November 2022

Linus Torvalds is a Finnish-American software engineer who is best known as the creator of the Linux kernel and the co-founder of the Linux Foundation. According to Wikipedia, he’s also known as a “cultural figure” and “the face of Linux”, and has been called an “icon” by some in the media industry.

Early Life and Family

Linus was born on December 28, 1969, in Helsinki, Finland. His mother was a biologist who worked at the University of Helsinki while his father was a physicist who worked at Aalto University’s Laboratory for Computer Science (later renamed the Department of Computer Science). He spent summers with his grandparents growing up as well as spending some time abroad during college years when his parents were professors at different universities around Europe before returning home again after graduation.

Linus Torvalds Biography

Linus Torvalds is married to Tove, who is a Danish politician. Together they have two children: a son named Simon and a daughter named Sisse. In addition to his wife, Torvalds also has a dog named Zenneth. He loves traveling and says that he never wants to grow up because life is too short.


  • He graduated from the University of Helsinki with a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.
  • He obtained his Doctorate in Technology from the University of Helsinki.
  • His Master’s Degree was awarded for work done on the Linux kernel, which is one of the most popular open-source operating systems today.

Linux and Other Contributions

Linux is an operating system developed by Linus Torvalds and released in 1991. It’s open source and has been used by many people to create applications, websites, and other programs. The kernel runs on many different hardware platforms as well as software platforms such as mobile phones, PCs, and servers.

Linux was originally designed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 at age 17 years old while he was studying computer science at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Since then, thousands of developers have contributed code to make Linux better by improving its design or adding new features; this process continues today.

Linux has also become an integral part of how we use our computers today. It can be found running websites and web applications such as Facebook, Netflix, and Spotify; these companies use Linux because they want to keep their sites up-to-date with new features as quickly as possible (and because it’s free). Furthermore, some high-profile sites like Google rely heavily on this software too: if you type “Google” into your browser window right now then chances are good that you’re using one!

He began working with computers at an early age and soon became interested in the programming language C. After learning how to program on his own and getting some experience with Unix-based operating systems, he joined a group called the Finnish Computer Society that was working on an experimental chat program called freenet.

In 1991, Linus wrote a text editor named vi (originally for UNIX systems). This had no graphics and only one command line—a feature that made it easier than other editors for beginners because it didn’t require any special commands or tools (like macros). The name of this new editor came from its features: it was fast; simple; easy to use; flexible; supported many languages; had good support for networking among users across different sites connected via TCP/IP protocols.

He’s also known for creating Git, a version control system that has become popular among developers and programmers.

Final Thoughts

Linus Torvalds is a very important person in technology. He is one of the founders of Linux, which has become one of the most popular operating systems for personal computers. He also wrote the first version of Git, an open-source version control system used today by thousands of developers across the world.

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C++ is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers across the world. This language can be a great tool for those interested in getting into software engineering, cryptocurrency mining, or other tech-related professions.

Despite its wide range of applications, this programming language is also relatively simple to learn. Nevertheless, there are a few strategies that beginners can adopt in order to become an expert in C++ in no time.

So, without further ado, let us take a look at what they are.

A Winning Strategy for Students Learning C++

1. Learn the Syntax

The first step in learning to code is to understand the syntax of the specific language. In many ways, the syntax is the programming language’s foundation, and this defines how C++ is composed and understood.

So, for instance, you should be clear about how to structure the code. There are many common parts that are always included in a C++ code, no matter the purpose – such as:

  • #include <iostream> – This is a standard header of a C++ program that imports features into it.
  • Namespace std – This is a relatively new addition to C++. It tells the compiler to use the std namespace.
  • int main ( ) – This is the main function where the program execution actually begins.
  • return 0 – This is added at the end of the main() function, which indicates that the program ran without any issues.

In a nutshell, you will be relying on your knowledge of the syntax throughout your C++ journey. So, it is best to get your basics right so that your journey forward will be easier.

2. Consult Example Codes

There is no way to learn C++ simply by reading about the syntax and functions. But rather, you should focus on studying and analyzing the examples. One way to approach this is by paying attention to the example and trying to understand it – rather than simply using it as a reference.

You can even attempt to understand the code before you read the explanation – trying to figure out how they work. It will help you analyze the example carefully.

However, when majoring in C++, you might be required to do theory papers on the history and applications of the program. For this, you can take professional paper writing help from an online paper writer, because it is better to focus on learning the actual coding rather than the story behind the language.

3. Run the Example Codes

When reading a C++ example, it is easy to look at it and think to yourself, ‘Oh, this is quite simple. However, the best way to make sure that you know you have got it is to run the code.

You should type the sample code into a compiler – importantly, ‘type’ it and not just copy-paste it. This will be great practice in making sure that you have got all details of the syntax right. After all, small things like slashes and semicolons make or break the code. Then, proceed to compile and run it.

Afterward, you can and should try to play around with the code and try to change some parts. For instance, you can change the text you are printing or a function. This is the easiest way to learn coding, to understand how something works one way and change it to see what happens.

4. Write Your Own Code

No matter how many times you practice with examples, you will not get any further unless you start coding on your own. Initially, this might feel overwhelming; however, you have to bear in mind that it is only about practicing. In other words, it’s okay if you get it wrong.

If you have no clue about how to get started, you can turn to the internet for ideas. These days, it is quite easy to find websites offering programming challenges for software programmers of all levels. You can also try to rewrite the examples you come across in a book or guide – but without looking back at the code. 

But, if doing this, try not to byheart the code, but rather to understand how it functions. For instance, if you are always relying on website-building tools, you will never learn how to create a website by yourself. Therefore, avoid memorizing when you are trying to recreate a sample code. This technique works well if you add your own twist to the sample code.

5. Learn How to Use Debuggers

One of the main jobs of programming developers is to identify the bush in their code. It can be frustrating when the code you compiled doesn’t work, and you have no clue how to proceed. No need to fret – this is a problem faced by many programmers.

Hence, the sooner you learn about debugging techniques, the better it will be for your career. Most debugging tools will go through each line of the code and will let you see the values of the variable and let you know if the functions will be executed.

Of course, it might take you a while to get the hang of using a debugging tool, but it can save time and energy when learning to code. Moreover, it can turn out to be an invaluable tool for your programming journey. Without a debugging tool, it could take you days to find a simple bug that has been causing your program to flinch.

6. Find Alternate Sources

If you are unable to understand a specific part of C++ programming, the chances are that you haven’t found the right explanatory guide or video. So, instead of giving up, look for alternative explanations. The internet is filled with free guides, and if not, it is worth splurging on a C++ beginner course.

And if none of these works, you can try asking other programmers. You need not find anyone in real life to help you with it. Again, there are several forums where you can post a question, and someone will help you find the right answer.

7. Dive Into Advanced Learning

Beginner and even intermediate C++ programming builds on the basics and provides programmers with a range of tools. With advanced levels, programmers will be able to step away from object-oriented programming and make sure of more generic types. In other words, there will be plenty of room to get creative and experiment with the bounds of C++ programming.

As you take on more advanced courses, you will learn to reduce the overall time you spend on compiling the code. You will also learn quick fixes to common problems and how to find creative solutions. Moreover, generic programming will also let you adapt your code easily.

Moreover, having a thorough knowledge of C++ will also help you learn other programming languages easily – such as Java and Python – although it is not necessary.


When learning C++, students should have an understanding of what they want to do with it professionally. Not all types of computer engineering require C++ knowledge. However, as a general-purpose programming and coding language, C++ has a wide range of applications.

This presents a wide range of options for students. And this is also one of the main reasons why C++ is a great language to learn, no matter which career direction you choose.

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If you’re an experienced programmer, you may have heard of Guido Van Rossum before. He’s the creator of the Python programming language, and he’s also worked as an engineer at Google, Apple, and MercadoLibre. It’s hard to find more experience in software design and implementation than that! What inspired Van Rossum to create Python? What other programming languages does he prefer? And what can we learn from him about the future of software design? These questions and more will be answered in our Life in Code Guido Van Rossum biography.

Guido Van Rossum isn’t your typical computer scientist, but his accomplishments in the field have propelled him to the forefront of programming luminaries and led him to create one of the most widely used languages of all time: Python.

Guido Van Rossum Biography

His contributions to technology have been recognized by several different organizations and publications, including the Association for Computing Machinery, which included him on its list of ACM fellows in 2012, as well as Popular Science magazine, which included him on its list of popular science’s biggest innovators in 2014.

Early Life

In 1977, van Rossum was a student at the University of Amsterdam, where he studied mathematics and physics. He became interested in programming when he wrote a program to help his mother with her bookkeeping and learned about computer programming from an Austrian professor. He taught himself more about programming languages but found that most were too complicated for what he wanted to do.

In 1980, van Rossum read about a new programming language called ABC – designed by Alan Kay – which seemed ideal for teaching children how to program. In 1983, van Rossum started working on an interpreter for the language as part of his thesis project while attending university part-time.


Van Rossum was born and raised by his parents in Netherlands. He got master’s degree in computer science and mathematics in 1982 from Amsterdam University. Later he also received one bronze medal in the year 1974 in International Mathematical Olympiad. Van has a brother, named Just Rossum, who is a programmer and designer known for designing typeface used in “Python Powered” logo. At present, Van lives in California with his wife Kim Knapp & Orlijn their son.

Creating Python

Rossum dreamed of creating his own programming language. Inspired by the ABC language and its ability to handle exceptions without using GOTOs, he decided to develop a new programming language with the help of a Dutch teacher, who had been developing a similar project. Python’s syntax was largely inspired by ABC’s, but it extended some of ABC’s ideas. For example, it used indentation for indicating control flow, rather than keywords or GOTO. It would later become one of the first languages to support lexical scoping, which is vital in maintaining large programs.

It also incorporated many data structures found in other languages such as lists and dictionaries, with the aim of making this common information easy to find.

Rossum has said that these were two key concepts that differentiated Python from other languages at the time. He chose Python because it was short and not trademarked.


  • Advancement of Free Software Award in 2001
  • Received NLUUG Award in 2003

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Have you ever wondered about the distinctions between web developers’ and web designers’ duties and obligations? You’re not alone!

Many people have trouble distinguishing between these two. Although they collaborate to publish new websites on the internet, web developers and web designers play very different roles.

To put these job possibilities into perspective, consider the construction of a house.

To create a vision for the house, including the visual components, the space planning and layout, the materials, and the overall appearance and sense of the space, you need an architect. That said, to translate an idea into a building, you need construction professionals to take those architectural drawings and put them into practice.

In a similar vein, web development and design work together to create websites. Let’s examine the major responsibilities and distinctions between web developers and web designers.

Let’s get going, shall we?

What Does a Web Designer Do?

The duties of the web designer include creating a vision for the way the website will appear, feel, and work. And that covers a variety of activities, from information architecture and user interface design to user research. Most web designers choose to specialize in various areas of these fields. For instance, some choose to focus on UI (User Interfaces) design, while some on UX (User Experience) design. Additionally, some focus on both.

There exist various kinds of designers, each specializing in a particular and distinctive kind of work. Which are:

  • User Experience (UX)
  • User Interface (UI)
  • Visual

Let’s explore these tasks in more detail so you can choose the website design sections that are ideal for you.

1. UX Web Designers

They work to make sure that the web is set up in a way that captivates users and offers a satisfying user experience. Their responsibility is to create data-driven, human-centric designs. This calls for extensive testing and study to gather and interpret data that will be used to control their design choices.

2. UI designer

A website’s design team should include UI designers as well. They prioritize interactions in addition to the content it offers. More directly, their task is to enhance a website’s usability and use it so that it can help promote conversions.

3. Visual Designers

As their name implies, visible designers deal with a website’s visual components and layout. In this project, features of UI and UX designs are combined. A visual designer’s responsibilities center on making the interface both aesthetically beautiful and simple to use.

What Does a Web Developer Do?

The framework of the website will be built by a web developer using several computer languages, like HTML, CSS, and any programming language like Java, Python, etc and they’ll make sure it’s error-free and performs as intended. A web developer will frequently serve as the designer’s advisor, determining whether the concepts can be technically realized and how challenging or time-consuming the design process will be.

Web developers typically concentrate on a few programming languages. Moreover, the coding they employ will vary depending on the website development work they conduct. Three main categories of web developers exist:

  • Developers of Front-end Websites
  • Developers of Back-end Websites
    Full-Stack Web Developers

1. Developers of Front-end Websites

With the use of CMS (Content Management Systems) like WordPress and other languages, front-end developers create real website code. The majority of front-end development entails programming and coding the user-visible graphic components of a web.

2. Developers of Back-end Websites

Advanced programming languages like PHP, C#Javascript, Ruby, Mysql, and Jquery, and some frameworks, are used by back-end developers to write the database and server.

3. Full-Stack Web Developers

Finally, full-stack web developers write code for a website’s interface and root. Developers are familiar with the operation of the components separately and together.

Web Designer vs Web Developer

Here is a quick explanation of the key distinctions that distinguish these two:

  • Developers concentrate on functionality and structure, while designers concentrate on usability.
  • Web designers envision the idea and appearance and how to make a website. If the idea is both technically and financially feasible, web developers program and construct the website.
  • Web designers need to have a strong foundation in technological expertise. The work is lower for a web designer than mechanical, more concentrated on the aesthetics and originality of the web.
  • Website developers are available in a diverse range of flavors, such as the full stack, the front-end, and the back-end developers. Graphic designers, user experience designers, and UI are the main different types of web designers.

Should You Hire a Web Developer or a Web Designer?

The truth is: it depends. You might want to employ a website designer if you’re a do-it-yourselfer and need help making your website look and feel amazing. On the other hand, if your site’s design is complex and will take a lot of work, you should probably engage a developer to oversee its development.

Both roles are crucial to the growth of a site, and they can each provide your website with a unique edge. To choose the best candidate for your company, think about the goals you have for your website.


Web designers make a respectable living. The average yearly compensation of a web developer in the United States is roughly $57k, though the pay might vary based on the type of design function, location, and seniority of the position.

Though web developers often make more money than web designers, the remuneration varies depending on their area of expertise. A software engineer in the US typically earns between $65k and $75k annually.

In Summary

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the main distinctions between a web developer and a web designer. You should try to employ a website designer if you need someone to produce visuals for your website.

As an alternative, you might search for a full-stack developer who is knowledgeable about both front-end and back-end procedures and can create the efficient programs required for a website.

That’s how you choose someone to employ for your project! It’s simple.

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Software engineering has come a long way since the 1980s. From BASIC to C, Python, and Java, people can write much more complicated programs. Programming languages have diverged and evolved, helping to shape our current software industry. Despite all of the advances in programming languages, it is still common for new programmers to get stuck when learning a new language.

The industry has seen a surge of interest in Rust and Python, which have generated great minds and interesting ideas on how to write programs. Though both languages have been around for years, they remain unique in their ability to appeal to programmers. Here we will discuss Rust and Python and the different aspects of each language that make them unique.

Rust vs Python

Rust Programming Language

Rust was developed by Mozilla research. It was created as an alternative to C, especially in gaming. While the benefits of rust are numerous, one of the best things about it is that it can be used on various platforms. This includes Windows, OSX, and, most notably, Linux. If you write code for Linux and want to do so in a way that ensures security, then Rust might be your best bet.

It is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional paradigms. The most prominent feature of Rust is its memory safety. Unlike other languages that do not prevent memory leaks and unsafe pointers from causing errors, Rust prevents these problems from occurring with its unique memory management system.

Rust’s syntax is very similar to C. However, it is a very low-level language. This makes it easier for programmers to understand. Some popular Rust use cases include machine learning and artificial intelligence, video game development, and scientific computing.

Rust Pros

Rust’s memory safety and function pointers are great reasons to learn Rust. The different way the Rust memory management system works make it highly safe and leave no room for errors. Using data structures that are more generic than what you’re used to can also help you write more readable code. Rust mobile development has the potential to be used in many different areas of life.

Why is Rust so popular right now? It is a good choice for IoT devices and large applications where security is a priority. Its focus on safety makes it easier to develop these projects and write secure code, which can be challenging in a language like Python. Because Rust has limited features, it’s excellent for building libraries that could be used to create larger applications. You don’t need to worry about writing boilerplate code.

Rust Cons

Rust’s type system and its low-level nature may turn off programmers who are used to more high-level languages. Rust’s memory management can also be challenging to get used to.

Python Programming Language

Python is a general-purpose programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. It is said to have been influenced by ABC-based languages, but this is mostly anecdotal. Even though Python supports object-oriented programming, it is also considered a functional language because it denotes mathematical functions as objects. Initially, Python was a multi-paradigm language with procedural and object-oriented programming capabilities. It slowly gained popularity by being used in several places, including Google, the U.S. Army, and CERN.

The first stable release came out in 1994. It has been evolving ever since, gradually accumulating new features while keeping its syntax easy to follow. It has been used for many projects, including large-scale websites, data analysis, and machine learning.

Python Pros

Python is very easy to learn. Its simple syntax allows you to express yourself more clearly. This can be very beneficial when creating your libraries or APIs. Its strong community has built an ecosystem of software that aids data analysis and provides many helpful features. If you want to extend your programs’ functionality easily, you will likely find Python helpful. Learning Python allows you to break out of the box and use its features in ways you might not be used to.

Python Cons

Python is dynamically-typed. Variables are not clearly defined before they are used. This can lead to bugs in your code and is a disadvantage when writing large programs.

Rust vs Python

Rust and Python are both general-purpose programming languages. Both offer high security and maintainability, making them ideal for web applications and products like operating systems or databases. Rust is also more programmable since it allows you to access low-level operating system functions and libraries. Python is a more straightforward language popular with beginners, while Rust is more advanced and complex. Rust can be used as part of a more extensive Python program, and similarly, Python applications can compile into Rust programs.

When choosing between Python and Rust, there are several factors to consider. If you choose Rust, you may want to focus on machine learning. If an application is machine learning-based or involves a lot of compiled code, then it may be best to use Python. If you want the ability to write your program and create reusable libraries quickly, then it may be best to consider Rust.

Could Rust Replace Python?

Rust and Python each have their strengths and weaknesses. Rust is a better fit for certain applications, and Python has advantages in other areas. It’s possible that Rust could replace Python in the future, but it would probably be after the language has gained enough popularity to become a standard programming language. It’s unlikely that Rust will replace Python anytime soon, though its community is growing, and it’s becoming more common to see Rust being used. Python’s popularity makes it hard to replace. It has also proven to be a reliable programing language over time.

Smartphones and wearables are increasing in popularity, and the software written for them will be more complex. This means you need to learn a language that can easily handle the tasks required to build a robust application with fewer bugs. These languages have several similarities but are also different in their ways of thinking. The best programming language will vary depending on the application you’re building.

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When it comes to studying computer science in Italy, you’ll have a lot of options in terms of location and the particular specialization you choose to study. These universities offer some of the best undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. programs in the country. If you’re interested in learning computer science in Italy, check out one of these universities next year!

1. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza, as it’s commonly called, is one of only three public universities in Rome, and—along with Bocconi and Politecnico—one of its leading technical schools. It offers various computer science courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Undergraduates can choose between subjects such as information technology and computing, software engineering, and artificial intelligence, while post-grads specialize in fields including programming theory and applications development. The university also runs special summer school programs for students from foreign countries to study Italian at Sapienza alongside their academic coursework.

2. Bologna University

Bologna University

Bologna University was founded in 1088, making it one of Italy’s oldest institutions. Its Department of Computer Science is well-regarded for its Master’s and Ph.D. programs, which offer a range of specialization options—from human-computer interaction to information systems and cybernetics.

Courses cover topics such as how we interact with technology, how to make technological problems easier to solve through software design, and how humans can collaborate better using new technologies. If you want a real academic challenge (and who doesn’t?), consider earning your Master’s at Bologna University.

3. University of Trento

University of Trento

The University of Trento was established in 1962, it mainly focuses on strengthening and developing its international alliances. At present, the university includes over 16,000 students and 600 professors. They strategically have partnered with the most distinguished research centres & universities all across the world and established their bilateral agreements. Besides, the University of Trento today is considered the top computer science institute in Italy.

Computer science courses offered: BSc with a range of specializations, including Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Computer Systems, Networks and Telecommunications. PhDs are also offered in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Computer Systems.

4. Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan

The Faculty of Engineering of Milan is part of a network consisting of seven other prestigious Italian institutions with a similar mission. It offers courses in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, and Industrial Design.

The university’s Research Center has been recognized as one of Europe’s most innovative thanks to its research activities carried out in biomedical engineering and energy efficiency. The university offers academic programs taught entirely or partially in English to facilitate student mobility and encourage international collaboration among students and professors.

5. IULM University

IULM University

IULM Bocconi, also known as Istituto Universitario di Lingue e Comunicazioni Interculturali Luigi Bocconi (IULM), is a university focused on courses such as Economics and Business Management. There are several courses offered by IULM which focus on Computer Science and Information Systems, including ones related to Networks Engineering and Security, Intelligent Interactive Systems, Software Engineering, and Web Engineering. 

The Master of Science in Computer Science is delivered by both University College London (UCL) and UCL’s partner institution The Higher Technical Institute of Venice (HTIV). Courses last 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time and are taught mainly at HTIV with occasional visits to London.

6. University of Padua

University of Padua

The University of Padua offers a wide range of courses and degrees, including those in medicine, pharmacology, and economics. However, it is Padova’s computer science degree that made it possible to gain a firm footing on university rankings worldwide. For example, The Times Higher Education ranked it as one of Europe’s top 100 universities in 2017 thanks to its broad array of advanced programs across four academic faculties: Science and Engineering; Medicine and Surgery; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Agricultural, Environmental, and Life Sciences. Students have to show strong English skills prior to matriculation however because all courses are taught in English.

7. University of Salerno

University of Salerno

The University of Salerno offers both undergraduate and graduate courses in information science, telecommunications engineering, and industrial informatics. You can study in Italian or English with a curriculum based on a broad range of topics such as database systems, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and programming languages.

In 2017, QS World University Rankings by Subject ranked L’Orientale de Salerno’s Department of Information Science 29th worldwide. The department’s MSc in Computer Science was also listed as 25th worldwide that year.

8. University of Pisa

University of Pisa

The University of Pisa was founded in 1968 and joined Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) as one of its departments. The school has a multidisciplinary curriculum, offering programs covering science, technology, and economics with specialties including physics, information engineering, biomedical engineering, and digital art.

Computer science is available as a minor alongside more standard majors such as physics or economics; students can also take courses in programming if they’re planning on studying abroad in China. In 2013 SSSA Pisa came into partnership with Cisco Systems to offer one of their signature programs: CCIE Security Essentials. Students spend a year learning hands-on about all things security, including intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems.

9. University of Ferrara

University of Ferrara

The University of Ferrara offers five different degrees related to computer science, including a Ph.D. Students can choose to study at a variety of levels and pursue their degree from one of three schools: Letters, Humanities, and Languages; Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering; or Law, Political and Social Sciences.

In addition to courses offered through traditional programs, students also have access to accelerated courses that allow them to complete their degrees faster. This approach is particularly useful if students are interested in acquiring a career with a shorter time frame, such as an information technology consultant or software developer.

10. LUISS Guido Carli

LUISS Guido Carli

Computer science degrees have been offered at LUISS Guido Carli – Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi since 1976, and they’re some of Italy’s most highly regarded computer science programs. The master’s degree program is taught primarily in English, which makes it ideal for students who don’t speak Italian but want to learn more about Italian culture while earning their degree.

Students can take courses covering a broad range of topics within computer science, including programming languages; networks and distributed systems; databases and information retrieval systems; advanced software development; human-computer interaction and multimedia systems; parallel processing systems; artificial intelligence algorithms; and digital signal processing.

Final Words

These are the best universities that offer computer science degrees in Italy, based on their research and reputation in the field. Besides, you can select from its Computer Science degree programs: undergraduate & Master. You will just need a strong Italian language to go ahead with the undergraduate degree, but master’s programs are taught in English.

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Switzerland’s universities are regularly ranked among the best in the world, with ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich consistently appearing at or near the top of worldwide university rankings.

With high-quality education, it’s no surprise that many students choose to attend these schools and earn their computer science degrees there, but which Swiss universities offer the best computer science programs? Let’s take a look at Switzerland’s top computer science universities.

1. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

One of Europe’s top universities, ETH Zurich is considered one of the world’s leading engineering and technology institutes. As a comprehensive university, ETH Zurich offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctoral degrees, and postdoctoral programs as well as courses for professionals. 

The school has about 18 different undergraduate majors to choose from for study. If you are interested in information technology and mathematics or physics, these programs provide students with both a theoretical and practical learning experience. For those students with non-technical backgrounds or who are unsure which program to pursue, there are options like the general studies or allgemeine studien degree track.

2. EPFL РEcole Polytechnique F̩d̩rale de Lausanne

EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

EPFL is consistently ranked among the world’s top 20 universities. The school offers some of Europe’s best undergraduate and graduate courses in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, robotics, Human-Computer Interaction, finance, and bioinformatics. EPFL also hosts an excellent Ph.D. program and boasts an amazing campus with many facilities aimed to keep students healthy and happy during their studies. 

It has its own student housing, fitness center, swimming pool, and public transportation system inside the campus. With so many perks it’s no wonder that EPFL is often chosen by students looking for research internships or even residency. It has a great reputation across Europe for finding exceptional talent – every year about 200 startups are founded by EPFL graduates!

3. UNIL – University of Lausanne

UNIL - University of Lausanne

The Computer Science degree offered at the University of Lausanne is more business-oriented but offers a strong set of core CS courses. Additionally, both programs offer research opportunities for Bachelor’s students to engage with industry leaders and professors. 

Master’s students also have access to specialized PhD-track classes and research laboratories on campus. Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university can apply to either program after completing at least two years of work experience; those who already hold a Master’s may enter directly into the MS program.

The university also has an extensive alumni network that graduates are able to utilize if they need help finding work after graduation. One student who completed a degree at UNIL even went on to become a professor at another university. Students looking for one of Switzerland’s top computer science schools may find their perfect fit with UNIL.

4. University of Zurich

University of Zurich

The University of Zurich’s Institute for Theoretical Computer Science offers various undergraduate and graduate courses. Students majoring in IT will find courses like Introduction to Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, and Artificial Intelligence. 

For students interested in programming, software engineering, and other related disciplines, UZH offers an extensive curriculum with electives like Distributed Computing, Information Theory, and Machine Learning. 

Many online master’s programs are also available at UZH as well as English-taught Master’s degrees such as Software Engineering or Information Management which can be completed at both on-campus locations or online platforms. The faculty is made up of leading professors and researchers who have published hundreds of scientific papers annually.

5. University of Geneva

University of Geneva

Computer science courses at the University of Geneva – Université de Genève are taught in French and cover a broad range of advanced topics. The school is relatively small, with just under 15,000 students, but its programs are widely respected across Europe. 

Lecturers employ a multidisciplinary approach that integrates computation with other disciplines including statistics, mathematics, and natural sciences. After completing an undergraduate degree in computer science at the University of Geneva – Université de Genève, you’ll have access to a large network of successful alumni who can help you navigate your career.

6. USI – University of Lugano

University of Lugano

USI is a member of the Swiss universities model and an only Italian-speaking Switzerland University. It’s a multi-lingual university that conducts courses taught in English and Italian and has a strong international orientation. University of Lugano’s faculty members & students come from over 114 different countries and were the first Switzerland university to adopt a new European university model that encourages candidates’ mobility over European campuses.

7. University of Bern

University Of Bern

A Computer Science degree at the University of Bern gives an opportunity for the students to develop their skills, knowledge, and career through research and innovation. Being the most renowned university, Bern University receives adequate funds to ensure quality education facilities for the students for all programs and courses.

The post-graduate courses offered on a full-time basis have a well-made curriculum, which blends practical and theory learning. The university prepares the candidates to reach great heights of success.

Masters in Computer Science are ranked worldwide by the estimated organizations. This recognition speaks about the course’s effectiveness and importance in the present condition.

These are some best computer science universities in Switzerland that offer graduate and post-graduates degrees to students who are looking to earn a degree from a reputed university.

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