beginner to practice fast and learn to program quickly. Online-specific functions like having your code back up and collaborating with the link are a few important things that professionals can appreciate. Choosing the compiler online to run code has got its own benefits. You can choose one and start with the coding adventure.

Happy Coding!

The post 7 Best Online Compilers 2022 – C, C++, Java, Python appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Dynamic initialization states that we are initializing the objects at the runtime. Since we use constructors to initialize everything, here we are going to use dynamic constructors.

Here is an example of dynamic initialization:


using namespace std;

class Details {
    string name;
    int age;
    int rollno;
    Details(string n,int a,int r) {
    void disp() {
        cout<<"The name of the Student is: " <<name<<"\n";
        cout<<"The age of the Student is: " <<age<<"\n";
        cout<<"The rollno of the Student is: " <<rollno<<"\n";

int main() {
    string n;
    int a,r;
    cout<<"Please enter the name of the Student --> ";
    cout<<"Please enter the age of the Student --> ";
    cout<<"Please enter the rollno of the Student --> ";
    //Dynamically initializing
    Details firststudent(n,a,r);
    return 0;


Please enter the name of the Student --> neeraj
Please enter the age of the Student --> 28
Please enter the rollno of the Student --> 121
The name of the Student is: neeraj
The age of the Student is: 28
The rollno of the Student is: 121

This dynamic initialization can help us to create different constructors having the same function name but different parameters.

If you want to deallocate the memory then the delete operator can be used.

I hope you have understood this blog. Please do comment below if you are still facing any difficulties with the dynamic initialization of objects.

The post Dynamic Initialization of Objects in C++ appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Anders Hejlsberg is quite a famous personality, being a Technical Fellow in the Developer Division of Microsoft, Hejlsberg is popularly known as the influential creator of the development tools and various programming languages. He’s a chief designer of C# programming language as well as a key participant in the development of the Microsoft .NET Framework. Since its release in 2000, the C# programming language has actually gained huge adoption and now is standardized by ISO and ECMA.

Anders Hejlsberg is a popular Danish programming engineer born on 2nd December 1960. He designed many popular and successful programming languages as well as development tools. Andres was an original author of the Turbo Pascal and key architect of Delphi. Currently, he is working for Microsoft company as a lead architect of C# & core developer at TypeScript.

Anders Hejlsberg Biography

Before connecting with Microsoft in 1996, Hejlsberg was an employee of Borland International Inc. Being a principal engineer, Turbo Pascal was originally written by Andres Hejlsberg, an integrated development, and architect of the successor, Delphi.

Early & Career Life

Andres studied engineering at Denmark’s Technical University but didn’t graduate. Though in 1980, he started writing various programs for the Nascom microcomputer, which includes the Pascal compiler that was marketed as a Blue Label Software for Nascom-2. But, soon he rewrote this for DOS and CP/M, marketing it as Compas Pascal & then as PolyPascal.

After that, this product was given license at Borland, and then integrated into IDE which became the Turbo Pascal system. PolyPascal was in competition with Turbo Pascal. The compiler was highly inspired by “Tiny Pascal” compiler “Algorithms and Data Structures = Programs by in Niklaus Wirth”, an influential computer book of that time.

Andres Hejlsberg with his partners ran the computer store that was located in Copenhagen & marketed accounting systems. The company, PolyData, was a key distributor for various Microsoft products of Denmark that put it at Borland. Hejlsberg and Philippe Kahn met first in 1986. For those initial years, Jensen Niels, who was Borland’s founder and majority shareholder, had handled this relationship between Borland & PolyData successfully.

Life at Borland

In hands of Borland, Turbo Pascal became a huge hit commercially as a Pascal compiler ever.  Andres Hejlsberg stayed with PolyData till his company came under financial stress, during that time, he shifted to California and there he became the Chief Engineer in Borland. There he stayed until 1996. At this time he went ahead and developed Turbo Pascal, and became a lead architect for his team that produced a replacement for the Turbo Pascal, Delphi.

Life at Microsoft

Andres left Borland in 1996 to join archrival Microsoft. His achievements were J++ programming language & Windows Foundation Classes; soon he became the Microsoft Distinguished Engineer & Technical Fellow. Since 2000, Andres was the chief architect of his team developing the C# programming language.

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from The Crazy Programmer

We can pass objects as arguments in member or non member functions. They can be passed either by value or reference. Pass by value creates another copy of the particular object which is deleted after the function is ended. Pass by reference means that we are passing the same object as a reference so if we do any changes in the object then it will remain permanently.

Here is an example of passing objects in function arguments.


using namespace std;

class student{
    string name;
    double marks;
    void details(){
        cout<<"Enter the name of the student ";
        cout<<"Enter the marks scored by the student out of 100: ";

    void printdetails(){
        cout<<"The name of the student is: "<<name;
        cout<<"The marks scored by the student is: "<<marks;

    // Passing two objects s1 and s2 of the student class.
    void avgmarks(student s1,student s2){
        cout<<"The avg marks scored is: "<<(s1.marks+s2.marks)/2<<"\n";

int main(){
    student s1,s2,s3;

    cout<<"Details of 1st student"<<"\n";

    cout<<"Details of 2nd student"<<"\n";



Details of 1st student
Enter the name of the student Pulkit
Enter the marks scored by the student out of 100: 88.9
Details of 2nd student
Enter the name of the student Rahul
Enter the marks scored by the student out of 100: 75.4
The avg marks scored is: 82.15

In the above code, we are passing the objects in the avgmarks() function, using the information provided by both the objects the average mark is calculated.

I hope you have understood this blog. Please do comment below if you are still facing any difficulties with this topic.

The post Pass Object As Function Arguments in C++ appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Brian Wilson Kernighan is a computer scientist from Canada. He worked at Nokia Bell labs. This is an American industrial research and scientific development company owned by a multinational company Nokia. He contributed to the development of UNIX with Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie. Brian Kernighan worked as co-author with Dennis Ritchie on the book The C Programming Language. Brian became famous through this C programming book.

Brian wrote many programs for Unix, including ditroff. Brian Kernighan is also coauthor of AWK which is a domain-specific language and AMPL which is a mathematical programming language. The K in AWK stands for “Kernighan”. Brian Kernighan formulated the famous heuristics for two NP-complete optimization problems: graph partitioning and traveling salesman problem with the help of Shen Lin. Later it was known as Lin-Kernighan heuristic.

Brian Kernighan Biography

Brian Kernighan currently working as a professor of computer science at Princeton University since 2000 and director of undergraduate studies in the department of computer science. Brian coauthored the book on the GO programming language in the year 2015.

Early Life

Brian was born on 1 January 1942 in Toronto. Brian enrolled in the university of Toronto from 1960 to 1964 and earned his engineering physics bachelor’s degree. In 1969 Brian received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in electrical engineering. He got his Ph.D. under the supervision of Peter G. Weiner by finishing a doctoral dissertation named “Some graph partitioning problems related to program segmentation”.

Career and Research

Brian Kernighan has served as a professor at Princeton University in the department of computer science from the year 2000. Every autumn Brian explains and teaches “Computers in our world,” course. It introduces the basic of computing to non-majors. Brian was the software editor of an American major educational publisher Prentice Hall International. Brian’s “software tools” series spread the basis of “C/Unix thinking” makeovers for BASIC, Pascal, Fortran and in particular, his Rational Fortran was placed in the public domain.

Brian Kernighan once said if abandoned on any island with one language it would be C language. Brian invented the term “Unix” and also helped to popularize Thomson’s Unix philosophy. Brian is known as the inventor of the term “What you see is all you get” (WYSIAYG), a satirical form of original term “What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG).

In the year 1972, Brian Kernighan explained memory management in strings with the help of “hello” and “world”, in B language. It became an iconic example of the present time. Brian taught CS50 in 1996, It was the introductory course of computer science at Harvard University. In 2002, he was elected as a member of the National academy of engineering, and in 2019 elected a member of the American academy of arts and sciences.

Some Achievements

  • Developed AMPL programming language which is an algebraic modeling language.
  • Developed AWK programming language which is a domain specific language.
  • Developed ditroff which allowed troff to be used with any device.
  • Written first documented “Hello, world!” program.

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from The Crazy Programmer

We all have tried fetching the data from the server by hitting an API and parsing the response to show it on the website. Chances are, you might have got this error at some point, and this is a common error to get stuck.

If you run the following code you will get this error.

const emptyString = ''
const emptyArray = []

Solve Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

I got this error and tried resolving it. Gone through the answers on Stackoverflow and tried debugging the code, and while debugging it, I figured out why this occurs and how you can avoid this error.

This error is because we might be trying to parse an empty string or an empty array using JSON.parse()

And since we are trying to parse an empty string or empty array, end of string is reached before parsing the content of JSON text.

We have to make sure that the JSON we are trying to parse is valid. We might be getting either an empty array or an empty string as the response.

Another reason might be due to the Content-type header. The value of the Content-type header must be application/json.

Even if the server might be sending an empty response, we should be checking that as well.

How to Solve Error?

The easiest way to fix this error is to wrap our code inside a try/catch block which will help us in catching the error and with the help of that, we can show some error message.

const emptyString = ''
const emptyArray = []

try {
} catch(err) {

I hope you found this post to be helpful. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Would love to read your thoughts.

The post Solve Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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