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Today, the use of smartphones has increased a lot. Therefore, the Internet has become very easily available to everyone. The scenario changed during the lockdown period when people had nothing much to do than focus on different types of apps. Therefore, cyber threats have also increased to some great extent. Now, business owners, whether small or big, want to release mobile apps to establish their digital footprints. So, hackers and other illegal workers have found this easy to breach data hack users’ devices, and create chaos. Therefore, Mariox Software is one of the top mobile app development companies in Noida always prioritizes security while developing new apps. As app usage has increased on a huge scale, the users don’t understand the threats always behind it. The cyber attackers use such a lack of knowledge and spread their trap. So, today, we will know why security should always be the top priority for any mobile app development company. Read on to know more.

What Is Mobile App Security?

Before knowing why common users, business owners, and mobile app developers must focus on this matter, you must know what it is exactly. Mobile app security is certain measures, practiced to defend the app from the attack of malware, hacking, and other criminal activities. Mobile app security addresses the types of protection an app has from criminal activities, dangerous malware, and other cyber threats. Users often need to share certain information while installing the apps. Those must be protected well. If not, they can pose a threat to the personal and financial information of the users.

Why Security Should Be a Top Priority in Mobile App Development

Mobile apps are highly associated with our daily lives. These technological advancements have made life easy as people can buy, sell, and do several other things from the comfort of their homes. Therefore, they need to share certain personal details, and financial information, transact online, and other personal files with these apps. Therefore, it is highly important to make the apps safe and secure to use regularly.

Why Maintaining Security Is Top Priority While Developing Mobile Apps?

So, you get a brief about the importance of maintaining security while developing mobile apps. Now, we will focus on discussing the issue in detail. Have a look:

1. It Helps in Protecting the Privacy of the Users

This is one of the biggest reasons why security should always be prioritized in mobile app development. Every app developer must give importance to protecting users’ privacy in the digital landscape. Many mobile apps require the user’s name, location, contacts, and other device information to get installed. If any of this information goes to illegal hackers, it can cause severe issues like identity theft, financial loss, or any other kind of unauthorized activity with the user’s details. Therefore, protecting the user’s data should always be the top priority. The best app development company always takes care of these matters.

2. It Assists in Safe Financial Transactions and Handling Sensitive Data

This is another reason why securing mobile apps is important for app developers. Many mobile apps include financial transactions like online shopping apps, financial management apps, banking investment apps, and many more. Any kind of security breach can put you in danger as you can lose money from your bank account. Not only that but much financial information can also be leaked. Therefore, app developers must pay attention to using proper encryption methods to secure your financial data and transactions. Also, they must use two-way authentication to keep people’s money safe.

3. It Prevents Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks

The more people are getting digitally sound, the more they are getting opened to cyber threats. Now, it is the responsibility of the app developers to make the apps highly secure for easy use. Today, data breaches and cyber-attacks have been predominant issues with mobile apps. As mobile apps are easy targets for cybercriminals, people are more vulnerable to them while using the apps. A data security breach not only damages the users’ data but also destroys the reputation of an app developer and the business owner. Therefore, the developer must bring strong security protocols, secure APIs, security audits, and several other security measures. Thus, they can lower the risk of data breaches and safeguard the apps against cyber threats.

Also Read: Defining Cybersecurity – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe Online

4. It Helps to Build Reputation and Trust

Trust building is very important between two parties. When a business owner appoints an app developer, he trusts him for an app that can increase his business. On the other hand, an excellent app also increases the reputation of the developer and he gets more work. Now, if any app development company breaches security issues, it will damage the reputation of the app developing company. Additionally, it won’t be trustworthy anymore for further appointments. So, security must be prioritized during mobile app development.

5. It Secures Against Malicious Interventions

Besides the illegal activities of hackers, malicious activities like malware, phishing attacks, and other forms of cyber threats have also increased a lot. Those pose potent threats to mobile apps. So, the developers must be careful enough to make the app secure. They must implement certain security features like secure codes, checking app integrity, bringing regular updates, etc. Such a proactive approach can lower the risk of any kind of malicious activities and give users a secure environment to use the apps

So, here you get to know why security must be the top priority during mobile app development. So, if you are a business person or a common person, you must know about the potential threats of using any mobile apps and look for authentic app developers to contact. Also, your knowledge about such threats can keep you safe from any potential danger.

Author Bio:

Akshay (author Pic)

I am Akshay Limbachiya, Your SEO consultant who helps brands scale their organic traffic through content strategy and link building. I am assisting several brands in acquiring high-authority backlinks. Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.

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Software development is central to the technological transformation experienced in every industry. It leads to the creation of problem-solving tools and systems that make businesses and individuals perform tasks better. As a software developer, be competitive and stay ahead of the pack. Keep sharpening your skills while keeping an eye on the emerging trends. This article provides five tips to achieve excellence in the software development profession.

Tips for Software Developers to Excel in Their Careers

1. Embrace Infrastructure as Code Technology

Through this revolutionary technology, you no longer need to use manual configurations and physical hardware setups. It lets you do the provisioning and management of technology stacks through code. This streamlines how you manage and deploy the processes. You get to present the infrastructure configurations in a version-controlled format that is scriptable.

It also allows you to automate the provisioning of networks and servers, injecting more reproducibility and consistency. This approach makes collaboration seamless between you as a software developer and operations team, cultivating the DevOps culture. When choosing iac tools, concentrate more on the features. You want one that allows rapid deployment and is scalable. Check also the codifying attributes that matter in managing sophisticated systems across cloud providers.

2. Prioritize Soft Skills

Commit to soft skills as you strive to attain the necessary technical expertise. Every workspace needs great mastery of teamwork, problem-solving, and communication abilities. This profession is full of interactions with clients and collaboration with cross-functional teams, and this is where interpersonal skills come in.

You also won’t struggle to explain different ideas to the non-technical stakeholders, fueling your progress. This is crucial in the changing technological landscape, allowing you to connect with anyone and secure contracts. For you to master the soft skills, it’s essential to be patient and surround yourself with like-minded people.

Also Read: Top 10 Soft Skills for Software Developers

3. Continuous Learning is Key

The software industry is proliferating, with new frameworks and computer languages frequently emerging. Adopt a culture of progressive studying so that you’ll always be at par with the developments. Keep exploring new technologies by reading tech journals and resources from innovators.

It’s still good to look for online platforms offering different software-related courses. Whether you choose Udacity or Coursera, target sites with quality training and extensive materials pools. Come up with a priority list of the specific areas you would like to hone over time. As you learn more about cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, your portfolio expands, making you a sought-after expert.

4. Contribute to Open Source Projects

More practice is instrumental in making you a sharp software developer. Keep finding every opportunity to try a new challenge, one way being finding open-source projects. Apart from the collaboration opportunities it presents, you also get a chance to showcase your abilities. It shows your commitment to solving shared societal problems, making you attractive to tech brands.

As you immerse yourself in the open source spaces, focus more on your abilities and interests. It will direct you to the suitable domains to which you’ll make meaningful contributions. It will also introduce you to new coding styles and dynamics of collaborative workflows.

5. Build a Strong Professional Network

Networking is fundamental in this career, allowing you to meet different developers and industry professionals. It becomes easy to spot individuals you can pair up and work together on specific projects. You’ll also connect with successful persons who’ll become mentors in your career path.

While attending local meetups is crucial for developing ties, finding online forums may also be great. Target top platforms such as Stack Overflow and GitHub and actively engage in the discussions. It will gradually broaden your horizons by channeling more hacks and concepts that you can incorporate into your work. Also, consider having a LinkedIn profile to foster more professional networks.


The software development profession is not different from other careers regarding proficiency. You need to acquire the relevant skill set while embracing adaptability. This makes you stand out in the field, leading to your gradual growth and development.

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In the fast-paced world of software development, writing clean and maintainable code is not just a good practice; it’s a crucial factor in determining the success of a project. In this article, we’ll delve into the best practices that can elevate your coding skills, streamline collaboration, and ultimately lead to more efficient development processes.

Best Practices for Writing Clean and Maintainable Code

1. Code Organization

Modularization: Breaking down your code into small, manageable modules is akin to organizing a cluttered room. Each module encapsulates a specific functionality, making your codebase more structured and comprehensible. This modular design enhances code reusability and maintainability.

Folder Structure: Establishing a clear and logical directory structure is like creating a roadmap for developers. Grouping related files and folders intuitively enables easy navigation, reducing the learning curve for new team members and enhancing overall project organization.

2. Naming Conventions

Descriptive Variable and Function Names: Choosing meaningful and descriptive names for variables and functions is similar to writing in a language everyone can understand. It not only improves code readability but also provides insight into the purpose of each component, making maintenance more straightforward.

Consistent Naming Across the Project: Consistency is key. Establishing and adhering to naming conventions throughout the project ensures uniformity, making the codebase more cohesive. This consistency streamlines collaboration and helps prevent confusion among developers.

3. Code Comments

Purpose of Comments: Comments serve as the documentation of your code. They clarify complex sections, provide context, and explain the reasoning behind certain decisions. Think of comments as the guidebook for future developers who will navigate your codebase.

Avoiding Redundant Comments: While comments are invaluable, redundant or unnecessary comments can clutter your code. Strive for self-explanatory code, minimizing the need for excessive comments. Focus on commenting where it truly adds value and aids understanding.

4. Code Formatting

Consistent Indentation: Standardizing code indentation enhances readability, making it easier to follow the flow of the code. A consistent indentation style fosters a sense of order and professionalism in collaborative projects.

Proper Spacing and Line Length: Maintaining consistent spacing and setting appropriate line length limits contributes to the aesthetics of your code. Well-formatted code not only looks better but also reduces the chances of errors due to misinterpretation.

5. Error Handling

Graceful Error Handling: Anticipating potential errors and implementing graceful error handling prevents unexpected failures. Providing informative error messages aids in troubleshooting and debugging, ensuring a more robust and reliable application.

Logging: Effective logging practices capture relevant information during runtime. Detailed logs facilitate debugging, helping developers identify and address issues efficiently.

6. Version Control

Regular Commits: Breaking down changes into smaller, regular commits facilitates better tracking and collaboration. Each commit becomes a meaningful checkpoint, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

Meaningful Commit Messages: Clear and concise commit messages serve as a roadmap for your project’s history. They document the purpose of each change, aiding in project traceability and making collaboration smoother.

7. Code Reviews

Regular Code Reviews: Incorporating a collaborative approach through regular code reviews ensures that issues are identified and addressed early in the development process. This not only improves overall code quality but also fosters knowledge sharing among team members.

Constructive Feedback: Providing specific and constructive feedback during code reviews creates a positive and learning-oriented environment. Continuous improvement through collaborative feedback is key to maintaining a high standard of code quality.

8. Testing

Unit Testing: Comprehensive unit tests verify the correctness of individual components, ensuring they function as intended. Investing in robust unit tests facilitates easier debugging and maintenance.

Integration Testing: Integration testing validates the interactions between different components, ensuring the entire system works seamlessly. It is crucial to prevent integration issues that may arise when combining different parts of the application.


In conclusion, mastering the art of writing clean and maintainable code involves adopting a holistic approach. By implementing the best practices discussed in this article, you not only enhance the quality of your code but also contribute to a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. As you strive for excellence in your coding endeavors, remember that writing clean code is not just a skill – it’s a mindset that sets the foundation for successful and sustainable software development.

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Steve Wozniak, better known as Woz, is a pioneering figure in the tech industry. With Steve Jobs, he co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976 and is a significant contributor to the revolution of personal computers. Woz is remembered for his unique design of Apple I and II, machines that evolved to be at a forefront of the PC industry. Even after stepping back from active operations at Apple, Wozniak continues to nurture creativity and innovations, serving as a mentor and philanthropist to the young inventors.

Steve Wozniak Biography

Early Life of Wozniak

Born on August 11, 1950, as Stephan Gary Wozniak, in San Jose, California, he exhibited a huge interest in technology and electronics from a very young age. His father Lockheed Martin was an engineer, nurtured and influenced the same passion. When he was in his teens, Woz started improving his computer designing skills. He continued his education at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. During these high school years, Woz met Steve Jobs through a mutual friend, thus marking the beginning of the most iconic friendship in the technology industry.

After High School, Woz attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he was exposed to the burgeoning technology culture of the San Francisco Bay Area. Though he had to drop out because of financial constraints, he further continued his technical pursuits. During this period Woz and Jobs attended meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club together, inspiring their interest in making their own hardware.

After Berkeley, Woz joined Hewlett-Packard (HP) as an electronic engineer, where he started designing calculators. At the same time, he worked with Jobs to design a computer circuit board, initially intended to be a personal and fun project. The project culminated in the groundbreaking Apple I, thus setting the foundation of Apple Inc. and shifting the path of Woz’s life. Despite the trajectory of his future career, Woz eventually went to finish his degree in 1986 from Berkeley.

 Career and Research

Woz was a bright and inventive child and displayed a knack for mathematics and engineering from a very early age. His true passion lay in designing computers and after sharing his views and ideas with Jobs, they set out to form their own company.

In 1976, Woz and Jobs co-founded Apple Inc., creating their first computer together, the Apple I, in the garage of Job’s parents. The next year, Wozniak introduced the Apple II which was more successful and user-friendly. His programming and design contributions significantly influenced personal computer development, thus making computing available to the masses.

steve wozniak and steve jobs

Leaving Apple

Wozniak left Apple officially in February 1985. Despite his departure, he was kept on the payroll and remained a shareholder, embodying the heart and spirit of the company. Woz stated his decision to leave Apple was motivated by a diminished interest in the daily running of the company and a wish to focus on other ventures and philanthropy. He also had certain reservations about the direction Apple was taking without Jobs, who also had left by that time. After Apple, Woz got engaged in many other businesses, including founding CL 9, a remote control company, and got involved in a variety of tech education initiatives.

Family Life

Wozniak was married four times, his current wife being Janet Hill whom he married in 2008. He has three kids from his previous marriages, Jesse John Wozniak, Sara Nadine Wozniak, and Gary Patrick Wozniak. Wozniak and his family live in Los Gatos, California. Despite his popularity, Wozniak has kept his family life private, sharing only limited information with the public.

Awards and Accolades

Over the course of years, Wozniak’s pioneering innovations and contributions to technology have earned him many awards. He, with Steve Jobs, was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Ronal Reagan in 1986. It was considered the highest honor in America for technological achievement. In 1997, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 2011, he was awarded the Global Award of the President of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity Through IT. All these awards and recognition underscore his critical role in the revolution of personal computing.

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LambdaTest has today emerged as a popular name especially in the field of cross-browser testing, helping businesses and developers to ensure the functionality and compatibility of their web applications over a wide variety of devices and browsers.

With the quick evolution of web technologies and the diverse landscape of devices and browsers, cross-browsing testing today has become an indispensable feature of web development.

LambdaTest mainly addresses this challenge by offering a strong and user-friendly platform that enables developers to test their web applications and websites on real browsers and operating systems, allowing them to deliver a smooth user experience to their audience.

What is LambdaTest?

LambdaTest Review

The dynamic digital age necessitates high-performance and innovative web tools. In this massive world of website testing and software development, LambdaTest holds a desirable reputation as a cloud-based, cross-browser testing software.

LambdaTest is one of the most intuitive platforms developed to make web testing simple and trouble-free. It allows you to smoothly test your web application and website compatibility over more than 3000 different web browser environments, offering comprehensive and detailed testing at your fingertips.

No matter whether it is about debugging problems or tracking the layout, this application covers everything with grace. The software makes it very simple to make your websites responsive, future-proof, and adaptive over a wide range of devices and operating systems.

Features of LambdaTest

Given the list of some amazing features that LambdaTest offers, let’s check them out:

  1. Live Interactive Testing: The live browser testing of LambdaTest allows users to interactively test websites in real-time in various browsers, resolutions, operating systems, and versions.
  2. Automated Screenshot Testing: This particular feature helps the users to carry out screenshot testing on a wide range of desktop and mobile browsers concurrently, thus reducing the testing time.
  3. Responsive Testing: Check how your website pages look on different devices including tablets, desktops, and mobile and screen resolutions to ensure proper compatibility over the board.
  4. Smart Testing Feature: Another amazing feature of LambdaTest is it allows users to locally or privately test hosted pages. Additionally, it offers the newest versions of different developer tools like Chrome DevTools for nuanced testing and bug detection.
  5. Integration: The software allows integration with popular project management and communication tools such as Jira, Trello, Slack, Bitbucket, etc.

Pricing of LambdaTest

The costing structure of LambdaTest is designed keeping in mind their range of customers.

  1. Lite Plan: It begins with the ‘Lite’ package which is totally free but has limited capabilities. It is perfect for individual developers and small startups just starting their testing journey.
  2. Live Plan: The ‘Live’ package starts at $15 monthly when billed yearly. The ‘Mobile $ Web Browser Automation’ package begins from $79 monthly and is made for automated browser testing requirements.
  3. All-In-One Plan: If you are looking for full functionality and accessibility, there’s an All-In-One package priced at $99 monthly. It enables unlimited real-testing, responsive testing, screenshot testing, and more.

All these three plans come with a 14-day free trial so that the potential users will experience firsthand what LambdaTest will do for them before they commit to any particular plan.

Key Benefits of Using LambdaTest

The cornerstone of LambdaTest’s value proposition lies in its exclusive set of benefits and these include:

  • Rapid Testing: It supports parallel testing that considerably reduces the execution time of the test.
  • Wide-Ranging Browser Support: It covers the widest range of mobile and desktop browsers.
  • Local Testing: This function makes sure safe testing of your locally hosted pages before deploying live.
  • Smart Visual UI Testing: Now users can automatically company and identify visual deviations that offer pixel-perfect layouts.
  • Debugging Tools: This testing platform comes fully loaded with pre-installed developer tools that will make bug detection a breeze.
  • Scalable Cloud Grid: Offers you a scalable selenium grid for much faster automation tests and parallel execution of the test.

How Will LambdaTest Help You Test Multiple Browsers?

Being the cloud-based testing platform, LambdaTest allows you to eliminate the need for virtual machine or device labs. You just have to select the platform and browser and start your testing process.

From the latest Chrome version to the oldest Internet Explorer version, LambdaTest keeps it well-covered. This ability to stimulate and emulate a broad range of devices, web browsers, and screen resolutions allows you to test over a wide range of browser environments without any need for massive hardware investments.

Pros and Cons of LambdaTest

Just like any other tool, LambdaTest isn’t without its benefits and drawbacks


  • Broad Spectrum Compatibility – Allows you to test on a wide range of browsers and OS combinations.
  • Collaborative Tool: LambdaTest geographically supports dispersed teams in tracking, sharing, and managing bugs from one place.
  • Constant Support: Provides robust and 24/7 support for troubleshooting or queries.


  • Features appear overwhelming: It may be overwhelming for beginners because of the wealth of features accessible.
  • Sluggish: Some users have reported experiencing slowness during peak hours.
  • Requires Frequent Updating: The latest browser versions sometimes aren’t available instantly on this platform.


In the world of digital presence, ensuring your web apps and websites perform perfectly on each browser and platform is very important. With a lot of amazing features and compatibility, LamdaTest appears to be a powerful tool that is perfect for meeting the demanding cross-browser testing requirements of today.

 LambdaTest is the browser compatibility tool that punches over its weight, delivering strong performance just to ensure your website’s smooth and optimum operation over a wide range of browser environments.

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The programming world is quite thrilling and daily there are many new software’s to exploit computer resources. When it comes to choosing the right operating system for your programming needs, MacOS & Windows are two operating systems that have their benefits and drawbacks. However, depending on what type of developer you are, one can be a little more convenient and effective than the other.

Selecting between the MAC OS and the Windows operating system for your work will be exhausting as there are a lot of options and stuff you have to know before you think of buying your first setup. Mac OS is amazing for programmers who want to work with higher stability & security. Mac is quite practical in developing iOS apps or working with servers. 

Windows, on the other hand, is highly recommended for developing graphics programs and video game developers. There are a lot of nuances to look at, and every operating system has got their benefits and drawbacks. In this post, we will evaluate in detail each aspect involved.

Mac vs Windows for Programming

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Select the Right Machine

If you’re a programmer, deciding on the daily driver computer will be quite a tricky state. Not only does the OS come into play, but even the hardware & price of the system.


Apple MacBooks have “Apple Tax,” where you pay the premium for devices. Besides the Mac’s build quality is stellar, with their amazing support system through the Genius Bar and Apple Support.

Moreover, if you’re an iPhone user, your information and data will automatically sync with your device. The continuity of devices is a primary reason why many people have stuck with Apple products for so many years.


Windows is mostly offered on different models & price points to select from. For instance, if you are looking for an upgradable device, then a Windows device is your best bet. Even Windows software is highly compatible with any software and hardware.

For years, Windows has had 77% of the OS market share across the world. It means that if you go for Windows, then you do not need to worry much about the compatibility issue.

Thus, deciding on the machine depends on various factors including specs, price, and the device you need to have for a long haul.

Software Compatibility

Both MacOS and Windows can easily be used in terms of software compatibility, both operating systems can run the same platforms and programs. When compatibility becomes a big issue, you can find a different way to circumvent this drawback that the OS presents.

It is significant to note that a few programming languages like Swift, are only accessible on Apple’s OS platform, while JavaScript and other languages are universally used with both operating systems.

Command Line

Thanks to the GUI or graphical user interface, many of us use computers just by clicking on the graphical components. But, you should be familiar with input commands in the computer if working as a developer.


The fact that Apple macOS is Unix-based is one coolest features. So, what makes it very good? It is because of the integrated terminal. Most of the command-line operations are done automatically through the terminal, with running apps & controlling the OS.


Windows command prompt or cmd has many restrictions, like the absence of common Unix commands. For having similar functionality as the Apple macOS terminal on Win, you can install a Unix-type terminal, though the configuration will be hard for beginners.

PowerShell is one sophisticated version of the Win cmd. Powershell’s feature can be compared to the macOS terminal. But, because of the huge usage of Unix in modern infrastructure, learning Unix syntax will be more beneficial than PowerShell syntax. It gets us on our next feature.

Detailed Features

Certain features are quite specific to iOS, like Swift Playgrounds, which enable the programmer to create certain interactive apps by using the actual code as well as access limited development tools such as Xcode that help to facilitate performance testing and debugging when coding in Swift.

Simultaneously, Windows offers access to Visual Studio, which is one renowned integrated development environments or IDE, especially for .NET programmers.

User interface is an important factor to consider when selecting between the Mac OS & Windows OS for programming needs; a personal preference that needs extensive checking before committing. Normally speaking, most programmers find MacOS simple to navigate because of its instinctive design; but, this particular point comes with the nuances depending upon your experience with both platforms.

Apple software and Windows systems have distinct user interfaces. The interface of Apple Mac OS is based on the Unix platform, whereas the interface of Windows 11 is based on Microsoft’s Windows NT architecture. So, both are specially made to make it simple for the users to interrelate with their devices.

Now that we have checked the basics, let us look at the primary differences between the Mac OS & Windows operating systems.

Apple Mac Windows
Original GUI For Home and Business Use
Small range of third party software Small range of third-party software
Good IDE support Windows doesn’t support high-end IDE
Mac tends to be costlier, as Apple is the only supplier Windows PC’s are cheaper than Mac
Powerful processors and a higher range of gaming options Powerful processors and higher range of gaming options


Always remember the kind of programming you would like to do & what your personal preferences are while selecting between Windows and Mac for your various programming requirements. Both the types of operating systems are quite similar and you will see that programming ease comes with knowledge and practice and not essentially the equipment.

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The key is unique for every lock. Similarly, those attributes which are unique for every entity in a single table, are known as key attributes. Keys are nothing else only the unique attributes associated with every entity.

Keys are useful in dbms for various reasons such as data integrity, efficient data retrieval, data consistency, data sorting, and many more. Let’s have a look at the different types of keys available in DBMS.

Different Types of Keys in DBMS

Candidate Key

Those attributes which may be unique for an entity can be considered as Candidate keys. Like ID, name, mobile number, and address in the above table.

Primary Key

From candidate keys, we choose a key that is almost unique for every entity, called the Primary key for that entity and the whole table. Name, address, and mobile number may be not unique, but the ID number will be unique for every entity, so we choose the ID number as a primary key.

The primary keys should be easy to find, and allocate, and not be much complex.

Mobile numbers are also unique for every entity, but mobile number contains at least a 12-digit string, which is quite complex and lengthy for rapid use, so we can’t use it as a Primary key. Instead of this the ID number may be shorter and follow a fixed sequence, easy to generate and allocate, that’s why we should use the ID number as a Primary key.

Alternate Key

After selecting our primary key, the remaining candidate keys are considered as Alternate keys. Which may be used at the place of primary key in any specific situation.

Foreign Key

When we use the primary key to join tables, then we need to put the primary key in every table. In the main table, it is considered as a Primary key but in other tables, it is considered as a foreign key. Like in the above table “Employee”, the ID number is the Primary key, but if we use it in any other table of the database, then it is considered as a foreign key, and those other tables also have their own primary key as well. Primary key and foreign key concept is used to connect tables.

Composite Key

When we merge two or more candidate keys to create a more powerful or unique key for any entity or table then it is known as a composite key, but the primary key should be part of the composite key. Sometimes we can use any ordinary attribute to merge with a primary key to create a composite key.

Super Key

Sometimes only one primary key is not enough to maintain uniqueness for an entity, in that case, we merge the primary key with any one or more than one alternate key to create a module of the primary key, then this is known as a super key.

Like “ID + Email = Super key”.

In this case for every entity ID and Email both the attributes must be unique. If any one of them may not be unique then the entity will not be taken in the table.

Unique Key

Primary keys never accept NULL values. So, if we want to make any attribute a primary key with NULL values then this key will be called a Unique key. Most of the time Unique key is created by merging two or more alternate keys. In which the Primary key should not be null but the other alternate key may contain Null Value.

Like “ID + Email = Unique key”.

In this, the ID is a primary key and can allow a Null value, but the Email may hold a Null value.

NULL: This is a keyword, that shows the table that in this tuple or block no value is given, so at run time show this block as blank. We can’t leave any tuple or block blank, otherwise, the whole data set will be rejected, so in the blank place, we may put NULL.

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Are you looking for the best free Nodejs hosting platforms? You are at the right place. Node.js is a highly popular JavaScript open-source server environment used by many developers across the world.

Right from its commencement in 2009, the server has grown in huge popularity and is used by a lot of businesses. The industry and business sectors primarily make use of Node.js.

At present, Node.js is a most loved and well-known open-source server environment. Besides this, it provides the most convenient structure, which supports JavaScript as well as resolves various obstacles. Furthermore, it has made JavaScript easily understandable for programmers on the devices. In this article, we will check out the best free Nodejs hosting platforms that will prove very helpful.

By the end, you will have a strong understanding of various options available for the free Node.js hosting solutions accessible for your Node JavaScript projects and can make an informed choice on which service suits your requirements.


Render is a new company that offers free static hosting. It offers a wide range of free services that include Node.js & Docker hosting. Its pricing page static site, Redis, PostgreSQL, and services for free. Though there’s a little catch for PostgreSQL it runs only for 90 days free. Render has the smoothest and easiest developer experience as well and deploying the Node app was easy to use.

It has comprehensive docs that will help you deploy Node.js apps for free and also host various other languages as well as frameworks. There are a few other things that you may deploy on the Render app and they are Go, Python, Docker, and PHP (Laravel). You can host various other Node.js choices on Render such as Bun.js and Deno.


  • Simple deployment with just one click.
  • Get 1 GB of free storage.
  • Auto Scaling for traffic surges.
  • Constant deployment that will keep applications updated.
  • SSL Certificates for safe communication with the users for free.


Earlier known as Zeit, the Vercel app acts as the top layer of AWS Lambda which will make running your applications easy. It’s the serverless platform that will run a range of things with stronger attention on the front end.

Vercel hosting platform is a popular hosting service with a lot of cutting-edge functions as well as amazing developer experience. Even though Vercel mainly focuses on front-end applications, it has built-in support that will host serverless Node.js features in a free tier. Vercel will be configured for retaining server experience with the help of the Legacy Serverful Behavior.

Thus, Vercel is the best hosting platform, which is loved by a lot of developers, and hosting Node APIs on this platform will be a great benefit.


  • Integrate Git hosting solutions like GitLab, GitHub, and BitBucket
  • Vercel provides a generous free plan and does not need a credit card 
  • It supports some popular front-end structures such as Next, React, Vue, and Gatsby
  • Deploy & execute server-less features 
  • Various project themes to bootstrap the new app
  • Vercel analytics will monitor the performance 


If you are looking for the best and most free Node.js hosting API for some fun projects, Glitch’s free feature plan is a perfect application for you. It is the best for fun prototyping or apps. For some serious projects, you have to check out their Pro program which runs for over $8 monthly (paid on an annual basis).

Their free plan allows you to create the app anonymously, although you will have to log in through Facebook or GitHub if you want this project to be live (any anonymous applications will expire within 5 days).

Fastly acquired Glitch in 2022, and started offering their Pro plan as the best way to expand on limits. It was made by Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, and Trello.


  • Limitless project uptime
  • Custom domains offered 
  • Additional disk space
  • Friendly UI 
  • Tutorials to get you running
  • Integrate with APIs & other tech



Cyclic offers full-stack Node.js services for free. This is the serverless wrapper made on top of AWS. As mentioned on their pricing page it has the self-claimed free tier to deploy one app and can easily be invoked ten thousand times in one month. It has some soft and hard limits stated on its limits page.

As mentioned on its pricing page it has a self-claimed free tier to deploy one app which can be invoked ten thousand times in one month. It has some soft and hard limits on its page.


  • 1GB runtime memory
  • 10,000 API requests
  • 1GB Object Storage 
  • 512MB storage
  • 3 Cron tasks

Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Now developers can experience low latency networks & host your apps for your Google products with Google Cloud. With the Google App Engine, developers can focus more on writing down code without worrying about managing its underlying infrastructure. Also, you will pay only for the resources you are going to use.

This service provides a vast choice of products or services that you can select from. It is simple to start with the App Engine guide. All customers and developers can take benefits of more than 25 free products on its monthly usage limits.

Besides, Google Cloud service is the best selection for webmasters looking to compare their features as well as select a good web hosting service for their websites. It offers the most intuitive user interface & scalability choices. What’s more, the pricing is competitive and straightforward.


  • Friendly UI and scalability options
  • More than 25 free products 
  • Affordable, simple to use, and flexible
  • Range of products 
  • Simple to start with user manual

Amazon AWS

Amazon AWS

Amazon Web Services or AWS powers the whole internet. It might be a little exaggerating but would be incorrect to not talk about its popularity. The platform integrates many services that make them the top options as the Node.js free hosting app.

AWS is a cloud-based server that doesn’t offer hosting with the physical server but uses the virtual server. The majority of users prefer cloud hosting since it won’t ask you to pay for any additional resources when buying. Instead, it just charges you for used-up space.

The company offers a free hosting plan that will give you a very good start. For its paid plans you need to pay for every hour for the service category that will be for one to three years period. Separate costing for storage, computing, migration, database, and transfer, networking and content delivery, media service, developer tools, analytics, and more are present.

To start with AWS hosting is very simple. All you have to do is just upload the code and allow AWS to provision & deploy everything for you. There’s no cost of using its Elastic Beanstalk service and you are charged for services provided by AWS.


  • Pay only for used storage space 
  • Simple integration of plugins
  • Monitoring included
  • Load balancing and auto-scaling to scale an application
  • Free plans will expire after a year
  • You need to couple the paid services and free services to launch the fully functional website
  • AWS paid services are costly 
  • Good for web apps & SaSS platforms

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a robust cloud computing server that makes it simple to host & deploy Node.js apps. It provides an App Service that includes fully managed service for Node.js web hosting applications without any upfront commitment & cancel option.

Their service provides the most sophisticated vision, language, speech, and AI models, hence you will be able to create your machine-learning system. You can create applications that can detect & classify various concepts and objects

Many web developers find their service to be highly reliable and powerful, especially for cloud computing. It helps to create various web apps. With Azure you can find some amazing functions that you can start quickly, their AI models have advanced options. The platform offers free core services and you also get a credit of $200 as an incentive for trying out this platform.


  • Applications can detect and classify objects
  • Fully managed Node.js app hosting 
  • High-class vision, speech, language, and decision-making AI models
  • Cloud computing platform to create online apps 
  • Scale web apps 
  • Sophisticated AI models provide advanced options



Netlify is yet another popular platform to deploy web projects and apps. The platform provides a free hosting program that has an integrated system to deploy various projects and software from GitHub and GitLab. You just need the project URL to create features, and you are all set to start.

Netlify has a friendly user interface with free SSL, it gives you fast CDN access. Besides, Netlify has Serverless support, so you can use their Functions Playground and create the Serverless features and deploy The Gatsby with WordPress API immediately.

Netlify maintains a very active project GitHub page. Till now, they have published over 240 packages for open-source collaboration. Their web hosting function is created by the developers for developers.


  • Create history so you may roll back when any issue presents itself.
  • Deploy project is done automatically with Git. private or personal repos.
  • Access to Edge network – distributed CDN globally.
  • Host a wide range of websites.
  • 100GB bandwidth and 6 hours of build time.



If you do not have any prior experience in managing cloud infrastructure, Qovery is the best choice for you. This platform was made from scratch to help startups improve their operations. At present, Qover is accessible for DigitalOcean, AWS, and Scaleway users.

To make it clear and use Qovery solutions, you will require an account on those cloud solutions. With AWS free plans and a combination of Qovery – it will create a most powerful combo for use. At least for the small-scale projects, that you are not yet ready to commit to complete.

If that is not a big trouble, you may take complete benefit of Qovery’s core functions. Build from Git, and deploy in different stages, and utilize Kubernetes to scale while demand exceeds.


  • Over 1 cluster
  • Unlimited Developers
  • One-click Preview Environment
  • Over 5 Environments


So here you have the complete list of different platforms where you may host the Node.js projects. All the hosts in this guide provide excellent web services & generous free tiers. Besides, they will help you to build a strong website. Finally, it comes down to what type of experience that you want. We hope this blog post on the best free Nodejs hosting platform has helped you find the right hosting service!

The post 9 Best Free Node.js Hosting 2023 appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

One of the fastest-growing domains in the recent years is data science. For those who don’t know, data science revolves around different subjects that ultimately lead to one goal. Subjects include math, statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI.

Working with these subjects, a data scientist uses his expertise to help generate useful insights for guiding an organization with respect to the data they have. Organizing and explaining this data for strategic planning is what a data scientist does and should be skilled at.

It’s an exciting field, and if you’re an expert or someone who wants to excel as a data scientist, then you must be adept at what you do. When that’s done, make sure to apply for as many postings in reputed organizations as possible since the job’s quite in demand.

How to Prepare for Data Scientist Interview

As for the interview process, it can be tough and hectic since you need to demonstrate a good insight into the domain to ensure that you’re an expert. Companies don’t tend to hire people who aren’t insightful or can’t contribute more than they’re already achieving.

Therefore, let’s get into how you can prepare for a data science interview and excel at getting a job at the company of your liking:

1. Preparing for Coding Interviews

One of the hardest phases of any data science interview is the coding phase. Since the position requires skilled expertise in coding, it’s imperative that you prepare yourself for it. Coding interviews consist of various coding challenges comprising data structures, learning algorithms, statistics, and other related subjects.

In order to prepare for these, you should focus on the foundational concepts for each subject. In addition, you should practice various problems, scaling from easy to professional to emergency levels, so that you can prepare for any real-time situation provided in the interview.

If you want you can find various online courses that you can view and even enroll in to get a certification. Having a certification with your experience will surely do you good in interviews.

2. Preparing for Virtual Interviews

Most companies that are hiring data scientists don’t directly call candidates for physical interviews. They scrutinize available candidates and narrow them down to the optimal ones via virtual interviews.

This usually involves pre-assessment coding tests as well as a short virtual interview that gives the recruiters a better idea of whether the candidate should appear for a second interview or not. That’s why you should take good measures and prepare for your virtual interviews as well.

It’s likely that you’ll be interviewed live and will have to complete an online assessment while being live on your cam. For that, ensure that you have a professional workspace, room, and dressing.

Also, ensure you’re using a stable internet so that you don’t get buffering or any botherations during the time you’re on call. Amongst recommendations, we suggest checking out plans from Xfinity or contacting Xfinity customer services to choose from available reliable options.

Apart from this, ensure your equipment is working properly including your microphone, camera, keyboard, etc. so that any interruptions won’t undermine your value during the interview.

3. Brushing Up for Technical Interview

In addition to the coding interview, you also need to prepare yourself for a technical interview. This usually happens within the coding interview; however, there can be multiple rounds for it. That is why you need to polish your technical knowledge in order to prepare for it. Here are different steps that you can deploy for it:

Programming Languages

To begin, you need to go through programming languages including Python, R, SQL, etc. necessary for the purpose. This also includes creating code for different pertaining problems as well as utilizing inventiveness for the given situation.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Since the technical round will comprise various algorithms, you’ll need to go through data structures and algorithms too. This will prepare you for any given situation dealing with the algorithms on different difficulty levels.

Data Manipulation & Analysis

Data manipulation is quite important when it comes to being a data scientist since it’s everything. From retrieving to analyzing the information to data cleaning and applying statistics, you should be versed in the technicalities of data manipulation.

Also, you need to be versed in techniques needed for comprehending statistical elements via various techniques such as regression analysis, probabilistic distributions, etc. For that, you’ll need to go through these practices to ensure that you know how real-time problems will be solved.

4. Familiarizing with Business & Financial Concepts

You’ll also need to familiarize yourself with the company’s web pages as well as networking sites so that you can adapt your responses accordingly. This will also require you to study in-depth about the job position you’re applying for so that you can orient your answers to what’s required by the company.

Closing Thoughts

With these pointers, you should be able to prepare yourself for a data science interview. Ensure to keep these handy while you’re preparing for one, and excel at your next interview.

The post How to Prepare for Data Scientist Interview in 2023? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer

Stuart Haber? Scott Stornetta? Ring any bells? How about Stefan Konst? Not really? Well, then you probably know Satoshi Nakamoto, and by ‘know,’ I mean heard of, because, of course, he/she/it’s faceless. But blockchain technology, whose re-emergence from the cold pings back to his 2008 white paper, is no stranger in the room.

Over a decade since the white paper, blockchain technology has found fame (and infamy) through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But it doesn’t end with the coins. This tech has lived long enough to sire diverse blockchain companies, from Coinbase down to Chainalysis.

But it’s not just about crypto. The true prowess of blockchain technology shines brightest in the programming arena. Let’s show you how these code warriors make this magic happen.

Applications of Blockchain Technology in Programming

Smart Contracts

Remember pinky promises when growing up? Smart contracts are like that but on steroids. So, what moves them?

Code cowboys work on these contracts specifying conditions and outcomes. And like the James Dean of tech, these contracts are fussy enough to operate by their own predefined rules and only budge when those rules are met.

Picture this: Person A sends some cash, and like magic, Person B gets a shiny digital goodie. Condition? No cash, no goodie. Yes cash, yes goodie. It’s as straightforward as ordering your morning coffee.

With perks like this, it’s a no-brainer why you’ll see many companies using blockchain technology nowadays.

Tokenization of Assets

If Andy Warhol were to rise today, he would be more surprised than Derek Zoolander. Why?

Four of his paintings are now on the blockchain, thanks to super-smart devs who are turning real things, like art or property, into digital versions called ‘tokens’.

What are these tokens though? They’re digital stickers that say, “This belongs to you.” By turning these real-world goodies into digital tokens, it becomes easy to buy, sell, or trade them on the internet.

Decentralized Apps (DApps)

You’ve heard of a new game and all the hype that comes with it. You pick up your phone to download it. Where do you go? Often Google Play Store or Apple Store. But that’s not the deal with DApps.

These bad guys run on a decentralized network of computers. This means no more big brother setting the big rules. All data and operations strut across a network, helping these rebels of the tech world to give the cold shoulder to censorship.

And as for glitches? They’re as rare as a hiccup in your grandma’s trusty vintage radio. Why? Because there’s no single point to trip over; no central server playing spoilsport. And when it comes to being open and honest? They outshine traditional apps, offering a level of transparency and security that’s simply unmatched.

With these serious advantages, it’s no wonder there are many blockchain companies out here already.

Digital Identity Verification On Blockchain

Take a seat. Now, think about a world where proving who you are doesn’t involve sifting through a mountain of paperwork or remembering the maiden name of your third-grade teacher. Welcome to digital identity on the blockchain! It’s like having a digital twin that vouches for you, without the drama.

How? Crafty programmers set this up on blockchain platforms. They then securely code in your identity details, and when verification is needed, the system checks the blockchain, not some easily forged document.

Say you’re signing up for a new service online; the system can quickly confirm “Yep, that’s you!” without you needing to spill your life’s story. Why’s this a game-changer? Blockchain-based identities slash through red tape, boost security, and put you back in control of your personal info. It’s the future, making “Who are you?” a breeze to answer.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) On Blockchain

Picture a bustling company, but wait, there’s no boss in the corner office or managers running the show. Welcome to the world of DAOs! It’s like a company got a digital makeover, where everyone’s voice counts and decisions are made by the collective.

So, how’s the magic done? Tech wizards craft DAOs on blockchain platforms. They embed all the rules, and like clockwork, operations tick based on those rules or the votes of its members.

Imagine a DAO designed for charity; members could rally together, vote on where the funds should dance off to, and voila! The DAO, like a trusty butler, ensures the funds waltz to the right cause.

And the showstopper? DAOs are the future of organizations. They shine the spotlight on transparency, cut down the backstage clutter, and let every member be a director of the grand play. It’s a fresh take on how we work together, making every act count.

Final Words

The digital realm doesn’t really wait for anyone. That’s why many companies making a killing online are getting the best devs on their side to chase after the blockchain glory. As industries adapt and integrate, it paves the way for enhanced trust, transparency, and efficiency. From revolutionizing finance to bolstering the Internet of Things, embracing blockchain is a step towards a more secure and streamlined digital future.

The post 5 Applications of Blockchain Technology in Programming appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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In the world of programming languages and web development, both – responsiveness and performance are the key. What do the users of websites expect, after all? They expect web apps and websites to load as fast as possible and respond to their interactions swiftly. The reality is that achieving that kind of performance level can be a disaster, especially when you face things like resource-intensive tasks (API calls, file I/O operations, database queries, etc.). The solution? Asynchronous programming, of course! A lot of beginners tend to seek professional programming assignment help at the beginning of their journey. Together, we will find out more about the wonderful world of async PHP. Let’s dive in!

What is Asynchronous Programming?

Asynchronous programming is a special paradigm that allows a program to conduct the most various tasks concurrently, without the necessity to wait for each one to complete before proceeding to the next. Async programs do not block the code execution. Instead, they initiate tasks and keep on processing other work while waiting for the tasks to end.

Conventionally, PHP language has been the so-called synchronous language where every code line is executed sequentially. In other words, if one operation requires too much time to complete, it can hold up the whole app. Async PHP, however, enables developers to execute non-blocking operations. This, in turn, enables your app to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

Async PHP - A Deep Dive into Asynchronous Programming

The Need for Asynchronous PHP

Why would anyone need the async PHP when there’s the conventional sync type used here and there? Let’s imagine a scenario with a web app needing to fetch data from different APIs before rendering a page. In the case of a sync PHP app, every API request would be performed sequentially. This would greatly increase the page load time.

On the other hand, async PHP enables one to create wide arrays of API requests at the same time and keep on processing other parts of the app while looking for the responses. This guarantees a more positive user experience and faster page load time.

Understanding Promises

Promises are the core of the async programming in PHP. In the community of PHP language experts, promise is a value that may not be available yet; however, it will be at some point. Originally, there were just three possible states of a promise:

  • Pending. The initial state represents a promise that has not yet been fulfilled or rejected.
  • Fulfilled. It represents the ideal outcome. In this case, the promise has value.
  • Rejected. In this case, you face a failure or error where the promise has a solid reason for the error/failure.

Once you use promises, you have a chance to handle async operations and their results in a systematic way. 

Asynchronous PHP Libraries

A range of libraries enable async programming in PHP versions. Every library has its own unique set of tools and features. Using them all helps experts write async code more easily. Now, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular types. Read on!


A popular async programming library that many programmers use offers non-blocking, event-driven, and user-oriented I/O operations and tons of elements for creating async apps. It supports excellent performance and scalability, being a top choice for real-time apps and high-performance web servers.


You should know about this powerful async framework for PHP. It provides an extensive assortment of elements and concurrency models for working with async code. It supports asynchronous generators, coroutines, and promises, making it versatile for numerous use cases.


Concurrent and production-ready async framework for PHP, Swoole offers async I/O operations together with coroutine support, a WebSocket server, and a web server. An excellent solution to build real-time, high-performance apps in PHP.

Real-World Use Cases

Below, we will take a closer look at some of the real-world use cases where async PHP works magic.

Concurrent API Requests

Let’s imagine you need a web app built. Suppose it needs to fetch data from various external APIs. In the case of the sync PHP app, the programmer would send one API request at a time. As a result, the app would wait for every response before switching to the next request. As for the async PHP, one can initiate every API request concurrently. As a result, the time it takes to fetch the data and render the page is reduced significantly.

Real-Time Applications

Real-time apps like web gaming platforms or chat apps require non-stop communication between clients and the server. In tandem with WebSocket support from libraries like Swoole, async PHP can handle dozens of connections at the same time in the most effective manner. This results in prompt delivery and real-time updates.

Asynchronous PHP provides a lot of advantages; however, it has a range of challenges as well. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.

Pros of Async PHP

  • Enhanced performance. Asynchronous programming can significantly boost the performance of web apps by allowing concurrent execution of tasks.
  • Scalability. Async PHP is an ideal option for building high-performance and scalable apps that can deal with a bunch of concurrent connections.
  • Responsive user experience. Apps that use async PHP respond faster to various interactions between users and developers, guaranteeing a 100% smooth user experience.

Cons of Async PHP

  • Learning curve. PHP language developers may need to master new libraries and concepts in order to work with async PHP in a more efficient manner.
  • Complexity. Writing asynchronous code in PHP can be more difficult and time-consuming, as well as harder to debug than synch code.
  • Resource management. Dealing with resources such as memory and file handles in asynchronous apps can be tough.

Final Words

Asynchronous PHP is a useful and powerful instrument whether you need to build real-time systems, high-performance web apps, flatten a PHP array, deal with various operations involved in working with functions in PHP, etc. It allows developers to express their talents, leading to enhanced performance and a perfect user experience.

Considering multiple posts and what experts tend to comment online, all the advantages that async programming in PHP brings in terms of scalability and responsiveness are 100% worth all the efforts. By using the right async PHP library, classes, and other tools for your current project and understanding how to generate async code efficiently, one can take PHP apps to the next level of interactivity and performance. A better one, of course.

The post Async PHP – A Deep Dive into Asynchronous Programming appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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