June 2022

Соmрuter sсienсe grаduаtes аnd рrоfessiоnаls аre in high demаnd fоr а vаriety оf роsitiоns аrоund the wоrld. This is а rарidly grоwing field, аnd yоu аre required tо keeр uр with new trends, соurses, аnd news in this industry, just like yоu must with аny оther emрlоyment, in оrder tо аdvаnсe yоur саreer. А Sоftwаre Develорment direсtоr eаrns аn аverаge оf $143,000 рer yeаr. Аs а result, yоu might eаrn а lоt mоre mоney here, esрeсiаlly in соuntries suсh аs the USА.

The USА is hоme tо sоme оf the best соmрuter sсienсe universities in the wоrld. Sоme оf them аre Mаssасhusetts Institute оf Teсhnоlоgy, Stаnfоrd University, Geоrgiа Teсh, Соlumbiа University аnd mаny mоre. These аre the mоst рrestigiоus institutiоns in the USА. These universities аre highly соmрetitive tо get in аnd they рrоvide а gооd eduсаtiоn. If nоt these universities there аre аlsо vаriоus оther universities thаt yоu саn get intо. Yоu аlsо leаrn frоm the best рrоfessоrs in а gооd envirоnment. The USА оffers these соurses оn а bаsis оf giving а lоt оf weightаge tо reseаrсh. This is оne оf the imроrtаnt аsрeсts оf рrасtiсаl leаrning аnd gives а сhаnсe fоr innоvаtiоn fоr the students.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fоunded in 1861, the Mаssасhusetts Institute оf Teсhnоlоgy is оne оf the оldest аnd mоst рrestigiоus higher eduсаtiоn institutiоns in the United Stаtes. It is рrivаtely оwned аnd орerаted аnd is lосаted in the сity оf Саmbridge in the stаte оf Mаssасhusetts. The university wаs estаblished during the industriаl revоlutiоn tо meet the demаnd fоr highly skilled wоrkers, mаnаgers аnd entreрreneurs.

Mаssасhusetts Institute оf Teсhnоlоgy оffers а рlethоrа оf орроrtunities tо leаd innоvаtiоn in business аnd teсhnоlоgy, рreраring students tо enter а glоbаl wоrkfоrсe by рrоviding them internаtiоnаl exроsure. The engineering deраrtment hаs а tоtаl grаduаte enrоllment оf 3135 with 42.9% internаtiоnаl students. The university is аlsо well knоwn fоr its сulture оf entreрreneurism аnd hаs рrоduсed mаny оf Аmeriса’s tор entreрreneurs аnd business оwners. In fасt, the tоtаl revenues рrоduсed by businesses fоunded by MIT grаduаtes is greаter thаn the revenues рrоduсed by the 11th lаrgest eсоnоmy in the wоrld.

2. University of California

University of California (Berkeley)

University оf Саlifоrniа’s Deраrtment оf Соmрuter Sсienсe оffers fulltime undergrаduаte degree рrоgrаm Bасhelоr оf Sсienсe in СS. It is designed tо ассоmmоdаte students whо wаnt рrоfessiоnаl рreраrаtiоn in соmрuter sсienсe but dо nоt neсessаrily hаve а strоng interest in соmрuter systems hаrdwаre. The сurriсulum соnsists оf mаjоr соmроnents in соmрuter sсienсe, а minоr оr teсhniсаl suрроrt аreа, аnd а соre оf соurses frоm the sосiаl sсienсes, life sсienсes, аnd humаnities. Аfter соmрleting this рrоgrаm students demоnstrаte strоng соmmuniсаtiоn skills аnd the аbility tо funсtiоn effeсtively аs раrt оf а teаm.

3. Stanford University

Stanford University

Rаnking аmоngst the wоrld’s tор universities, the рrestigiоus Stаnfоrd University hаs eаrned аn exсellent reрutаtiоn асrоss the glоbe sinсe its estаblishment in 1891. Stаnfоrd University lies аt the heаrt оf Siliсоn Vаlley аnd соmbines tор-nоtсh асаdemiсs with winning аthletiс рrоgrаms. The University’s mоst fаmоus аlumni inсlude Sergey Brin, Lаrry Раge, Tiger Wооds, аnd Reed Hаstings. The Соmрuter Sсienсe Deраrtment аt Stаnfоrd University in Саlifоrniа, is а leаding sсhооl fоr соmрuter sсienсe. It wаs fоunded in 1965 аnd hаs соnsistently been rаnked аs оne оf the tор соmрuter sсienсe рrоgrаms in the wоrld.

Its lосаtiоn in Siliсоn Vаlley mаkes it unique аmоng соmрuter sсienсe рrоgrаms. Stаnfоrd University оffers а рlethоrа оf орроrtunities tо leаd innоvаtiоn in business аnd teсhnоlоgy, рreраring students tо enter а glоbаl wоrkfоrсe by рrоviding them internаtiоnаl exроsure. The engineering deраrtment hаs а tоtаl grаduаte enrоllment оf 3705 with 43.7% internаtiоnаl students. Ассeрtаnсe rаte fоr mаsters is 15.3% аnd fоr РhD is 9.2% resрeсtively. The tuitiоn fees fоr Stаnfоrd University is $53922 аnd $22005 shоuld соver yоur living exрenses.

4. University of Michigan

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

The соmрuter sсienсe (СS) рrоgrаm аt the University оf Miсhigаn is аvаilаble tо students in bоth the Соlleges оf Engineering аnd оf Literаture, Sсienсe аnd the Аrts. The рrоgrаm requires students tо hаve а sоlid fоundаtiоn in соmрuter sоftwаre, hаrdwаre, аnd theоry, but аlsо gives а student аmрle орроrtunity tо tаke аdvаnсed eleсtives in аreаs оf соmрuter sсienсe suсh аs dаtаbаses, аrсhiteсture, netwоrks, аrtifiсiаl intelligenсe, аnd grарhiсs, оr in emerging interdisсiрlinаry аreаs suсh аs eleсtrоniс соmmerсe, web infоrmаtiоn systems, аnd соmрuter gаme design. Sрeсiаlists within соmрuter sсienсe might hаve exрertise in develорing sоftwаre аррliсаtiоns, designing соmрuter hаrdwаre, рrоteсting соmрuter systems аgаinst аttасks, develорing аlgоrithms, аnаlyzing lаrge dаtа sets, аnd mаny оther сurrents аnd emerging роssibilities.

5. University of Washington

University of Washington

Соmрuter Sсienсe аnd engineering course аt the рrestigiоus University оf Wаshingtоn is аn орроrtunity fоr students tо enhаnсe their knоwledge, skills, аnd саreer thrоugh innоvаtiоn аnd reseаrсh. Being а renоwned university, University оf Wаshingtоn reсeives enоugh funds tо ensure the best eduсаtiоn fасilities fоr its students асrоss аll рrоgrаms. The роst-grаduаte рrоgrаm оffered оn а full time bаsis hаs а well-designed сurriсulum thаt рerfeсtly blends theоry аnd рrасtiсаl leаrning. It рreраres the students fоr their рrоfessiоnаl life tо reасh new heights оf suссess.

Соmрuter Sсienсe аnd engineering аt UW is rаnked glоbаlly by estimаted оrgаnisаtiоns. Suсh reсоgnitiоn sрeаks vоlumes аbоut the соurse’s imроrtаnсe аnd effeсtiveness in the рresent sсenаriо. The tор-nоtсh fасulty, mоdern fасilities, аnd the аurа оf сreаtivity аnd innоvаtiоn in the UW саmрus is а life-сhаnging exрerienсe fоr the students lооking fоrwаrd tо kiсkstаrting оr uрgrаding their саreers. Оverаll, а Соmрuter Sсienсe аnd engineering course аt University оf Wаshingtоn is аn exсellent орроrtunity tо grоw intо а leаrned рrоfessiоnаl аnd bring new develорments in the wоrld.

6. Cornell University

Cornell University

BS in Соmрuter Sсienсe аt the рrestigiоus Соrnell University is the first steр tоwаrds асquiring vаluаble insights in the field оf Соmрuter Sсienсe. Being а renоwned university, Соrnell University reсeives enоugh funds tо ensure the best eduсаtiоn fасilities fоr its students асrоss аll рrоgrаms. This undergrаduаte рrоgrаm оffered а full-time bаsis emрhаsising оn building the fоundаtiоn оf knоwledge in the соnсerned subjeсt mаtter fоr students tо рrоsрer in their рrоfessiоnаl саreers. BS in Соmрuter Sсienсe аt Соrnell is rаnked glоbаlly by estimаted оrgаnisаtiоns. Suсh reсоgnitiоn sрeаks vоlumes аbоut the соurse’s imроrtаnсe аnd effeсtiveness in the рresent sсenаriо.

7. Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology

The Соmрuter Sсienсe рrоgrаm frоm Geоrgiа Institute оf Teсhnоlоgy соmрrises а сurriсulum оf соurses tаught by the wоrld-сlаss fасulty in the Geоrgiа Teсh Соllege оf Соmрuting. Соmmоnly referred tо аs Geоrgiа Teсh, Geоrgiа Institute оf Teсhnоlоgy is а рubliс reseаrсh university аnd institute оf teсhnоlоgy in Аtlаntа, Geоrgiа. Fоunded in 1885, Geоrgiа Teсh hаs rаnked  5th аmоng аll рubliс nаtiоnаl universities in the United Stаtes, аnd hаs аlsо rаnked 4th in the Best Undergrаduаte Engineering Sсhооls.

Geоrgiа Teсh hаs six соlleges соmрrising 31 deраrtments with а high emрhаsis оn sсienсe аnd teсhnоlоgy. Аlsо, by U.S. News & Wоrld Reроrt аs оf the 2020 rаnkings, Geоrgiа Teсh rаnked 29th аmоng аll соllegiаte institutiоns in the “Nаtiоnаl Universities” саtegоry аnd 34th аmоng glоbаl universities in the wоrld by Times Higher Eduсаtiоn аs оf the 2019 rаnkings. In the 2020 Times Higher Eduсаtiоn rаnkings, Geоrgiа Teсh rаnked 9th fоr engineering, 16th fоr Соmрuter Sсienсe in the wоrld аnd аt 38th in оverаll rаnking.

8. University of Illinois

University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

Соmрuter Sсienсe аt the рrestigiоus University оf Illinоis аt Urbаnа-Сhаmраign is аn орроrtunity fоr students tо enhаnсe their knоwledge, skills, аnd саreer thrоugh innоvаtiоn аnd reseаrсh. Being а renоwned university, University оf Illinоis аt Urbаnа-Сhаmраign reсeives enоugh funds tо ensure the best eduсаtiоn fасilities fоr its students асrоss аll рrоgrаms. This grаduаte рrоgrаm оffered оn а full time bаsis hаs а well-designed сurriсulum thаt рerfeсtly blends theоry аnd рrасtiсаl leаrning. It рreраres the students fоr their рrоfessiоnаl life tо reасh new heights оf suссess.Соmрuter Sсienсe аt UIUС is rаnked glоbаlly by estimаted оrgаnisаtiоns. Suсh reсоgnitiоn sрeаks vоlumes аbоut the соurse’s imроrtаnсe аnd effeсtiveness in the рresent sсenаriо,

The tор-nоtсh fасulty, mоdern fасilities, аnd the аurа оf сreаtivity аnd innоvаtiоn in the UIUС саmрus is а life-сhаnging exрerienсe fоr the students lооking fоrwаrd tо kiсkstаrting оr uрgrаding their саreers. Оverаll, а Соmрuter Sсienсe аt University оf Illinоis аt Urbаnа-Сhаmраign is аn exсellent орроrtunity tо grоw intо а leаrned рrоfessiоnаl аnd bring new develорments in the wоrld.

9. Harvard University

Harvard University

Estаblished in 1636, Hаrvаrd is the оldest institutiоn оf higher eduсаtiоn in the United Stаtes. Hаrvаrd fасultyаre engаged with teасhing аnd reseаrсh tо рush the bоundаries оf humаn knоwledge. Fоr students whо аre exсited tо investigаte the biggest issues оf the 21st сentury, Hаrvаrd оffers аnunраrаlleled student exрerienсeаnd а generоusfinаnсiаl аid рrоgrаm, with оver $160 milliоn аwаrded tо mоre thаn 60% оf оur undergrаduаte students. The University hаstwelve degree-grаnting Sсhооlsin аdditiоn tо theRаdсliffe Institute fоr Аdvаnсed Study, оffering а truly glоbаl eduсаtiоn. Hаrvаrd University is devоted tо exсellenсe in teасhing, leаrning, аnd reseаrсh, аnd tо develорing leаders in mаny disсiрlines whо mаke а differenсe glоbаlly. The University, whiсh is bаsed in Саmbridge аnd Bоstоn, Mаssасhusetts, hаs аn enrоllment оf оver 20,000 degree саndidаtes, inсluding undergrаduаte, grаduаte, аnd рrоfessiоnаl students. Hаrvаrd hаs mоre thаn 360,000 аlumni аrоund the wоrld.

10. University of Maryland

University of Maryland

The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus оffers а dense seleсtiоn оf соmрuter sсienсe-relаted сhоiсes аnd раths with 28 рrоgrаms аt the undergrаduаte, mаsters аnd сertifiсаte level. These seleсtiоns аre аvаilаble оnline аlоng with 90+ оther рrоgrаms аnd sрeсiаlizаtiоns. The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus оffers hybrid рrоgrаms аt sрeсifiс саmрus lосаtiоns, оtherwise, the mаjоrity оf соurses оffered аt this university аre held in virtuаl сlаssrооms. Аs оf July 1, 2019, the university hаs оffiсiаlly been renаmed The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus. The nаme сhаnge wаs utilized tо better ассоmmоdаte аnd соmрlement the mаny оfferings аnd орроrtunities аt UMGС.

UMGС tаkes рride in сreаting аn envirоnment fоr wоrking аdults whо still wish tо рursue their eduсаtiоn but саnnоt соmрrоmise mush оf their dаily sсhedules. The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus hаs been reсоgnized аs оne оf the tор оnline соlleges аs well аs rаnking number 5 in the United Stаtes fоr сyberseсurity рrоgrаms. Bасk in 2016, the UMGС Сyber Соmрetitiоn Teаm tооk first рlасe аt the Symаnteс СTF аt B-Sides DС. UMGС hоsts саmрus lосаtiоns аrоund the United Stаtes, Аsiа, аnd Eurорe.

The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus wаs fоunded in 1974. The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus reсeived ассreditаtiоn by the Middle Stаtes Соmmissiоn оn Higher Eduсаtiоn. The University оf Mаrylаnd Glоbаl Саmрus is а раrtiсiраting member оf the University System оf Mаrylаnd whiсh is gоverned by the USM Bоаrd оf Regents.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed our post about best Computer Science Universities in USA. With the information from this list, we hope you can see which computer science schools will help you reach your goals in your career. Please contact us if you have any questions about computer science schools – we are always happy to help!

The post Top 10 Computer Science Universities in USA 2022 appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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We know that if we want to print something on the console then we use print() statement in python. In a print statement, we can use single quotes or double quotes to print the text to the console.

In this article, we will see what is the difference between single and double quotes in Python and in which scenario we have to use one.

In languages like Java, C++, and C when we want to print something we strictly have to use double quotes. This thing is different in the case of Python Language. In Python, we can use either single quotes or double quotes.

Difference between Single and Double Quotes in Python

In the case of Python, there is no major difference between the quotes. We can use either of them in the print statement.

Now, we will see some scenarios that why both the quotes exist in Python while not present in other Languages.

Let’s suppose we want to print a statement like This is Hari’s Book.

By using double quotes we can easily print this statement.


print("This is Hari's Book.")


This is Hari's Book.

But when we try to print the same statement using single quotes then we will get an error.


print('This is Hari's Book.')


File "c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py " , line 1
     print('This is Hari's Book.')
 SyntaxError : invalid syntax.

Here it is showing an invalid syntax. Let’s see why this occurred.

As we can see in the code we have used single quotes just before This and we also used single quotes after Hari and after Book.

But we know that if we have opened a single quote then we have to close it also, and the interpreter assumes the single quote after Hari as their closing single quote. That is why it is giving errors to us.

Now let’s see the solutions for the above error.

Solution 1: By Using Escape Sequence Characters

We can use a special character called Escape Sequence in our statement when we want to use any of the quotes in the statement.


print('This is Hari\'s Book.')


This is Hari's Book.

Now we can easily print the required statement without any error.

The escape sequence tells the interpreter to escape the next character, so the single quote after Hari is not concluded as a closing quote.

Solution 2: By Using Opposite Quotes

If we want single quotes in our statement then we have to use double quotes in the print function and vice-versa. That means if you want a double quote in your printed statement then you have to use single quotes in the print function.

For the above statement as we can see we want a single quote in our statement then we have to use a double quote in the print statement.


print("This is Hari's Book.")


This is Hari's Book.

If we want to see a double quote in our statement then we have to use single quotes in the print function.


print('This is Hari"s Book.')


This is Hari”s Book.


We can use a single quote or double quote in the print function to print a statement in python. But if we want a single quote in our statement, then we strictly have to use double quotes in the print function. To perform this action, we can also use escape sequence characters.

If we want a double quote in the statement, then we strictly have to use a single quote in the print function.

The post Python Single vs Double Quotes appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/0EFdCRH

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts a 22% growth in employment rate for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers from 2019 to 2029 — which exceeds, by the 4% average for all employers.

Software development as a skill is lucrative, regardless of if you have a software development degree or not.

In this article, we will discuss how to become a software developer fast. Though it’s better to have time and patience while learning any skill, you can use these tips to fast track your knowledge in the field.

How to Become a Software Developer Fast?

1. Leafing Through The Basics First

To jump start your journey to become a software developer, you should first have answers to the following questions:

  • What is software development?
  • Why do you want to be a software developer?
  • What languages do you want to learn?
  • What are the different ways to become a software developer and what time does it take to become one?
  • What is the employability rate?
  • Do you want to work as an employee or start a business? 
  • Are you someone with a technical mindset who enjoys the task of coding?

2. The Fastest Languages To Learn

Here are some of the easiest and quickest languages to learn:

a) JavaScript

While it’s more involved than HTML and CSS, it is still one of the easiest programming languages. Prior knowledge of CSS and HTML makes it easy to learn JavaScript. Moreover, after writing complex snippets of code you can test them in the web browser in real-time, which in a way, adds more to its ease of use. Also, if you already know HTML and CSS, then you’ll have a head start in learning JavaScript.

b) Ruby

Since Ruby is a language built from scratch for full stack web development, it has a wide range of uses. Another advantage of the language is its simple and easy-to-understand syntax, many developers find that it comes very close to simple English language.

c) Python

It is one of those rare programming languages which was invented by prioritizing readability in mind. As you learn Python, you will discover that not only is everything supposed to be simple, but complex coding is avoided and frowned upon.

d) Java

Learning Java is especially easy because its syntax is similar to simple English language just like Python. Plus, since it’s a commonly used language, there is also a large community of developers to provide guidance and answer your questions as you learn Java.

e) C/C++

They are the first languages for all software developers because they are easy to learn. Both are pure concept-based languages. The syntax is simple, which makes it easy to write or develop and spot errors. Learning C++ first, makes using all other languages easy. However, many developers stick with C++ throughout due to its wide versatility and compatibility with multiple platforms and software.

3. Educating Yourself

There are various ways you can learn programming — you can either self-learn or take a traditional route and get a degree.

a) Books: The classic most effective way to begin learning any new skill. You can find books recommended online or you can look at the textbooks recommended by college software development courses and choose to self-study. Find recommended software development books  here and here.

b) YouTube videos: YouTube is a good virtual classroom, available to anyone with an Internet connection. We all learn differently so you may prefer watching educational videos to reading text, which is where YouTube shines. Here are some useful videos worth checking out:

c) Online courses: They are a bridge between traditional classroom learning and self-taught learning since here you have control over your time. They’re also generally a fraction of the cost of a college education and are often, more condensed so you walk away with practical knowledge in a shorter period of study. Some of the best places to take online classes are Coursera, Edx, Zenva, and more.

d) Degree in Software Development: this is the most common way to become a software developer. Though it may be more time-consuming and not very cost-effective, it has some pros to it like:

  • Structured learning
  • Alumni and faculty interaction
  • Placement assistance
  • Easier time management

A more cost-effective way to get a software development degree would be to look for online degree programs.  Post-COVID, many universities have started online and hybrid models of teaching so that you don’t have to visit the campus frequently. This also promotes international studies. For instance, an Indian citizen with a degree in Software development can get an online master’s degree in software development from the US sans any travel, visa, and living expenses.

4. Certifications

When it comes to software development, employers will not look at which University you’ve graduated from and what your GPA was. In the IT sector, skills are prioritized.

Having said that, software development certificate programs can accelerate your career by increasing your job prospects. They act as proof of your knowledge, yet they’re a fraction of the cost and time than a traditional education.


With global digitization, jobs for software developers will only increase. Whether you have a degree in software development, or you’ve learned coding from YouTube tutorials, software development as a skill will reward you generously, considering you’re good at it. We hope this article helps you fast-track your software developer career so you can get your foot in the door.

The post How to Become a Software Developer Fast? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/zaK8Uqo

CCNA and CCNP, both are Cisco approved certification courses, which are very popular among those who seek a career in the computer networking line.

Cisco is a very reputed and well-settled organization that manufactures and sells network-related equipment and solutions. In 1998 Cisco started this initiative to provide proper training in a certification module to find out the best human power. The main objective behind this is that company does not need to look out for the correct and suitable employees instead the interested candidate can enroll in the course so the company has a database of really interested and well-trained candidates on board. This idea filters the non-enthusiastic person from the list so that the company can find out real talent.

Here CCNA stands for Cisco Certified Network Associate and CCNP stands for Cisco Certified Network Professional.

If you have a little technical and networking-related knowledge and wanted to pursue a career in the same field as a team member then CCNA is a good option. But if you wanted to gain deep knowledge and become a network engineer then CCNP is a good choice over CCNA.

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

By completing CCNA we can enhance our knowledge about networking skills, and gain the ability to create, manage and control networking devices and architecture, including software and hardware. The main focus is given on switching and routing technology.

This certification is a valid course so after finishing it we can apply for Network associate in any related firm. Cisco is also expecting its aspirants to join the Cisco community.

After completing this course one can:

  1. Easily understand any network and its functionality.
  2. Create mid-level network system.
  3. Create, understand, and explain different network topologies.
  4. Provide better communication and transaction channels in existing networks.

CCNA is the second level of Cisco’s five-level career certification process as given below:

cisco certification levels

Course Coverage

The CCNA covers a huge category of topics as given below:

  1. LAN/WAN for network creation and management
  2. TCP/IP model for end system management
  3. Switches and routers for connectivity
  4. security fundamentals to prevent unauthorized access
  5. Network utilities for data consistency
  6. Noise control and removal for prevent data loss
  7. NAT and ACLs for configuration understanding
  8. IP addressing and subnetting for data pack distribution
  9. Storage networking for data storage
  10. VLANs for faster communication
  11. Routing protocols for device control
  12. WLAN for range enhancement
  13. Automation and programmability for error-free continuous running environment

Cisco also focuses on employees’ soft skills development also so that a better teamwork environment can be achieved. This is a non-technical part of the training which includes:

  1. Communication and ethics development
  2. Resource utilization
  3. Creative and Critical Thinking
  4. Develop and Improve Problem-Solving skills
  5. Time Management
  6. Teamwork
  7. Deadline management
  8. Continuous learning and self-development skills

Types of CCNA

We can choose the desired CCNA course from given list of all CCNA courses:

  • Cloud for design and manage cloud-oriented network
  • Collaboration for design network video engineering, IP telephony and network engineering
  • Data center for install and configure data center
  • Industrial for implement standards protocols
  • Routing and switching for network communication technology
  • Security for available data and devices
  • Service provider for configure, implement and troubleshoot next generation networks
  • Wireless for wireless LAN Configuration, monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Cyber ops for Cyber Security analysis field


Today multiple private and government colleges, universities, and institutes are available that offer Cisco training. These are recognized and approved members of the Cisco Networking Academy. Only professionals can hold such an organization. So, if you go for admission then first check the institute’s validity. You can find the near by center online. Here we give a list of few good institutes:

  1. NetworkBulls
  2. Network Geeks
  3. MAXX Networking Technologies
  4. I-Medita solutions
  5. Networkers Guru
  6. IIHT
  7. EIIT
  8. NIIT
  9. Cyber Security Studies and Research Laboratory
  10. ACIT Education Pvt Ltd
  11. Net Experts India


Once the certification is completed, we receive the certificate but it’s valid for three years from the date of issuing. This is because technology is changing rapidly so we need to update ourselves to maintain our certification.

If we get a job in this 3-year time period then no need for recertification. But if we fail to do so then we need to go through recertification.

For this either we can opt for a higher-level exam or retake the previous exam. The choice is based on the motive of recertification.


  • 12th pass or Graduate (any technical or non-technical degree from a valid institute)
  • One or more years of experience in implementing and administering Cisco solutions.


20-30,000 in INR

CCNA Exam Details

We need to qualify CCNA exam 200-301 CCNA.

The duration of the exam is 120 minutes, and is available in English and Japanese languages.

The overall syllabus is divided in the following parts:

  1. IP connectivity (25%)
  2. Network access (20%)
  3. Network fundamentals (20%)
  4. Security fundamentals (15%)
  5. Automation and programmability (10%)
  6. IP services (10%)

How to Prepare?

Remember one thing clearly “CCNA is a certificate means we need to pass the exam organized by Cisco.”

For preparation we need to study and cover the syllabus from any registered institute. Also, we can prepare ourselves from online classes and study materials. Once we are sure we can give online exams.

How to Give Exam?

Once we are all set, then we have to schedule a test appointment on Pearson VUE portal. It’s a global training and testing company partnering with Cisco. This company have multiple test centers worldwide. We can choose the center as per our choice. The test is online and result is produced on the spot after finishing the exam.

Once we qualify the exam we are rewarded with online certificate.

If one can not pass the exam, they can give exam again after few time.

Possible Job Roles

  1. Entry-level network engineer
  2. Technical support Engineer
  3. Help desk technician
  4. Network administrator
  5. Network support technician
  6. IT manager

Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)

The CCNP certification is for those who wanted to gain deep knowledge so that they can create network architecture. The CCNP certification curriculum carry following sections:

  1. Cisco advanced routing
  2. Cisco multilayer switching
  3. Converged network optimization
  4. Cisco remote access
  5. Scalable internet works

CCNP is the 3rd level of Cisco’s five-level career certification process.

CCNP focuses on Network architecture so the prime object is to create, install, and troubleshoot wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN).

Course Coverage

  1. IPv4 Addressing
  2. IPv6 Addressing
  3. TCP & UDP
  4. The Routing Table
  5. Classful v/s Classless Routing
  6. Static v/s Dynamic Routing
  7. Configuring Static Routes
  8. Default Routing
  9. Dynamic Routing Protocols
  10. Advanced Routing Functions
  11. Soft skills are similar as CCNA.

CCNP Exam Details

To become CCNP certified professional we need to clear 3 exams as given below:

  1. 300-101 ROUTE Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)
  2. 300-115 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)
  3. 300-135 TSHOOT Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)

Types of CCNP

Similar as CCNA


Similar as CCNA


Similar as CCNA


Similar as CCNA

CCNA certification is required


15000-75000 INR

Exam Registration and Attempt

Similar as CCNA

Possible Job Roles

  1. Third Line Support
  2. Network Engineer
  3. IT Team leader
  4. Network Analyst
  5. Network Specialist
  6. Systems Engineer


Both CCNA and CCNP are quite similar but the basic differences are as given below:

Eligibility No minimum eligibility Should have CCNA
Curriculum skill Basic networking Advanced networking
Exam type Associate Professional
Main object switching and routing LANs and WANs
Career Path Network technician
Helpdesk Engineer
Service Desk Engineer
Network support engineer
First and Second line support
Third Line Support
Network Engineer
IT Team leader
Network Analyst
Network Specialist
Systems Engineer

The post CCNA vs CCNP – Detailed Guide and Differences appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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A computer network means a group of computers interconnected to each other for communication and sharing resources. This network consists of both hardware and software. The media which is used to develop networks can be guided or unguided media.

Here guided means connected with the help of hardware or physical devices, like cables or ribbons. Unguided means wireless like WIFI.

The configuration of both hardware and software decides the number of components used. Also, the network type, length, size and range effects the number.

Components of Computer Network

Components of computer are classified into two parts, hardware and software components.

Hardware Components

1. Network Interface Card

  • NIC is a short form of Network Interface Card.
  • It is placed on the motherboard with a LAN connecting port.
  • It is used to connect a computer to the internet.
  • Once the chip is placed on the motherboard the MAC address is stored in the PROM (Programmable read-only memory) of the motherboard.
  • Mainly we can divide these NIC into two types as given below:
    1. Wired NIC
    2. Wireless NIC

2. Server or Host

  • Logically A server is a specific type of software or computer which provides services to another computer (client).
  • Practically a server is a computer itself.
  • The computer from which we request the data is called the server.
  • Severs are specially designed with very advance and high configurations including the latest technology.
  • The servers have very advanced processors, huge and superfast primary and secondary memory, and communication channels and modes.
  • Servers have a special network operating system installed in them to manage and control all over the network.
  • A single network may have multiple servers, depending on the size of the network.
  • A single Server can be a group of multiple small servers.

3. Client

  • Clients are those computers that send requests and receive services or data from the servers.
  • In a network, a single client could be joined to multiple servers.
  • In a network, at any moment a single server may have connections with multiple clients.
  • The connection established between client and server is volatile, which means when we want, we can break or terminate the connection. Just like manually terminating the connection, shutting down the client computer, electricity cut, etc.

4. Storage Device

  • These are like just other storage devices like hard disks or SSD but technically the network storage devices are far more advanced.
  • The storage capacity is huge and memory allocation techniques are based on highly advanced and significant algorithms.
  • These storage devices are connected and controlled by servers.
  • It is used to just store the data and nothing else.
  • Cloud computing is possible due to these storage devices.

5. Peer

  • A Peer is a computer that can act as a server or client itself.
  • This means if we are connected to a network with our system then for us our system is a client but for other users, our computer can act as a server if those users access our computer for data or services.
  • This is called peer-to-peer communication or peer-to-peer connectivity or network.
  • The transmission speed is very high in this network.
  • Peer also works as a transmission path or router.

6. Transmission Media

  • Transmission media are the connectivity or communication channels.
  • It is a physical connection or an interface between the server and the client.
  • These are used to connect the devices in a network through which data is transferred from one device to another.
  • One can find this below the physical layer and are controlled by the physical layer in the transmission model.
  • Mainly we can divide these into two types as given below:

Guided Transmission Medium

  • It stands for wired medium or media.
  • It is a physical medium that means we can touch these mediums.
  • Different types of cables and wires are used for connecting or transmitting data between devices.
  • The most popular guided media are as given below:
    1. Twisted Pair Cable
    2. Coaxial Cable
    3. Fibre Optics
    4. Power Cables

Unguided Transmission Media

  • It is also called wireless media.
  • Electromagnetic waves are used to transmit data.
  • At low frequency these waves can cross obstacles like walls or trees, even metal.
  • At high frequency these waves can’t cross obstacles, instead, they bounce back or sometimes are reflected.
  • No physical cable is required.
  • The most popular unguided media are as given below:
    1. Radio transmission
    2. Microwave transmission
    3. Infrared transmission
    4. Light transmission

7. Connecting Devices

These are special types of hardware that are used to connect devices or networks. Following are the devices:


  • As the name implies these are used to show the route to the destination.
  • A router is used to connect a LAN with an internet connection.
  • It is used to receive, analyze and forward the incoming data and signals to another network.
  • It calculates and finds out the best path from the available options for the transmission of the data.


  • A Hub is a distribution hardware device that is used to divide the network connection across multiple devices. Means one to many connections.
  • When we request any information from the network, that request first goes to Hub connected.
  • Then Hub broadcast the request to the entire network.
  • All the computers connected to the network check the requested information or data belongs to them or not. If yes then send the data or if not, then the request will be terminated.


  • A gateway is a transmission protocol converter embedded system (combination of specific task-oriented software and hardware).
  • It is a network node connects two networks with different transmission protocols together to merge them as one. But at the same time both networks are joined as one still exists individual.
  • These have specific entry and exit point.


  • A switch is a device that is used to connect multiple devices in a computer network.
  • The switch provides a direct connection between the source and destination.
  • Switch contains the updated table which decides where the request should be transmitted or not.
  • Switch transmit message to correct destination depending on the physical address received, which is present in the incoming message.


  • A modem is the first device that let our computer connects to the internet.
  • It is a hardware device that establishes a connection to the internet over the existing telephone line.
  • It stands for Modulator/Demodulator.
  • This means it converts the data from digital to an analog signal.
  • A modem is installed externally. We can connect to the modem via cables or WIFI.


  • It is a network device.
  • It connects multiple LANs (local area networks) together to form a larger LAN.
  • The process of creating a large network from small networks is called network bridging.
  • A bridge connects the different components so that they appear as parts of a single network.


  • A repeater is a hardware implemented in computer networks to expand the coverage area of the network.
  • It accepts the signals over the network, analyzes them, and then according to their concurrent condition repair and repropagate a weak or broken signal.

Software Components

1. Networking Operating System

  • It’s a special type of OS that is designed to fulfill all the requirements of a network including its hardware and software.
  • Network Operating System is installed on the server.
  • It controls the overall network and manages all the operations like sharing files, databases, applications, etc in between all the workstations on that network.

2. Protocol Suite

  • A protocol is a set of rules.
  • These models are used by networks.
  • These protocols control and manage all the operations performed in a network.
  • The two popular protocol suites are as given below:           
    1. OSI Model (Open System Interconnections)
    2. TCP / IP Model


A computer network is consisting of multiple hardware devices and software. It is a very complex structure if we want to understand it as a unit, but all the components are equally important in a network. A network should have a high transmission speed and an efficient, error free environment. It’s good to understand all the components so that we can select the required components to design our own network.

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SQL Server database is a term you’re probably already familiar with. When it comes to storing large amounts of data, databases are extremely useful. And as you’ve figured out, SQL Server’s default settings aren’t always the best. When working with new user databases, this is the case. We can define a database as, In SQL Server, a database would be composed of a set of tables that store a particular set of structured data.


SQL Server can be installed on a computer in one or more instances. Each SQL Server instance can have one or more databases.

Basically, a database table is made of rows, which are also called records or tuples, and columns, which are also called attributes. Every column in a table is made to hold a specific type of data, such as names, dates, and numbers. Every SQL Server database should have at least two operating system files: a data file and a log file. The information necessary to restore all transactions within the database is stored in log files. For allocation and management purposes, data files can indeed be clustered together in filegroups.

To improve I/O performance, SQL Server helps to create supplemental filegroups to disperse data and indexes across multiple discs. Today we are going to discuss these filegroups and when to use the multiple filegroups. Explore SQL Server Tutorial for more information.

What is Filegroup?

In a database, a filegroup is a rational approach for grouping objects. Filegroups should not be confused with actual files (.mdf, .ddf, .ndf, .ldf, etc.). Per database, you can even have multiple filegroups. All system tables will be stored in one filegroup, which will be the primary. Then you create more filegroups. You can set one filegroup as the default, and objects that aren’t assigned to a filegroup will be placed in it. You can just have multiple files in a filegroup.

  • The primary data file is in this filegroup, as are any secondary files that aren’t in other filegroups.
  • For administrative, data allocation, and placement purposes, user-defined filegroups could be formed to group data files together.

If we talk about an example- On three different disc drives, Data1.ndf, Data2.ndf, and Data3.ndf could be created and allotted to the filegroup fgroup1. The filegroup fgroup1 could then be used to create a table. The table’s data queries will also be scattered out across three discs, resulting in improved performance. A single file formed on a RAID (redundant array of independent discs) stripe set can achieve the same performance improvement. Files and filegroups, on the other hand, make it simple to add new files to new discs.

The following table lists the filegroups where all data files are stored.:

Primary: The primary file is contained in this filegroup. The primary filegroup contains all system tables.

Memory optimized data: The filestream filegroup is the foundation for a memory-optimized filegroup.

User defined: Any filegroup made by the user once the database is first created or later modified.

When to Create Filegroup?

  • SQL Server accesses data using threads; each thread is responsible for retrieving or updating data on specific pages at specific locations on discs; if you have multiple filegroups and data is spread across the disc, SQL Server can take advantage of parallel threads, which improves database performance.
  • If you’ve had a join operation that involves multiple tables in a database, putting them all in one filegroup will keep SQL Server running in parallel (for the most part); however, putting the tables in different filegroups and placing them on different discs or luns will increase operational efficiency against strongly accessed tables in different file groups because SQL Server can use parallel threads.
  • While preparing or updating the database, your database performs poorly. Multiple threads can work together to retrieve data from different file groups at the same time.
  • You have quite a table with several years of data, but you are only using a few recent years of data; that’s very helpful when partitioning the table and indexes.  It also makes it easier to archive data and avoids unnecessary scanning of records that are not currently important.
  • You have a large database, and full or disparity backup recovery times are unacceptable; if you discover database corruption of objects related to a specific filegroup, users could really restore just that file group to restore files quickly.

Learn more about SQL from this SQL Server Training to get ahead in your career.

How to Create Filegroup?

Method 1: Using T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

APPLY master

Method 2: Using Studio for Management

  • Go to properties by right-clicking on the database you want to create a filegroup in.
  • Select Filegroups from the drop-down menu.
  • Select “Add” from the drop-down menu.
  • Give the filegroup a suitable name and click OK.

Why Does one Need to Make Multiple Filegroups?

Effectiveness and recovery are the two main reasons for creating filegroups.

Disk performance issues can be alleviated by using filegroups that contain files created on specific discs. For example, your database might have one very large table with a lot of read and write activities, such as an orders table. You can make a filegroup, put a file in it, and then move a table to it by moving the clustered index. (I’ll show you how to do it later in this article.) You will get better performance if the file is created on a separate disc from other files. This is similar to the logic used in databases to separate data and log files. Once you spread files all over multiple discs, performance improves. Because instead of one person doing all the work, you have numerous heads reading and writing.

Filegroups can also be backed up and restored independently. In the event of a disaster, this could allow for faster object recovery. It can also aid in the management of large databases.

How to Create Multiple Filegroups?

The filegroups can be specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement when creating a new database.

We are going to make a database called FilegroupTest. PRIMARY and FGTestFG2 are the two filegroups. FGTest1 dat, which is assigned to PRIMARY, and FGTest2 dat, which is assigned to FGTestFG2.

Filegroups 1

If you already have a database, you can add a filegroup with the ALTER DATABASE statement. FGTestFG3 will be added to FilegroupTest.

Filegroups 2

Using sys.filegroups, you can see the filegroups in a database.

Filegroups 3

you can use ALTER DATABASE to create a new file, FGTest3 dat, and assign it to FGTestFG3.

Filegroups 4

Benefits of Using Multiple Filegroups

  • You can take full advantage of the I/O bandwidth for every physical device/path to see you’ve positioned filegroups onto by splitting a database across multiple filegroups. Multiple filegroups on the same physical disc / LUN would provide no benefit, but multiple discs / LUNs can provide you with a multiple of the bandwidth of a single disc / LUN.
  • You can go into great detail, storing parts of the database that are accessed less commonly on slower “nearline” media and maintaining the higher-activity pieces (heavily used indexes, tables, and so on) on the more expensive, faster storage.
  • A decent indexing tactic can enable the ground states to grow while query times remain relatively constant. If you find that the I/O that hosts your filegroups is becoming saturated, you can improve performance by creating additional filegroups on additional discs / LUNs. Monitoring I/O performance is the key to determining if multiple filegroups will benefit you. If you’re CPU-bound or RAM-constrained, multiple filegroups won’t help you. I/O utilization is only one axis of comprehensive performance monitoring, and filegroups only help with that.


Filegroups are really a great way to manage your data while also improving performance and adding disaster recovery. It’s ideal if you can do this during the planning stages, but keep in mind that you can also add filegroups later. Piecemeal restore can be used to restore SQL Server databases with multiple filegroups in stages. The piecemeal restore actually does work in the same way as a standard restore, with three phases: data copy, redo and undo. Whereas your database and other filegroups continue to stay online, you can reinstate one of your filegroups. Please remember that your database ought to be offline when recovering the PRIMARY filegroup.

Author Bio:

I am Sai Priya Ravuri and I’m the content creator at MindMajix Technologies. I hold in-depth knowledge of Programming, Technologies, Business Intelligence, Analytics, Project Management and Methodologies, Business Process Management, Content Management systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, etc.

The post What is Filegroup in Sql Server? When & How to Create? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

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Since its inception in 2002, the developers at FusionCharts have worked hard to secure the computational resources in multi-institutional surroundings for their geographically dispersed users.

The current improvements to their grid security have streamlined the administration and usage of various resources.

More than just increasing the security, the advances have made security simpler for the resource administrators and fusion scientists that use FusionGrid and make them get their work done with the lesser inconvenience.

The fusion scientists welcome enhancements in authorization, authentication, and data handling and assure to ease any burden by adding new and unique resources to a grid.

FusionGrid 1

What is FusionCharts?

FusionCharts is a highly-advanced JavaScript charting library, especially for your web & enterprise applications, their products are used by more than 27,000 firms and 750,000+ developers globally. It includes more than 90 charts and 1000+ maps that can transform your data into the most interactive dashboards.

More than 800,000 developers trust FusionCharts programs and apps over 28,000 companies, including Google, Apple, Facebook, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, Caterpillar, Intel, Vanguard, Walmart, and many more.

What is FusionGrid?

FusionGrid is an easy-to-learn, advanced, responsive, mobile-friendly, and rich free and open-source JavaScript grid components library that helps in speeding up the web application development.  It is a customizable JavaScript grid component for mobile and desktop applications.

The idea is to facilitate the implementation of grids with FusionCharts dashboards with powerful features.

This allows you to build the data grids with simplicity and elegance. For customized, responsive, and quick data tables and grids, FusionCharts has come up with their new offering FusionGrid which can render well in almost all browsers, over tablets, desktops, and smartphone devices.

FusionGrid is a licensed product with these options: Basic, Pro, and Enterprise Packages.

Why Choose FusionGrid?

FusionGrid 2

More than 800,000 developers from over 28,000+ companies prefer FusionCharts products over other Open source and paid libraries. Given some top reasons, you must choose FusionGrid:

  • Less learning curve.
  • Amazing performance; draw charts with one million data in just 2 seconds.
  • Simple to integrate with tech stack.
  • Fast and responsive.
  • Negligible maintenance charges.
  • Great customer support.

Top Features of FusionGrid


FusionGrid has built-in support and in-cell editing. It is easy to customize data stored in the FuisonGrid, like pop-up editors, data validation, and custom editors.


The FusionGrid was developed with smartphone devices in mind.

Thus, it allows you to deliver better user experiences, which adapt to various screen resolutions — from the web to smartphones and tablets.

Column & Layout Customization

FusionGrid comes with fixed column support that helps you improve the data readability.

Additionally, you will have countless runtime layout choices that can reorder, resize, display, and hide individual columns.


Like Excel, the FusionGrid JavaScript platform allows you to select a wide range of cells on multiple rows & columns. It allows you to modify the selection marquee and set selection by using Selection API.

Mobile Optimized & Touch-friendly

With a highly responsive layout & optimized design for touch screens, desktops, and smartphones, this program works well on almost types of mobile phones using Android, iOS, and Windows 8 OS.

FusionGrid 3

Advanced FusionGrid Features

  • Load millions and millions of records in a second.
  • Mobile design that adapts perfectly to any given resolution.
  • Flexible editing & intuitive recording API selection modes.
  • Advanced Excel-like grouping and filtering options.
  • Endless column customizations & data summaries.
  • Smooth data exporting.

FusionGrid allows you to render grids in modern browsers, over desktops, smartphone devices, and tablets, as given in the table.



Internet Explorer










iOS (Safari)


Android Browser


To learn more about FusionGrid visit its official website here www.fusioncharts.com/fusiongrid.

The post FusionGrid – Javascript Grid Library to Speed Up App Development appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/aH7e0rb

This is a capability of a computer that it can be attached to another computer and both can work as one single unit. This connectivity is called networking. So, in simple words computer network is a group of at least two and more computers attached in a well-defined manner. This network shares a common communication path for sharing resources like data files.

Types of computer networks are basically depending on the number of computers or devices (like servers), the location of devices along with their respective distance in between. We can term this all as the size of the network. A computer network is mainly of 12 types as given below.

  • WAN (Wide Area Network)
  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

We all are aware of these three but as the result of development in technology now we have more types as given below:

  • PAN (Personal Area Network)
  • Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
  • Campus Area Network (CAN)
  • Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • System-Area Network (SAN)
  • Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)
  • Enterprise Private Network (EPN)
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Home Area Network (HAN)

Let’s discuss them one by one in detail.

Types of Computer Network

Types of Computer Network

1. Local Area Network (LAN)

  1. It is a network created in a small area such as a building, or office.
  2. Number of devices depends on the network size. It maybe 2 or 2000.
  3. Little costly.
  4. Hardware such as hubs, network adapters, ethernet cables, twisted pairs, coaxial cables, etc. is used.
  5. Provide high bandwidth for a fast transmission rate with high security.
  6. Ethernet and Wi-fi are two famous examples.

2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

  1. This network covers a large geographical area like cities or states. The internet service worldwide is provided with this network with the help of cables, often going through the sea and oceans.
  2. We can also call it a group of lots of LAN or MAN.
  3. It’s not location oriented, geographically it is everywhere. We can add any place in a running WAN.
  4. A Wide Area Network consists of huge amount of telephone lines, fiber optical cables or satellite links.
  5. This network maybe a private or public network. This means if a single organization creates its own WAN, then only the authorities approved by the organization can use this Private WAN.
  6. On the other hand, anyone can access a public WAN. Public WAN are created and provided by telecom or internet service provider on free or chargeable basis.
  7. The Internet itself is an example of WAN.

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

  1. This network covers a larger geographic area like a city or state sized area.
  2. We can call it a group of lots of LAN.
  3. Bigger than LAN but smaller than WAN.
  4. In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through telephone exchange lines or fiber, optical cables.
  5. It’s not limited to a building.
  6. Speed of MAN depends on the speed of the attached LAN.

4. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

  1. Wireless LAN is similar as a small size LAN.
  2. Its wireless so the limit is quite wide but when we go far from the source network provider (Router or modem) the speed gets low.
  3. Used in Homes, schools, or small office building.
  4. At least 2 or multiple devices including peripheral devices like smartphones, printers, projectors, and smart assistant devices can be associated.
  5. currently WLAN systems are based on IEEE 802.11 standards.

5. Personal Area Network (PAN)

  1. It is the smallest and most basic network formation.
  2. It covers a very small area (maximum a room or a house).
  3. PAN is user-oriented means a single person can have their own PAN, or members of a home or small business team upto 20-30 members can have their combined PAN.
  4. In today’s time, we use WIFI at our home, through which we and other family members can join our smartphones, laptops, desktop, virtual assistant, and other devices as well.
  5. Bluetooth is a kind of PAN.
  6. PAN has very short-range support maximum upto 10 meters.
  7. It supports limited numbers of devices at once.
  8. The router is connected to the internet with the help of wire or becomes wireless.
  9. The router creates a WIFI environment for hassle free connectivity.
  10. If we connect our devices to each other with cables then it is also considered PAN.
  11. So, a PAN can be wireless or wired.
  12. The maximum hardware used is a router and cables.
  13. Car multimedia connectivity, Bluetooth connectivity, Hotspot connectivity, and WIFI connectivity are counted as PAN.

6. Storage Area Network (SAN)

  1. SAN is also a type of LAN.
  2. A SAN provides access to block-level data storage. Means data can be stored in fix size blocks in storage devices over a network itself.
  3. Mainly used for handling large data transfers and storage.
  4. This network is dedicated to moving larger, more complex storage data to move or being transmitted over a specific predefined path.
  5. It is a high-speed network that connects groups of storage devices to several other servers worldwide.
  6. Instead of using LAN, a SAN moves the storage resources from the network to its own high-powered network configuration.
  7. SAN controls easy retrieval and storage of the data.
  8. SAN also manages the storage space in network as it frees up space and improves the overall performance of the network.

7. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

  1. VPN is like a Private Area Network over a WAN, MAN, or LAN.
  2. It means whenever we use a large internet network, we can run our own small size PAN on this network.
  3. The reason behind using a VPN is to increase security and privacy while accessing any network.
  4. it encrypts our data and hides our identity.
  5. By this we can avoid hacking, cyber threats and attacks.
  6. This is a great option for sending and receiving confidential information.
  7. VPN are virtual means no hardware is used instead some specific types of software are used to create VPN.
  8. VPN runs in sessions. This means once we create a VPN it will exist till we close the session. Once we close the session the VPN got terminated. If we want to start another session then we need to create another VPN.

8. System Area Network (SAN)

  1. A SAN consists of multiple computers or devices and pretends as a single computer.
  2. This group of multiple computers or devices is known as clusters.
  3. It is similar to Storage Area Network, but its support applications as well like server-to-server application and processor-to-processor applications.
  4. This network is useful for processing applications that require high network performance.
  5. It works on the LAN concept.
  6. It provides high-speed connectivity. It handles high amounts of information in large requests generated simultaneously in between the connected devices of the network.

9. Campus Area Network (CAN)

  1. Campus refers to a fixed limited sized geographical area. For example a school or college premises.
  2. CAN is bigger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN.
  3. Multiple routers are used to receive internet and enhance the transmission speed.
  4. A CAN could be spread across several buildings within the campus.
  5. Examples of CAN are networks that cover schools, colleges, buildings, hotels, resorts etc.

10. Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)

  1. A POLAN is a technology that is used to distribute the single LAN signal into multiple small LAN.
  2. It is a point-to-multipoint LAN architecture. It generally uses optical splitters for splitting an optical signal from one strand of single mode optical fiber to multiple signals for serving users and devices.
  3. This means one LAN signal as input and creates multiple Small LAN signals. Example Water Showers used in Bathrooms, where single pipeline connectivity acts as a LAN input and small tiny holes which sprayed water as output acts as a small distributed LAN signal.
  4. Numbers of cables are used to router equal to a required internet connection.

11. Enterprise Private Network (EPN)

  1. This network often consists of WAN or MAN.
  2. It is like a worldwide spread Private Area Network specially designed for an organization.
  3. Such organizations want a secure connection over various locations to share computer resources but in the limit of the organization.

12. Home Area Network (HAN)

  1. Similar a Private area network but covers a home only.
  2. Works on LAN structure.
  3. Limited devices can be attached at once.


A computer network is a group of interconnected computers. Through which we can access the data and resources available on another connected computer. This thing makes the whole world feels like at our doorstep. One can use the network for online data transmission, video sessions and virtual meetings, learning, etc. Each network type has its own configuration, requirements, and usefulness along with its limits. One can choose the best suitable model from the above mentioned.

The computer itself is a good smart device but single or offline computer offer very less utilization. A network of computers also called as the Internet gives the computer its actual strength and 100 percent utilization. So, it’s good to use the network facility per your own requirement.

The post 12 Different Types of Computer Network appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/djvNap4

According to the Statista study, Python was the most used programming language in the whole world in 2021. Almost half of the responders admit its popularity keeps growing. So it’s no surprise that developers want to improve their skills and complete Python projects successfully.

As a hard-working programmer, you want to do your job like a pro. It means completing projects fast and avoiding common mistakes. If you desire to reach such a goal and enhance your performance then you need to take into account top Python web frameworks. Thanks to such a collection of modules, professional property management software development can automate the execution of certain tasks. As a result, they get an opportunity to clear their schedule from routine actions and focus on truly important tasks.

Popular Python Frameworks to Use

Top 5 Python Frameworks You Must Know in 2022

In short, a framework is a collection of packages to use during the app developing process. Every framework contains several Python web library options. Wise programmers understand the importance of such tools and try to extend their skills by learning more frameworks. Such an approach helps them to make workflow simpler and more efficient.

As you can see, frameworks are extremely useful in the Python programming language. On the one hand, a developer gets an opportunity to simplify the working process. Python frameworks are much more beneficial compared to libraries as well.

On the other hand, such an approach excluded an issue when another developer can’t work with an app made by another developer. If a programmer knows the exact framework then he is able to continue the work that was started by someone else.

Overall, there are many types of frameworks you may be interested in. Here are 3 major categories for developers: 

  • full-stack framework. Such tools are quite complex but allow using comprehensive solutions in programming;
  • micro framework Python. These options are much easier in usage so a developer gets simpler features;
  • Python asyncio web framework. By using this tool an expert will be able to launch concurrent connections in large quantities.

So by developing your skills and knowledge in this field, you level up your perspectives with this programming language. So let’s mention and explain several top Python frameworks that are essential for decent developers.


Django belongs to full-stack frameworks and is known as a highly demanded tool among Python developers. It is based on the idea of not repeating the same things, so-called a “DRY” position (Don’t repeat yourself). Using Django, a programmer has access to Oracle, SQLite, MySQL, and other libraries. Thanks to this, you can change databases during your work.

The huge popularity of this framework is caused by its particularities. For instance, the key benefit is a strong focus on security. Django is known as the most reliable and secure solution among many Python frameworks. In addition, it follows an architecture called MVC-MVT, which has authentication support, URL routing, and other important features.


Flask is a very lightweight and adaptive framework. It belongs to the category of micro frameworks so isn’t as functional and featured as Django. But programmers often use it because in this case, they are capable of developing decent software basics without facing common issues. After this, you can use extensions and improve your app.

Flask is a very demanding Python API framework because of its significant features. It is Unicode-based and has an opportunity to plug in any object-relational mapping. Developers highly anticipate the in-built server and debugger, unit testing, cookies support, and so on.


This is another Python framework that belongs to the micro category. It is a perfect choice for prototyping because Bottle has got more than 73 updates in the past years. Programmers can find support and discuss issues at the Bottle community and specific forums.

The very important particularity of Bottle you must mention is its limits. You can use it to develop a Python based web application with a shortcode. It means your code can contain up to 500 lines and no more. Also, this is a great tool for software that isn’t required to have many features.


This is one of the most popular asynchronous frameworks. Its specialization is to help developers focus on speed and huge traffic. It makes this Python framework highly anticipated for developing applications for big audiences. Experts say that software developed with Tornado can handle approximately 10 thousand connections.

Among the most important features of Tornado are real-time servers, an ability to process huge amounts of concurrent connections, non-blocking HTTP client, featured options, etc. Nowadays this framework is as popular as Django and Flask. It is more complicated but allows you to achieve better app performance.


CherryPy is quite an old, open-source, minimalistic framework. No one can call it the fastest Python web framework but it is still popular among programmers. What is more important – it can work with different extensions and includes opportunities for using them. By having its own server, CherryPy becomes more featured in the end. 

For instance, it’s great that you can create an application compatible with any operating system. CherryPy software supports Linux, Windows, macOS, etc. At the same time, experts say that this tool may be improved and be easier to use. 

Final Thoughts

Actually, the number of decent and useful Python frameworks is much bigger. There are many other options to try to improve your work and final results. The listed above examples are very popular and well-known among most developers.

Experts say that beginners in Python should pay extra attention to Django and Flask. Both tools are simple and bring programmers useful benefits. Step by step, you can master more tools in programming and level up your professionalism. While you are growing as an expert in programming, you will learn more frameworks to create better Python web apps.

Anyway, there are many other tools beyond this list you need to know. Just begin to improve your skills and keep evolving your profession in the future!

The post Top 5 Python Frameworks You Must Know in 2022 appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/Gi5Mn0b

With an increasing demand for software engineers and programmers comes to demand to get educated in this programming field. Hence, many different platforms have actually surfaced that have helped coders and programmers to reach their goals as well as maximize their abilities.

In this post, we are going to look at two platforms Codecademy vs freeCodeCamp, and study some special features of both to reach a strong conclusion about which appears to be the right choice to use.

What is freeCodeCamp?


freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported, nonprofit organization that includes an interactive online learning platform, a community forum, Medium publications, chat rooms, and organizations that help to make online learning accessible to anybody. Their primary goal is to help people to learn code for free. And they achieve it through articles, videos, lessons, and study groups across the world.

  • Front-End Development: Suppose your primary goal is creating the browser-based system, then freeCodeCamp provides the program for educating their users in the front-end development. The front-end developers have to handle web browsers & often interact with their user base and client, which results in the long-term project.
  • Programming Languages: An important lesson for aspiring developers and programmers, freeCodeCamp has got lessons in coding languages important to create proper functioning programs. Courses available at freeCodeCamp include Cascading Style Sheets, Hypertext Markup Language, JavaScript and Python.
  • API: freeCodeCamp offers an application programming interface or API certification. The application programming interface is an intermediary course that allows 2 different apps to communicate with each other for better and concurrent use.
  • Data Visualization: Writing a code is one of the important skills to learn and freeCodeCamp gives you an option of expanding important skills & delve into some interdisciplinary skills. Through the data visualization, developers and programmers will be able to learn and create graphical representations of the code for presenting it to prospective customers and clients.

freeCodeCamp provides various certifications courses that are geared towards software and web development. This allows a huge deal of freedom for developers and programmers by letting you experiment with various coding skills without taking any help.

freeCodeCamp Pros:

  • Get certifications 
  • Get experience in coding for the non-profits
  • Free to use

freeCodeCamp Cons:

  • Learning material isn’t in-depth
  • The offline version is not available

What is Codecademy?


Codecademy is an interactive online platform that provides coding classes for free in 12 programming languages. Codecademy can be a perfect platform for you. It provides various courses in different programming languages and subject areas. Most of the courses are for beginners and has had more than 45k users that have enrolled in their courses & paths.

  • Web Development: Codecademy has got lesson plans that are geared toward teaching a professional programmer and developer with a long-term goal to generate the front-end application.
  • Programming Languages Offered: Codecademy instructs students who have enrolled in their program to learn CSS, HTML, JavaScript and Python. But, it is worth noting that Codecademy provides lessons in Structured Query Language, C++, PHP, and many coding languages not easily available in the freeCodeCamp’s curriculum.
  • Developer Tools: Codecademy provides a course highly dedicated to educating developers in using toolkits while writing code. Just building a little familiarity with the tools, simplifies creating code functioning.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning: Codecademy provides the course focusing mainly on data science and focuses on comprehension and interpretation of code whereas teaching the related hardware to make some informed judgments from the data. This is a professional course geared toward the development of smart programs.

Codecademy offers some necessary curricula for teaching the next generation of web developers and programmers. But, it provides many other courses that focus on software and hardware simultaneously, designing smart machines being an important example.

Codecademy Pros:

  • Share repositories to GitHub.
  • Active forums
  • Has professional advisors to help the students in their learning process

Codecademy Cons:

  • Courses are under paywall – over $20 /month
  • No certifications given

Who Are These Courses Made For?

freeCodeCamp and Codecademy both are online platforms to learn and execute code right from beginners to advanced who wish to expand their learning skills. No matter whether you want to learn game development, web development, programming and data science, or Computer Science, you will not be limited here. For beginners who do not have any budget set aside, both these platforms have the right course for you too. Try it now!

Best Platform For Beginners

With a wide range of information about the comprehensiveness of lesson plans that are offered by both Codecademy and freeCodeCamp, it is tough to decide which is the right choice for beginners.

freeCodeCamp provides an interactive and intensive lesson program that offers prospective developers an ability to try coding & make their mistakes when offering the advanced and comprehensive curriculum. It makes the freeCodeCamp course the best selection for people who are looking to improve their skills and get a deeper knowledge of this coding world. Unluckily, it will be very confusing and intimidating to those without any cursory knowledge of web development and programming.

Codecademy vs freeCodeCamp

Codecademy freeCodeCamp
Codecademy offers less detailed lesson plan freeCodeCamp offers intensive lesson plan
Codecademy offers lessons in tier system, Basic Tier, Pro tier, and Team tier. freeCodeCamp offers curriculum for free
Codecademy lesson plans can be shorter or longer freeCodeCamp course consists of 300-hour curriculum
CodeCademy has a higher paywall freeCodeCamp is a free & open source platform
No certifications available Certifications available

Final Thoughts

Both CodeCademy & freeCodeCamp are amazing platforms that you may leverage and kickstart your programming career. freeCodeCamp is totally free whereas CodeCademy has got the subscription service, which is a bit costly but again it is worth paying if you want it that way. However, paid service proves much better than the free service. In such a case, we can’t confirm otherwise. CodeCademy has in-depth teaching about the courses. Also, CodeCademy’s premium members will get feedback from the experts on the projects that makes the learning experience feel better.

The post Codecademy vs freeCodeCamp 2022 – Which is Better? appeared first on The Crazy Programmer.

from The Crazy Programmer https://ift.tt/3IfaqN6


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